The podcast discusses using a pipeline management system to track prospects on LinkedIn. It allows automatically adding leads to the pipeline from groups and profiles. Messages can be sent to prospects through templates as they move through the stages. Responses have been around 40% positive. Connecting with others who have engaged with your content first helps build familiarity before connecting. The system makes it easy to have depth of conversation with many prospects without losing your place. It was noted that personal connections will become more important as automated content increases online. Tracking engagement and moving prospects through stages can help increase meetings booked from initial connections.
- A sales pipeline management system was demonstrated that allows tracking prospects at different stages, from suspects to contacts to opportunities. It automatically populates details from LinkedIn.
- The system makes it easy to find and add large numbers of leads/suspects quickly from various online sources like LinkedIn groups.
- Standardized message templates are used at different stages to ensure communication is consistent and moves conversations forward.
- Automated activities like commenting and engaging with prospects' social media helps increase visibility and build familiarity before connecting.
- Prospect responses to initial connection requests on LinkedIn have a success rate of around 40%, better than direct mail.
- Personalizing outreach based on prospects' interests extracted from their profiles and content increases relevance and response rates.
- The system supports dynamically adjusting conversations based on a prospect's responses to keep discussions tailored.
- Tracking prospects through a sales pipeline prevents losing track of conversations and next steps as volume increases.
- Connecting with a target company's employees first can help gain credibility and access to decision-makers.
- Such systems may become even more important for creating meaningful connections as automated/inauthentic content proliferates online.
Automatically-Generated Transcription:
So next up we've got Mr. Tim Hyde. And I spoke with Tim. I was, I know it was six or eight months ago or something. And he showed me what he was doing with, you know, with his on, on his screen and how he was following up people and all that sort of thing.
And I, I was curious because I've often done stuff, or not often, but a couple of times I've done stuff on LinkedIn and then I've just given up because it's been tough to do all the follow up and keep in touch with people and all that sort of thing.
The LinkedIn setup isn't super conducive to that.
And so I chatted with him recently.
I said, how's it going?
He goes, yeah, it's working really well.
So he, he's got a system called Sell by Chat, you know, the best way to meet your next client blueprint.
And it includes how he's adding hundreds of quality leads in under a minute and using a sell by chat system to manage 8,315.
You're sure it isn't six 316?
Hold To, I'd have to go back and have another check.
It's gonna be good.
I'm gonna add a few, I'm gonna add a few hundred more here.
I don't have slides.
I'm gonna be very informal, uh, with it.
And Can you do screen share?
I will do screen share.
To be fair, I didn't come up with that title so he can blame Scotty for the title.
Yes, Concurrent conversations on LinkedIn.
Guys, I apologize.
I've gotta go.
I've got a, a, another meeting and I'm desperately disappointed 'cause I really wanted to see what you've gotta say, Tim.
And We're recording.
Let's go off.
You've Got the recording anyway, haven't you?
Yeah, yeah, Yeah.
I, I can get the, I'll drop the recording in in Slack, so check out that afterwards.
Alright, Hopefully I appreciate that, Hopefully.
And, um, thanks guys for your help and sorry, I, I've gotta miss yours.
I really wanted to see it, Tim, but that's All good.
Hopefully some of these other guys ask insightful, intelligent questions.
Thank you.
Thanks Keith.
All good.
Alright, let's get on.
I'll, I'll, I'll share my screen in a sec.
I just wanted to give you some preface, um, before we get in and, and I'll, I'll, I'll effectively show you a live demo as we go.
Hopefully my internet won't go ass up while it's raining out here.
Apparently, according to Optic and Telstra, the internet does not change when, when it's raining, but we all know otherwise.
I think when I come back to this fundamentals of, of customer journey, uh, and how we say business, right?
And there's all sorts of different stuff that we can put in to kind of influence the connection we've got with people.
So it might be testimonial, it might be video, whatever we're doing.
Ultimately we're trying to do one of three things, right?
And the first one of those I think in, in any marketing journey is that we've gotta connect with the right people, right?
I think we would all agree here that if we started pitching to kindergarten kids, it'd be a, like a, a ridiculously long pipeline and half of those people wouldn't be really our target market.
So the first thing is we've gotta find groups of our target market where they hang out and connect with those people.
The second stage is obviously deepen relationships.
