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The podcast discusses Tom's process for generating consulting clients through webinars. He uses webinars to educate, motivate, and qualify large groups of prospects. Prospects then go through a booking system where they agree to conditions and watch a replay before meeting with Tom one-on-one. By this point, they are well informed about Tom's program. Tom finds this process more effective than individual sales as it allows him to convert prospects in bulk. He also shares details on follow up sequences after webinars to further engage prospects. Overall, Tom's thorough system aims to qualify prospects and set appropriate expectations before individual meetings.

Automatically-Generated Transcription:

Let me start by introducing Mr.

Uh, Tom Poland and, uh, Tom has written the book.

So Ari actually introduced me to Tom and read his book.

I think it was last year.

It was in the last couple of years.

Anyway, I thought it was a really, I think it was ology.

Very, very good book.

And obviously we got to chatting and, uh oh, the science of being in demand.

That's it.

Is that it?


And, and he's got a si he's got a, uh, process he's gonna walk us through today on how to really, you know, pull out those high quality leads and qualify people, et cetera from, from webinars.

So, uh, but I'll, I'll hand the reins over to you, Tom, and you can probably Okay.

That elaborate in more detail.


How long have I got?

We've got about around about 20 minutes.

If you go a little bit over, it's fine.

Good as Go.


Gives a bit of a, so, so if you want to spotlight me, what I'll make you, sorry.

I'll make you a co-presenter.


And then you'll be able to share your screen.

Oh, I don't, yeah, so why wouldn't you describe my share my screen?

'cause my machine's screen behind me, so my screen share equivalent is the webcam.



That's, That's fine.

I think, I think if everyone clicks on your link or something, we should be able to On you.


What what you can do is you can give spotlight, make me a spotlight presenter.

Uh, how do I do that?

Just Popover over my name and go to the more tab and it give you the option to spotlight.

Oh, There you go.

There You go.



Well that Just, and that works well because I'll be screen sharing and doesn't matter if people have a gallery view or whatever else, they'll still be able to see it.

So Oaks, hello.


Thank you for having me.

My thing is this thing here, marketing with webinars, and when I do webinars, they're pretty much always live and I use this, but what's behind me, and some of you already asked is actually just, it's just a big computer monitor, a 75 inch four K monitor.

I have a, the setup is a Logitech meetup webcam, which is designed for small boardrooms and I've got a little remote control, so I have a precept.

So when I do webinars, I'm actually sitting right now, but I'm normally standing up and I'm sort of, the idea was really to try and simulate the experience of being in a seminar room physically with people where, you know, when you present in a workshop or a seminar in a physical environment, people can eyeball you and that produces oxytocin, which is apparently increases trust.

I dunno if that's b******t or not, but it sounded like a good theory.

So I went with it.

So when I do my, my, my webinars, I don't do a screen share, I just do the webcam thing.

So let's get some context for, for what we're talking about here.

So let me go down to where I wanna show you.

Where we go, we go, where we go, we go.

So here, okay, so, so context is people are, uh, with webinars you need three things.

Basically you need an audience.

The asset is the PowerPoint and the call to action.

So all we're gonna focus on is this call to action down here, but audiences, this is, so the method I get my clients in with is the method I teach to my clients.

So we do joint ventures of what I call O P N.

So, so we have, we do, I do one webinar a month.

We have four partners supporting that webinar, sending emails out to the email list saying, Hey, there's this bold, ugly guy in Australia who does webinars.

Why don't you come along and find out how you can generate clients using webinars.

So the audience comes from other people's networks, they drive subscribers or registrants to traditional webinar.

And then the call to action is for folks to book a consult.

And the other audience source is actually LinkedIn.

So we have folks working LinkedIn to invite prospects to, it's a similar sort of deal to the webinar.

It's just, it's the same content.

It's just a, it's a smaller webcams on type meeting meeting for premium price targets.

But they all, all roads lead to the consult, all roads come to the consult.

So that's the part, there's a whole lot more to it.

We have freelancers that do all the donkey work to find the audiences and we have algorithms and all sorts of other stuff.

But the, but the context here really is this call to action at the bottom.

That's what I, Scott's asked me to share with you.

So the call to action the deal is this, I did, I still remember doing a webinar once and it was for Natasha Denman's list.

I dunno if any of you know Natasha Denman 72 hour author or something like that.