Now more often than not, we do that with content, we do that with email marketing, we do that with video.
We show social proof for our testimonials, uh, in order to get that connection and an element of visibility and trust with someone that they go, I know who you are, I can pay attention to what you do.
And you seem interesting, right?
The third side is always, we've gotta see if they've got a problem, right?
And that's where our call to action, some form of call to action comes up.
Whether it's an event around property investment and and development.
Whether it's do you wanna buy my book, whether it's wanting to down mine, my ebook, come to my training, my challenge, whatever, that's the third stage, right?
It's always about see if they've got a problem.
And the last stage of course is, are you right fit or actually, do I like you enough to want to solve your problem?
So I don't think any of us would disagree.
That's largely describes the marketing journey.
Obviously post delivery, there's a a bit more about upsell retention and so on.
Um, and I think, I don't, I would be speaking out of turn here if I suggested that none of you have not heard about a sell by chat strategy.
Um, particularly before, uh, chat G P t decided to take over the, the news, right?
Everything over covid was all sell by chat as everyone suddenly went online in a big way, right?
That was the strategy that, that everyone was starting to adopt, right?
But there's a problem with generally sell by chat, right?
And I think it comes back to these fundamentals that Robin Dunbar talks about in Dunbar's Mumba is that we can only maintain five intimate relationships before we start running out of capacity to understand what it is that we're trying to do.
15 close relationships, 50 casual relationships, and 150 like acquaintances, right?
People we know and recognize, but we don't really know the first thing about them, right?
And I think even in this group here, you look at who's more really close relationships and who's my more casual relationships.
You know, we know who drinks coffee, who drinks beer, who drinks wine?
What color you generally wear, what's your wife's name?
Who's full of terrible jokes?
Hello John Doer.
Thanks John.
Hi John, you're not and so on.
And so the more you know about someone, the more intimacy you wanna create.
And I think one of the challenges we have as marketers, both for ourselves and for our clients is how do we scale the number of relationships we have at the same time as we increase the level of intimacy, not decrease, which often happens as we grow.
So this is a system that I came across, um, a couple of years back.
I actually met the two guys who develop it.
It's not my system, same as video ask, not my system.
Um, but I got the opportunity to consult to these two guys in the US a couple of years back.
And they were, they come through the ClickFunnels thing, they've got a couple of the sort of plates on the wall from ClickFunnels and all that sort of stuff about building million dollar courses and so on.
But they were recognizing the same thing 'cause they were using sell by chat systems to grow their market share.
They literally get onto someone, blast their ear off and say, Hey, do you wanna buy my thing?
And away we go.
Now, of course, the problem, there's a couple of problems with it as we mentioned firstly, is our customer doesn't know the game we're trying to play.
Second one is they're not on all the time.
And the third one is how do we manage the number of conversations that we've got, right?
So I will share a screen now if I can.
There we go.
And you can see here obviously that there are an absolute time.
Let's go to, let's go to LinkedIn for argument's sake.
Let's go to, where's my messages on LinkedIn?
Here we go.
There's literally thousands of messages that are probably unapplied to, okay?
And most people will scroll back half a day at most to see the most recent messages.
They'll just reply to the ones on top.
Now LinkedIn particularly, we know people who may be on once a week or twice a week or so.
They're not really on the all time.
So when I'm message Steve, for example, I message met yesterday, if he doesn't get my message about the next step that I want to take him on, it's gonna be on page 17 of his inbox, his messaging inbox.
And so he is not gonna reply and because he's now on page 17 of mine, I'm not gonna remember to follow up with him either.
The only time sell by chat systems really work is if there's that immediate response, right?
And we've all seen screenshots of the message and this is how powerful it is, da da da, I did this sort of thing and someone responded straight away.
But it only works when they respond straight away and you're on top of it.
And even when we throw them off to these, these messaging guys who promise to sell by chat for you, again, it only really works if they can manage the number of conversations otherwise they disappear.
And I can always guarantee you that you've all got messages in your inbox where you've sent a call to action to someone and they haven't seen it because it's now on page four of their inbox or page five of their inbox.
It's not that they don't wanna do it, they just haven't seen your reply.
And because it's now on page 20 of yours, you haven't gone, oh, I need to get back to Rob or Ben or Sally or Jane or whoever.
And so we have this scattered around the place of half finished conversations that have never actually gone to where or progressed to where we want them to go.
In the same way that many of you, maybe your former relationships didn't progress because you, there's John like that, right?
Thank you John.
Appreciate that.
Haven't really progressed any further because we've just forgotten they've even forgotten us or we've forgotten them to take that next step in the relationship, okay?
So it really only works if we've got some form of system in order to manage the number of conversations.
Now Scotty mentioned, I'm trying to manage eight and a half thousand of them at the moment.
We can probably add a few more to that today.
Um, and so we need some form of system to manage these conversations and know what the next step is, but also be able to way have a way to systemize those conversations so that we as the genius behind the profile, don't have to actually manage 'em.
We can get a $5 an hour Filipino to go and do that conversation for us.
Now, this system, these guys developed called flow chat, I'll show you over here, right?
It's effectively a CanBan board style pipeline management system.
I don't care what system it is, you could do, I've, I've seen people try to do this in a Google sheet as well.
I just find that a little bit cumbersome, but, and I'll, I'll show, I'll talk about the color coding and all that sort of stuff in a sec, right?
The thing that I really love about this is it becomes very easy to not only when you apply it, it not only becomes very easy to find and scrape leads and not, we're not actually scraping their email addresses in this case literally was scraping their social profile links, right?
And their messaging links and put them in as a victor, as a lead in here and then manually manage where those lead those conversations they're up to.
So it's not automated.
I'm, as much as I love automation, and you all know me as an automation guy, I find conversations are absolutely terrible when automated and you've all got them, right?
You've all, you're all in the receiving end of those automated conversations and they generally start with hi.
And then about five minutes later I was, here's my pitch, right?
And you're just, oh, thanks for getting to know me.
I feel really special now.
So I'm gonna, I'm gonna run through this.
I'm looking at a couple of different scenarios here and there's Taki more.
Thank you very much, Taki.
I'm gonna go and scrape a bunch of leads out of Taki's group as well shortly, and I'll show you how we can do that.
So let's start with, let's start with, I'm gonna jump into, let's do LinkedIn.
We can do it anywhere.
In this case, Canberra, small business owners.
I happen to be a member of this group on Facebook, I'm sorry, on LinkedIn for argument's sake.
Let me say that these people are all I, my target market happens to be small business owners in Canberra.
There are about a million different groups out there that have a group of your target market.
So let's take this guys, I'm just gonna scroll through this and you'll see this little widget here that updates with all the people.
I won't go too far through them, but all these people in presumably are Canberra small business owners.
I'm literally going to import 30 profiles here.
I'm gonna give them some value.
Let's make it worth 5,000 bucks for argument's sake.
I'm gonna stick them in.
This is my little demo profile I'm gonna show you.
And just for good measure, I'm gonna make these yellow so I know where they are and I can put in hashtag Amber Small business owners, right?
So I just know where to find these guys again later.
And literally by that it's gonna go bang and what it's done is gone and taken because all of these effectively just, um, hyperlinks right to these people's profiles.
And so now when I come back into my pipeline, you'll see now that there's 30 odd people.
Now these are just suspects.
I dunno whether they're right people for me, I just happen to know they're in Canberra.
They happen to be small business owners.
But what it's done is actually put a value against all these people.
You can see they're yellow, right?
You could color code for the team member who's responsible for following them up.
You could color code for where you found them and so on.
You can see if I click on their card here, I can see here that they've got a tag, right?
For Canberra, small business owner, they're added to my C R M.
So on.
And as I start to move these things from my profile, my link, my thing, I can say, oh Victoria, let's have a look at Victoria.
And just by clicking on the little icon for the thing, it takes me directly to Victoria and I can see she's a consultant, policy advisor and sustainable use of heritage assets.
Holy s**t.
No chance in hell that I want her in my pipeline at all.
So she's not going to progress through my pipeline, right?
She's not qualified.
So I'm gonna bin her straight away.
Okay, I don't even follow up.
Let's go to Laura.
Have a look at Laura, senior resource leader.
Sounds pretty boring.
Doesn't have a profile.
We could probably do some improvement on her social profiles.
She re, she represents a potential contact.
And so what we might do with Laura is we then just drag her into next column and say, okay, she's now qualified.
And as we progress through this, you'll see some more stuff and I'll get to some other ones.
Let's look at some more groups.