And I had 23 consults.

This is, we're talking about probably six or seven years ago.

And I thought, my god, I'm gonna have so much money coming in, I'll have to, you know, I don't know, beat the bank managers away wanting all, all the money I'm gonna make 23 hours later and 23 consults with 23 broke people later.

You know, it was just a big fat waste of time for everyone including me and the other, so, so that's when I developed an application form pre-consult and I charged a hundred bucks for the meeting and we tried all different systems, but the system I wanna show you is at the end of the webinar that they end up with this slide here.

Uh, the one before that, actually, lemme go back Anyway, they end up with this link book a chat with tom.com and that takes them to a webpage.

I don't know why my screen just decided to turn off.


We're still on Tom.

You can see the mouse moving around but not the context.


And that's just this big black ugly screen, right?

No, it had the mouse, the little mouse hand.


Animals, children or screens.

What was that?


Never worked with animals.

Children or screens.

I mean I'm, I'll, I'll shut the PowerPoint down, but for some reason my beautiful big screen has decided that it's off.

There we go on button.

Miraculous things, those, so, so at the end of the webinar they get to a slide which explains to them my pricing, how my program works.

And if they wanted to go a step further, they get invited to go to this webpage called book a chat with tom.com.

And you can just type that into your browser and you'll see that it looks something like this.

I just need to resize this.

I don't actually do this on the webinar because as you can see it's a little bit tricky and a little bit messy.

But for the purpose of this demonstration, they go to this webpage, my god, that's gone big.

So they've been to the webinar, they get redirected to this booking page now completely disappeared back again, Lemme just resize this so you can see it.

But in the meantime you can go ahead and type into your browser, book a chat with tom.com and this is the filter.

So this page asks them to agree to certain things and they have to check the boxes before they can access my booking link.

Here we go.

So let's scroll through it.

It tells 'em, there's a bit of a heads up on what will happen when we meet conversation between two adults to see if it's a good idea to work together.

There's no fancy pants copywriting and it's just pretty clear and rational.

And then just to make sure it's really clear, I say to them, by the way, this is what is not gonna happen.

It's not gonna be some sort of sales ambush because a lot of 'em had the experience of booking a free strategy session or something like that and getting their arms twisted.

So we say it's not gonna be free sand, sorry, a sales ambush, but it's also not gonna be a free idea session where I give them a bunch of ideas and they think they can walk away and implement because that wouldn't be fair on them because the idea is not the same as the implementation and you will need help with implementation.

So it's all the stuff that you and I know is true, but they may not know it's true at this point.

Some of them just think it's a matter of getting a few pointers and they'll be up and running.

And then I go into this section here and here's what I need from you before you book a time for us to a chat.

And here's the filter here.

There's four agreements and if they try to click the link where it says, click here to book a chat with Tom, an error message comes up.

It says the book a chat facility only becomes available once the boxes are checked.

So what are the boxes?

The first one says, yes, I understand the primary reason for meeting with Tom will be to figure out if there's a fit between my lead gen needs and what he offers it is therefore not a free coaching session, but neither is it some sort of sales trap.

The second agreement is I confirm that if Tom and I agree that working together is a good idea, I'm ready to start in the next few weeks.

Otherwise you're probably better to circle back and book a time later.

'cause we've always had, we've all had those new client inquiry consults where they're really excited to work with you and you're really excited to work with them.

And then they say something like, well look, sounds fantastic.

I'm really keen to go ahead.

I'm just going on a a boat tour around the world for three months, but I'll be sure and get back to you just as soon as I'm back and we'll get started.

You're right.

And, and you never see them again.

Of course they go and chase some other shiny thing.

So the third agreement is around fees.

So I'm aware that Tom's programs are priced at seven, nine, five, fifteen hundred and twenty 5,000 a month for 12 months.

And I can confirm that should we agree that leads ologies are fit for my leads needs, I can afford the minimum fee of 7 95 a month.

So there's no price surprise during the consult where they say, well how does it all work?

And you explain it and they say, what does it cost?

And you, you tell 'em and they go, oh ouch.

Ooh, I had no idea you were so expensive.

I'm sorry I've, you know.

So we waste our time, we waste our time.

And the fourth one that I included about a year ago is I confirmed that I have either attended a lead generation demonstration webinar already, and if not, then I commit to reviewing Tom's 10 minute replay version of his demo before our meeting.