So there's my Canberra, small business owners, let's go and uh, let's go to John North.
You can see if I click on John North, he's messaged me.
And you'll see John North pops up here as a potential leader.
It's gonna import one profile.
There we go.
John, I'm gonna stick you in the same thing.
I'm gonna make you purple.
There we go.
And I've just bought John North into my profile, into my thing as well as a potential contact or as a potential suspect, right?
Then we're gonna go through, let's find a bunch more.
Let's go to elite marketers, right group on Facebook.
I can now just scroll through the big group list of people.
These represent all maybe my dream.
Same sort of thing.
Hashtag elite marketers.
I could even call your potential referral partners if I wanted to make it even more powerful.
You guys can pick it.
Here we go.
Let's stick you in there.
What color do you wanna be?
There you go.
Import list elite marketers and uh, might have to add the group first.
One sec.
Add new group.
Elite marketers, add group.
All right, so there we go.
Lead in.
And again, all we're trying to do is just go through wherever the people happen to be and go.
I think these people are, are suspects.
You might decide that grant card owns 4.2 million followers, uh, uh, are prospects for you.
So what do we do?
We click on the followers and there we go.
There's 50 people that follow Grant Cardone.
I can stick into my pipeline, right?
And so was going through this and saying, okay, where are these people?
They're not gonna get 'em from Pinterest or Instagram or, or Facebook or LinkedIn or Slack or Discord or Twitter or TikTok or whatever.
Whatever source you want, right?
So it's Brexit's really easy to scrape potential prospects.
Now here's another one.
Let's go to, let's bugger elite marketers off.
'cause you guys, I'd love to be able to help you at all.
But let's go to seven figure business coach.
I'm need something.
I'm gonna be a sneaky, I'm gonna go to Tuck Moore's business Joe.
For example, if I was to search for coaches, now there's a whole bunch of people out there that do this sort of s**t all the time, right?
We really want people who are putting their hand up to say we want to grow.
So let's go to this one, right?
Here's a thing, da da da da.
Many coaches make, and I know that Tuckie does this all the time, specifically, here is your hero and he is gone.
I want people who want to get the workbook about designing a hero product.
Does anyone, has anyone in solution design here or hero product design?
And there's 63 people here.
Let's just go into comments.
There's 63 people here who have said, yes, I want to grow my business and I need help designing my hero product.
There we go.
I'm just gonna import in this case 29 profiles, Hero's give a name.
Same thing, right?
So these people are not only prospects, they've also indicated by their behavior that they actually want to grow their business in some way, right?
They're not my, they're not my followers, they're someone else's followers.
But if I start connecting with them and building a relationship, well maybe I can help them in a similar way as well.
If they don't like Tuck's price or if cut's jib, so to speak, right?
And so now when we come back to our pipeline, uh, refresh, there we go.
I just added 144 leads.
What was that?
18 minutes.
I could have gone further if I wanted just by doing more escrow, right?
If I really wanted to pick all 4.2 million followers of grants, I could have done auto scroll here and it will literally go through and I don't know how many that is.
That's gonna keep going eventually and import even more.
You can do the same thing in other groups as well.
If I was to do within Turkey's group, just by going to members And importing and start auto scroll, let's do this.
It'll keep going down.
Eventually it'll stop.
39, 49, 59, 69.
How many, how many business coaches do you want?
And people are not, business coaches are not following Turkey.
There you go.
So there's another 179 people from this.
The blue, right?
There's another a hundred and seventy nine, a hundred eighty nine leads, right?
Who are business coaches and they're following Taki in this case.
So that's how we go and find the context, right?
Pretty easy.
That's fairly self-explanatory.
Next part is obviously having the conversation with 'em.
This is where we come back to the pipeline itself.
And this is one of the things I love about this one, right?
As we move people, and you can see Facebook actually brings it straight to the messenger as we move people through the pipeline.
What it's actually doing is there's a message template attached.
And this is what I really love about this one.
It's actually got a message template attached to each stage in the pipeline.
And so as we do qualified icebreaker build connection, Hey look, we're talking to a lot of business coaches right now about these two things.
Curious to know your perspective, whether it's this is more important to you, that's more important to you.
Oh, by the way, I've got lead magnet.
Do you wanna get on a call?
And so on as we go through the things, we've actually done this where we've, in this case we've actually put some SOPs in each stage.