A link will be provided in your meeting confirmation email.

Once they've checked all the boxes, they can click the link and it'll take 'em through to my, my booking page.

You schedule once for that and they can select their time and the rest, the rest you'll know about.

But the whole I, well not the whole idea, but one of the big benefits of doing a webinar or speaking to any group, whether it's online or offline, is that you get the opportunity to educate everyone in bulk and to qualify everyone in bulk and to motivate everyone in bulk.

So by the time they reach out and book a consult with you, they should already know how you work with your clients, what the price point is, the fact that you know, all of this stuff here.

So by the time they I meet with someone for a one-on-one consult, they're incredibly well qualified.

That's, that's the system that I use for booking the consults.

So Tom mate, two, two quick questions.

You've got a video at the top of that page as well.


Is that just sort of you reading out effectively what the script is here or is that something No, it's, it's, look, it's completely unnecessary.

It just happened to be a video that I had lying around from an old website, but I, I chucked up there, you know, it, it's all about the difference because they've attended the webinar.

It's the difference between literacy and mastery.

You know, you might've learned the language of webinars on, on the webinar, but we know that literacy is not the same as mastery.

And for mastery you're probably gonna want to have to work together on so on.

So it goes into all that sort of stuff.

So pokes are probably a bit more, do you find a big, do you find a big bounce rate off this page or is that something you Oh, massive, But you were getting really qualified people onto your sales calls?

Yeah, yeah, no, it's a massive, it's a massive bounce rate because most people are just curious to check it out.

And, and during the webinar, I, I demonstrate to them how they should be doing their call to action.

And in the process I show them my call to action.


And I'm very explicit with 'em.

I say, look, there might be two reasons you want to have a look at this page.

One is you can just swipe and deploy.

I mean, my whole program, there's 51 steps.

This is one step you don't need me for, you can just copy this page, change all the words, you know, get the checklist things, link it up to your calendar and off you go.

But there's a second reason you might wanna know about this chat page, which is if you want to actually have a conversation about putting my system into place into your business, I think the bounce rates, the bounce rate is very high.

Oh, what do you, what do you reckon is of, of, you know, real traffic as opposed to people just rip off and duplicate?

What what, sorry, what was the Question?

Do, do you have a sort of sense of what, you know, what it would be like if you just had, you know, if you weren't using it as a demo?

If I what?

Sorry, Sorry.

I'm just wondering what, what do you think the sort of conversion rate of this page would be if you, if you weren't using it as a demo, right?

If you just said real traffic, this is my page, this is what I'm, I'm, Oh, if it hadn't been to a webinar first Yeah.

Oh really?


I would imagine I would, I would think it'd be pretty bad.


And, and, and so the way I run my model is I want everyone, I don't want cold traffic, I don't want Facebook ads.

I've done Facebook ads to them for many years, decently successfully.

But I fund, I channel all leads to the webinar.

'cause the webinar is my opportunity to group educate and group motivate and group qualify.

And that, that's really important because I got sick and tired of explaining one-on-one to people how I work with clients.


So even if it's a client referral, so a client's happy with my program and they refer one of their friends, they still all come through the system.

I want every single person that I meet with one-on-one to have attended the webinar or have at least watched the shorter replay version so they're well educated about what the program is, how long it takes, you know, all the questions you might, might normally get.

One thing I will add as well, which is probably pertinent to that question to follow up, is that once they go through the booking system, and I dunno if I can do this quickly just for the sake of time, let, let's grab a spot here and yeah, this, this is actually quite relevant.

So I'll I'll along the lines of I'm wanting everyone to, let's just confirm that I'm wanting everyone really well educated by the time I meet with them one-on-one, we'll finalize the booking.

Oh, how, how is that not available?

I thought I'd just put that in there.

It always happens when you demonstrate, doesn't it?

You you demonstrate and the thing doesn't work.

But what happens is when they, when the booking is finalized, it redirects to an f a Q page, booking is confirmed, blah blah blah, blah, blah.

Redirected from this page in one second redirected.

And then it goes to an f a Q page.

Oh yeah, I'm gonna just type it in.

For some reason gremlins are running AM mark today Maybe an SS SS L certificate expired or something.

So it'll redirect to this page called i one solar.com and that's an f a Q page.

There's an explainer video about how the program works.

There's a concertina f a Q system down here.

So they can just have a look at the main, and again, it has payment options, but we asked them actually not to sign up on that page.

They've been to the webinar, they've booked a consult, they've checked the four agreements, they've booked a time, they've got redirected to this page.

So by the time I get them, they're incredibly well educated about what I do and what I don't do.

What, what's your, uh, conver what's your conversion rate once you actually have a meeting now versus what it was previously?

It's 70% now.

Previously it was less than 30%.


And I, I know if you talk to a lot of marketers that, you know, a lot of them will tell you their conversion rates are 80 or 90%.

I, I think it's b******t.

I think as marketers we tend to be wildly optimistic and we are not very good at tracking metrics.

So we, we have this idea about what our conversion rates are and I hired a business manager and I was shocked and appalled to find that my conversion rates went anywhere near where I thought they were prior to putting the system in place.


But it's, it's, it's pretty much a slam dunk when, and I know I do miss out on opportunities by, by heavily qualifying people, but I've just got to a point in life where I, I'm over convincing people I don't want to have to sell people.

I want people to come along to this meeting hoping for me to confirm that working together is the right thing to do.

And I, as I tell all my clients, selling is what you have to do when your marketing sucks.

And I, and I half believe that, but it's such a good line that I throw it out there because people laugh and, and if I think I have sales trainers on the, on the webinar as well and I say, you know, in case you're feeling very smug about yourself by the way, you know, marketing is what you have to do when you're selling sucks.

So, you know, it's, it's both true, isn't it?

If your marketing sucks, you better be good at selling.

If your selling sucks, you better be good at marketing.

Yeah, it's that's great.

That's great.

Any, any questions for, for Tom about his, you know, about his process or anything?

Yeah, Tom, I'm, I'm interested 'cause this is, this is so close to the kinds of things that we run and thank you for sharing that.

That's gold.

That page 'cause and I'll, I'm gonna implement it on the next campaign.

Swipe And deploy For sure.

Thank you so much for that.

I'm interested on that last page actually.

'cause you've got the actual buy buttons there with the, with the payment plans and stuff like that.


My interest is have you tried that without putting those there so that they actually, so so that you actually then say to them, you can't actually buy it without actually having to call with me Or is it, or do you actually frame it up pretty well and say like, this is just, this is just a, a visual of what you could pay once we're in a conversation.

How do you, how do you frame that up, the conversation?

Is it a conversation to even join my programs?

Yeah, we did, we did have it like that.

There's an old page where you could have a look at it's ology.gov/options can type it in quickly for you.

But for some reason when we upgraded the page to this new one, we forgot to carry that over.

But it, it, the psychology was, look, yes, you know, there's a link there you can go ahead and buy, but don't do that until we've had a chat ology slash option.

So the old page is still out.

I think this used to be the page that we redirected to, you know, because you're here, it's likely you're booked to meet, invite you to check out the options.

Please don't enroll in the program until after we've met.

But then they could actually go through to one of the programs in a row.

But, but we, we've just cut it down and made it simple.

But virtually no one's gonna find this page and hand over, you know, seven grand or whatever it is now.

And I, and I don't really want them to either, because I actually do want them to go through the consult and yeah, make sure that, because my program's really prescriptive.

It's like there's 31 slides in the, in the PowerPoint template for example.

And they can have any color type font they want so long as it's black.

And, and so there's only a certain number of niches, coaches, consultants, trainers, people marketing online courses.

Who else?

Yeah, that, that, that, that's pretty interesting.

I won't work with architects or chiropractors or people manufacturing yoga or multi-level markets and so on.

And, and the only reason it's not because I'm a snob, it's just because the program's really prescriptive and in making it very prescriptive, it has to be prescriptive to be effective.

But in, in being prescriptive, I can't, it won't work for a lot of other, a lot of industries.

Quick question, Tom.

Is there any sort of touch points that you haven't mentioned today that are also important?

So is there any like, follow up sequences that weren't part of ation that is working?

Yeah, That's, that's, yeah, there is and that's, I don't, have I got time to cover on that?

Cover that?

Yeah, that's fine.

Go for it.


So if I go back to the PowerPoint.

So we have a, a follow-up sequence called the wedge.

And what I, you know, if you go way back when I, when I started doing webinars, someone said to me, oh, if you do a replay you'll double your, you know, you get an increase of 50%, you get a bump on sales of 50%.