And so my super bright Filipino conversation team is literally picking up, well, what do I need to do to the next step?
Again, this is my demo pipeline.
So this's a lot of crap in here at the moment, right?
But allows me to go, let's have a look at Rebecca, fantastic.
Rebecca's the right contact for us.
We can see that she's a creator at LaBelle Medi Spa.
She seems like a good person to reach out to.
She's reasonably active.
January 15, February seven, December seven.
Not super active, but reasonably enough.
It looks like a good sort there.
I'm gonna move Rebecca through my pipeline.
And as I start getting through my pipeline, just by clicking on the, in this case, the message chat, right?
What it's done is copy a template directly into, right?
And you just send me, write that message.
Now I would update that specifically to, it looks like your coaching business is on fire, right?
Let's go and send this one.
Dun, done your coaching businesses on fire.
And because it's not automated, it allows me to di dynamically change the conversation if she responds in a different way.
Now the cool thing about that one now is I can forget about Rebecca and tool, in this case the 11th because I set, this is the next follow-up date and I don't have to try and manage where the conversation's up to from the messaging system itself.
I'm managing it from my pipeline and she'll pop to the top when she's overdue.
So as I move her through, in this case 3, 2, 1, I can now mix things up.
So my 3, 2, 1 done is actually go to Rebecca's profile.
You can see here, go to Rebecca's profile And like whatever, maybe I shouldn't like that photo, right?
Crazy floods, right comments, right?
Crazy floods.
So it's actually allowing me to manage where my stage is up to as I go through stuff.
Now, of course, as you're moving through the, as I'm moving through the pipeline, I'll get to the point where after building the relationship and deepening that relationship, commenting on her stuff, appearing in her world, often I can then start to go this or that off the lead magnet and so on.
So even John, where are you mate?
Where's your message there, John?
It doesn't do it in here.
It does it better.
On, on uh, on face.
There we go John.
I can pull up my message templates and I can go probably John's gonna go like a bunch of your s**t mate just for s***s and giggles.
And I can go like, now you are getting a bunch of notifications.
I imagine John, as I do this here.
Oops, lemme go back.
How did I get onto that thing?
Lemme go back here.
Clicked on the wrong link.
Now you're getting a bunch of notifications, John, I imagine as I do this is going, Tim has now liked five of your posts.
Awesome, right?
I'm appearing and of course what I now do to John is I pull that message template and go da da apology copy.
Right click paste.
Sorry for I list getting lost in your content right now.
He's gonna play ahha.
That's really funny, Tim.
I go, Hey, just while I've got you mate, I've got a resource or you might find it interesting.
Can I shoot it over?
So it allows us, again, to manage depth of conversation over lots and lots of conversations without losing our place or, or trying to pretend that we actually know where they're up to in our, our messaging inbox.
And eventually of course you say, let's get on a call and you pick up the rest of your sales process.
That's it.
That's all I was gonna present.
You are looking very serious.
Yeah, no, it's, it's impressive.
It's impressive.
The technology.
Uh, yeah, no, I, I don't know what to say.
I wasn't, yeah, yeah, I, I can see It dumbfounded.
It Can be used in a lot of different ways, but I'll hand it over to everyone else for, for questions.
Yeah, I think I, you can certainly use it for client prospecting.
One of the things that I've set up, one of my team to do at the moment is actually use that for prospecting referral partners.
To go out and we're actually building out a pipeline at the moment.
It isn't so much about download my lead magnet and, and let's get, get on a sales call.
It's actually, uh, again, doing more of that.
Okay, there's a stage there where we know we need to message and there's a stage there where we need to know and do the physical activity of liking commenting on posts, which you can't do through automation.
But because we've systemized the stages, we take that referral partner through, we've actually connecting and liking this s**t before we even send a re uh, like a connection request.
Building relationship and then asking to connect and then saying, Hey, I'd love to, and then doing more relationship building and then saying, Hey, do you want to get on a call or are you open to finding ways we can work together?
It looks like we've got pretty similar clients, but because they've seen you all over their content already and we know that for most people, they get f**k all engagement with their content in the first place.
We stand out like dog's nuts.
And the opportunity to then build a relationship with them saying, oh, I can tell you being looking at my content and yeah, actually you've been adding value, you've been sharing my posts and this and so on.
When it comes to the ask to say, are you open to finding ways we might be able to refer each other?
It becomes really powerful and we get the, the cut through is massive, which we're in a 40 positive response to that request kind of thing.
It, it just makes so much sense, right?
Because if you've had 10 touches before you do the ask, it's networking on a mass scale sort of thing.
So yeah, very powerful.
So you can do, and we can do all sorts of stats and you can put your team on it as well.
So if we look at, lemme just come back and share this again.
Oops, Ryan.
So I can actually go into reports and look at my pipeline activity and see over what dates, what stages, where were people at in those stages, what did we do, that sort of stuff.
You can put stages in and out of pipeline if you want to.
You can create a whole bunch of different pipelines.
If I look at our main one, where has it gone to?
Not the master pipeline existing LinkedIn connections.
Literally I went through my existing LinkedIn connections and you can see we've color coded different stages and I've literally just gone to view profile 11,503 followers.
Um, so I can see that John didn't reply so it's immediately lost.
Sorry John, but I'll come back to you like that.
I literally just started importing all of the people I'm already connected to and had conversations with 'em, right?
Because we, we do these connections but then when we have it, we never actually have conversations with anybody.
And so this has just allowed me to go like 2022 was literally talking to everybody in my network.
And so we had 11,500 conversations last year just to my existing network.
Of people that I hadn't spoken to much before.
We'd connected but never had actually had a conversations.
Uh, Hey Tim, Here's John.
It's replied awesome John, thanks very much mate.
Hey Jim.
So the import tool that you actually used, is that a high level thing or does that work?
No, it's nothing.
It's specifically to, to do with this case with flow chat.
So message templates, copy.
Will That work?
Will that work with HubSpot?
I say this is completely, so at some point what you're gonna do is to say do you wanna jump on a call?
Here's my calendar link and what you'd take, whether it's HubSpot or Schedule once or you keep or your high level calendar link or whatever it had Calendly and you'd put that into your message template to then share with your prospect if you had a, your download of sorts again, you'd put the link to your download and you put the link to the download in the message template which you then share.
And you notice here, hi John.
Right, literally because I've picked that message template, I didn't write John, it's actually merging John's name, which is pulling out of the cr out of this case LinkedIn and inserting that into the template itself.
That's, any other questions?
I was curious to see like how many templates have you got set up to How many templates?
That's a good question.
I don't know any templates I've got.
Um, I think you constantly like updating the template or like Tweaking.
We're constantly tweaking with them and saying what's the response rate on some, some of 'em I don't care 'cause it's literally like, what's going on with you today?
Saw you did really loved your latest post.
I'm not really testing the the 'cause I'm not asking people to do anything.
I'm just doing that from a relationship building perspective.
So what we're doing is more about we'll test the call to action stuff.
So the where I want a specific response, like I'll test the, the, the wording around let's get on a call, I'll test the wording around, let's get download my lead magnet kind of stuff.
I'll test the wording at those stages.
The rest of it I don't really care.
I don't think there's too much to optimize about whether they say hey or hi name sort of stuff.
I have found in a lot of cases using emojis and not Hi Scott.
Hi John.
Hi Dean.
Doesn't work very well right?
Because everyone's using the same text.
Wacking in some emojis immediately makes it stand out in your message feed a lot better.
That and gif.
Yeah gif You are having conversations with the same person simultaneously in Facebook Messenger and LinkedIn.
You can.
So what it allows me to do, so let's pick Lisa for example.
If I had Lisa's Facebook Peter Osh, I might be connected with Peter Swish on the Facebook.
So there we go.
I'm connected with Peter Osh.
So what I could actually do, and I'd have to manually, manually update this, but you can see here I've got Peter's LinkedIn profile and actually edit that lead and put in his other links I can put in his Okay.
YouTube stripe.
Oh yeah.
And where's his Facebook?
There we go.
I can put his LinkedIn Facebook profile in there.
And if I had the LinkedIn chat I could go directly to the LinkedIn chat.
I'd just find it easier to, So you essentially you're having a conversation whichever way came Door, it's actually added in the Facebook links.
If I had Peter's Instagram, it would put the Instagram icon and it allows me to then converse whichever wherever I want to with him.
And what are you finding, which platform's yielding better results for you?
My focus historically has been on LinkedIn.