So we started doing replays and we were, we were getting 40% attendance rates, right?

A hundred people registered, 40 people attended.

But slowly that went down to 30 and 20 and 10 and eight.

And I thought, my god, you know, we are programming people, we are telling 'em not to turn up live 'cause they'll get a replay.

So I started doing email invitations that said explicitly no replay in caps, you know, like I'm yelling at no replay, no re replay.

So what we did for instead is we did a follow-up sequence.

Let me go back to if I can, oh, why that's doing that.


I'm just gonna end the slideshow and start another one 'cause it's the only thing way it seems to work.

So what I wanted to do, of course was to have the, the same, the same impact of a replay, but I also wanted to have attendance numbers at the, at the webinars stay quite high.

So I came up with this idea to send a summary of the webinar out in different formats and I'm calling this the wedge if I'd start the slideshow from this one here.

So I always run the webinar, uh, new day Eastern Standard time on Wednesday at 4:00 PM or 3:00 PM if it's, if they're off daylight saving.

And so the webinar runs on the Wednesday and that's indicative of this, this slide here that goes on the Wednesday, an hour after the webinar they get a quick short email going, Hey thanks for registering for the email not attending.

'cause we send it to all registrants.

Thanks for registering for the webinar, hope you enjoyed it.

And by the way, here's the link if you did wanna book a time to have a chat.

So 24 hours later what we do is we send out a 23 page e guide summary of the webinar, not a video replay.

And the email says, Hey, you know, we told you it wasn't gonna be replay.

I'm sorry, but there's no replay.

But we do get people asking for the content.

So here's a 23 page and they don't have to opt in for it because we've already got their registration contact details.

And then, so 24 hours, 40 hours la 40, 48 hours later they get a five minute video doodle cartoon summarizing it and then 72 hours later they get a one page blueprint summarizing it.

And then on the Sunday we say, Hey, we are gonna shut down for consults at midnight tonight.

So there's this, and I call it the wedge because every time they consume the content, the duration for consumption reduces.

So we have the live webinar, we have the 23 page e guide, five minute video, one page blueprint, and then a simple ending today.

So now we get between, we still have attendance rates of 30%, sometimes as high as 41% by running 'em at 4:00 PM Eastern US.

But we get two to three times consistently, two to three times the response from the follow-up sequence that we get on the webinar.

But no replays.

We do have a waiting list link.

So, 'cause I used to get hate emails from people saying you evil bust that I can't attend your webinar at that time and you know, you're being inconsiderate.

So we have a little waiting list link on the, on the webinar registration page.

The public one is lead gen demo.com.

If you go to lead gen demo.com, you'll see, oh, it's actually lead gen demo live.

You'll see that there's, there's a waiting list and so on.

That's great, Tom.

Yeah, I I uh, I love that system.

I love the, the granularity of, and the thought that's gone into, into that whole process.

Would, would it be possible to drop some of the links just into the chat, like, like your f a Q page and that sort of thing?

Yeah, sure.

At some stage that'd be okay.

That'd be awesome to, to get that.

Is it, we've probably got time for one more question if anyone's got any and then we'll then we'll go into, uh, into breakout groups.


Doesn't look like there's any questions.

So, uh, no, that was, that was awesome.

And was there, there, I know you mentioned Tom, you had something coming up that you were looking for.



No, Thank you Scott.

I forgot big launch coming up, launching the book marketing webinars December the third.

If anyone, it's a really easy offer to make.

'cause it's a free book either in P D F or Kindle Unlimited version.

It's a real book.

It's the most highly prescriptive book I've ever written on anything and they're offering for free.

So affiliate commissions are a nice chunky $1,500 US per sale.

So pretty good affiliate commissions and it's an easy offer to make.

If you want me to send you a summary of the, the opportunity, I'll let me know.

I'll send you the p d f.

Although I have to say my business manager wrote me an email this morning saying, for God's sake, stop putting on new partners.

That's not my problem.

I'm gonna keep putting them on.

Thanks Tim.

I've got a note of that.

I'll get you the info.

Yeah, yeah, no, awesome.

Yeah, there's a few People.

Hi John.

Thank you.

They'd love to see it.

So yeah, if you want to drop the link in there or, or yeah.

People reach out to you or whatever, so that, that sounds good.