We are gonna switch to do a bit more Facebook this year just to see if it's a little bit different.
I find certainly for the market that that we are trying to chase that LinkedIn for me, uh, anyway is a little bit better.
It's much easier for me to identify I guess the size of business that I wanna work with.
Whereas there's nothing, you know, you might see c e o listed as a title on Facebook maybe, but you really can't tell what size they are.
So some of these coaches in Turkey's group for example, I might go, let's pick one here, let's go a Facebook seven figure business coach.
I might go who's the description?
I'm sure there's a bunch of five figure business coaches in here that I don't really want, but I won't know until I have that conversation with them.
But if I go to LinkedIn and do a LinkedIn premium search for manufacturing with 50 plus staff, I already know they're at a certain size with a, an approximate revenue.
And so when you're qualifying, you'd probably go and click on their profile, you click on their website, you'd look for the key issues that they might otherwise have in a business to business context and go whatever it is.
If we wanted to do steal of Rob fluxes, you know, contacts we go to Rob, I'm just gonna pick on re Robb 'cause you're on my screen.
Ching got cheesy green, holy s**t.
We could go into Rob's groups and find Rob.
You could probably do the same thing with other developer things make you go into their groups and steal all their people and just start talking to them and say, oh, we do the same thing.
You should check it out.
But you can start to do that sort of thing with groups and, and and lists and followers and tags and all sorts of stuff as well.
Dicey but good Aren you just having to connect with people who share a same passion as you.
Yeah, I I like it.
I'm, I've gotta work out the workflow, but I like it.
And then Tim, you are closing with a call, right?
You it's leading to, I didn't, I didn't push to a call and close from there.
I'll, I'll, I'll throw up a little, uh, hang on, I'll throw up a little demo link based.
They do have a, yeah, they do have a, there's a demo link if you want to just go and buy it.
Here's a demo call ready to buy and we go again.
I can literally just click on there.
They've got a pretty good affiliate program as well.
Um, but you can do it right.
So I had actually used this for clients and because I'm logged in, it's me, it's gonna go to my profile.
But if I was logged into a client's profile, it would literally, I'll click on a button and it would go directly to the client's profile as logged in and then it connect as them, right?
So you can expect manage it for clients if that was a thing that you wanted to do as well.
You just have to add the login credentials.
No, that's, that's awesome.
That's awesome.
No, tha thanks.
Thanks Tim.
That really insightful.
I I always get stunned with marketing 'cause it doesn't matter how long you've been in it, there's always something new that comes along.
Yeah, I I think it's, I think it's gonna be interesting space to, obviously we've all been across the chat G P T revolution, that hitting everybody I think with in terms of the amount of kind of autogenerated content that's dropping out there.
In fact, I even saw one a site that's popped up already, which now accesses content to work out how much of it's auto generated, right?
And it was a tool developed for teachers so they could actually look at how much auto-generated essays are being submitted.
That's the one originality.
And so we're gonna see this absolute flood of really inauthentic, bland, boring content smash absolutely everywhere over the next 12 months, 12 months to two years as people get onto it.
So I think the opportunity to create deeper connections is gonna create, be even more important than it has historically been.
That personal referral and connection will be more and more powerful in terms of how we connect with customers and, and partners.
Yeah, no, agreed.
What, what's your cut through rate, just outta curiosity of if you start a conversation with someone and it's a reasonably good conversation, how many of them turn into appointments?
I think we worked out, it was about 4% of all the people we spoke to out of a pretty cold connection list that I've accumulated since I got onto LinkedIn in 2005, 2006 or whenever it was, it was about 4% converted to appointment.
That's, that wasn't too bad.
But all the, the people who said, and the approach we took, and again, we're experimenting with approaches.
The approach we took was a connection.
I've got this resource, do you want it?
Of the people who said yes, I want the resource to who responded, right?
'cause obviously there's a s**t ton of, of people who still don't respond and you have to have the bumpiness to top of your feed kind of thing.
People who are just not active on the platform at all, whether it's Facebook or LinkedIn or Instore or wherever, they're just not active where you're trying to message them.
Um, it was in the 40% in terms of positive response saying I've got this thing, do you want it to book call?
Oh wow.
So, so it's probably, um, better than direct mail.
Like you probably get a one 2%.
Again, think it because you've actually built a relationship and it's personal, direct mail is awesome, but it's, I dunno who, I don't dunno you from a borough.
I think that's why we were seeing a better response because there is actually some form of relationship attached.
And you could combine, you could potentially combine them as well.
No, that's, that's great.
Let's go to, um, big hand of applause for Tim.
That was, that was awesome.
And yeah, let's go to breakout rooms.
And I think the thing for the breakout room is just how can we Yeah.
Use this sort of sell by chat within our businesses.
And we are, we are back.
I know if you wanna start John Hubbard, what was your biggest takeaway from that session and, and your conversation?
My personal takeaway is I'd like the, that workflow that, that moving along the columns, that Kanban style workflow, I think is really, that's what really appealed to me about that system and being able to track the, apart from all the Wiz Bank auto-populating the comments and all of that kind of stuff.
It's very good.
But yes, it's, there's so much isn't there?
I've got a, I'm using another program for LinkedIn called Expand and it's, you end up with a suite of so many software tools, it's really just about choosing one that works for you and you can really do it well and sticking into it, I think.
Yeah, yeah.
Following through and, and exe executing it.
Yeah, absolutely.
How how about you Mr.
Any big takeaways?
Yeah, I I I was just stunned at how quickly it would go into a group and the way, like the way you could just extract it all out and then you've got them to move, like the visual thing, like John was saying, to be able to just be able to pull to, to get, so like when you went into one group and then it was about that core thing that I'd liked a particular comment on a particular subject.
It's, we're not talking about people who have to understand your idea.
We're talking about people who already want it, who've shown in intent, intention.
Like that's just like someone else has done all and then you are, ooh, here's a bit of gold.
They've left it behind.
It's extraordinary.
And, and, and I think there's a real potential like Dean was mentioning, um, uh, that in our session about the fact that he passed it through to the sales team to have a look at.
And I think it's very much in line with that whole like, predictable prospecting or, you know, it's harder to actually get through to a decision maker on the phone these days.
And this is almost like a Trojan horse way of doing it.
And particularly if you're going after, really I think it can be used across the board, but you know, particularly going after those really high level guys.
Like if you send the marketing manager of Qantas or something, a, a lumpy mail you might get through if it's really unique and exciting, but, and maybe he's not on bloody LinkedIn anyway, but let's say a little bit lower.
If you have a few likes and comments and a bit of a chat and then you've developed a personal relationship, I think your cut through rate would be much, much higher.
I have seen That it's really effectively in terms of a strategy to connect to a particular target company.
So you could actually go to the LinkedIn company profile, look at all the employees because it'll, it'll actually allow you to do a scrape a search.
So a search from LinkedIn premium or a search from, I want to find owners of financial services firms in Sydney, whatever.
You can actually do a search and do the same thing.
But if you go to a particular company and then start connecting with all the same people in the same company, by the time you get to the decision maker, they're going, oh, you're connected to 15 people in our company already, or 30 people in our company.
And they, they're all going, oh yeah, no, Tim's a good bloke.
They all start to go and you've got almost a familiarity with the, the players that you might have in the room when your first consulting session anyway as you go into it.
And so regardless of where it is, right, it's Rob obviously where his B two C and if he's uncomfortable going and scrape someone else's profile, it could go to Australian property investor, right?
Find all the people who follow Australian property investor, grab those people, throw them into a pipeline, start connecting to them.
Yeah, no, it's, it's, it's brilliant.
How, how about you Michael Dunn?
'cause you're in sales process engineering, how would you, what, what were your thoughts?
I don't think so much for our business.
I was saying in our group that the, we, I would probably do it on a much smaller scale.
I would probably just be having a, a few hundred conversations maximum because we only, we can only work with a really small amount of clients anyways.
But for other, for our clients, I think I'd love to, I'd love to learn more about it and open.
'cause we, we like to become a hub for these new insights and new ideas and new technologies so that we can pass 'em on.
But yeah, I think it's a great idea.
I'll throw my Ken's link up there if you wanna take a look and we'll go, yeah, Cool.
Because I said I only scrape the surface of it.
There's a whole bunch of different ways you can use it in different contexts as well.
Yeah, no, that's, that's, that's awesome.
Excellent guys.
So we've hit the, the top of the hour, so we'll wrap up there.
But yeah, I think two exceptional sessions today.