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The podcast discusses the benefits of video testimonials for businesses, such as boosting social proof and online reputation. It promotes a platform that makes it easy for clients to record and share video testimonials. Capturing video testimonials is challenging due to the filming, editing and approval process, but the platform streamlines this. Emotional video testimonials from satisfied customers are particularly valuable as they are shared more and increase trust. The platform collects testimonials and provides embed codes to share them across different social networks and websites. Real estate agents have found the video testimonials to be very effective at building their reputation and confidence with prospective clients.


  • Scott has developed a streamlined approach for creating video testimonials using an online platform called Video Us. This allows clients to record testimonials easily in just minutes.
  • Video testimonials are more powerful than pictures or written reviews because seeing and hearing someone endorse someone else has a strong emotional impact.
  • Getting video testimonials from trusted sources like family and friends carries more weight than from the person themselves when promoting a business or service.
  • The platform makes it easy for clients to record testimonials on their own time without needing approval, saving time compared to traditional methods.
  • Recorded testimonials can be easily shared on social media and websites to build trust and proof through social signals.
  • Asking for video testimonials helps keep a business top of mind for clients and gets honest feedback on how to improve.
  • Providing guidance on what to say in a testimonial leads to more compelling endorsements that highlight value and benefits.
  • Real estate agents in particular see strong emotional responses when buyers see video testimonials during a home sale process.
  • Automated features can help distribute testimonials across multiple channels with links and embed codes.
  • The platform provides reporting on testimonial recordings for tracking and follow up.

Automatically-Generated Transcription:

And so next up we've got Mr. Baker, Scott Baker, what Scott's gonna be walking us through.

He's got a unique strategy that he is developed to protect and promote our reputations and our client reputations via video review testimonials.

And he actually did some for me.

Some of you I think, participated in that in just before Christmas of last year, and they came out, uh, it was totally unexpected, so thanks Scott.

And they came out amazing and we'll eventually go on my new site.

But yeah, until now, basically with filming, editing, storage, hosting consent, and John Hubbard will know all about that.

He'll be talking about that in, in the, the next presentation.

But yeah, approval, sharings link and embed codes, et cetera, et cetera.

It's been difficult.

However, what Scott's developed is a better, more streamlined approach, which allows you to get it done with approval in a matter of minutes.

So increasing your ability to create a greater quantity of video testimonials, boost your social proof and online reputation.

And there there'll also be, I think Scott's gonna set up an opportunity to do reviews within the group of our ready to go system.

That being said, over to Mr.


Thanks, Scott.

Yeah, this actually, can I, I'll make you a co-host.




Yep, go for it.

Alright, I'll get straight into the presentation so that I, uh, stay on track.

And yeah, what I'll be basically sharing with you guys today is it's, I'd love to say it was my platform, but I did spend, when you go down a rabbit hole of you like something and then a real, you think it's gonna be a, an hour or two, and then it's a, a month later and you're like, I, I've been distracted, but I've learned a lot.

I'm using a third party platform that I've spent a lot of time and effort figuring out the good, the bad at the end of it.

What I wanna, what I was saying is, Scott, is let's have, it's great getting video testimonials, the hard to get, but within the group let's whoever we know in the group that we could give one to, let's do one and I'll show you how quickly and easy it is.

I'll provide the link and all you'll have to do is just send it to the person you want.

So that's what you'll get at the end of this.

But I'll quickly show you, oh, we Should just do one for each other, Scott.

We'll just, we've all got 15 video testimonials by the end of today.

Abso look, that would be my dream because, uh, let me get into it.

But I love what you're saying there.

Uh, Tim, that's exactly where the idea came from.

As we all know, Scott put this group together and he has just an extraordinary group of people and he puts a lot of time and effort into it.

And I was trying to figure out what we, I could do to give back a few times.

So what I did is I thought, what if with this video testimonial, 'cause they're a bit hard to do, and I was trying to figure out an easy way of doing it for some clients.

I think I did one for, for James, and it was on a few for some other people, but it was really taxing.

I had to film it, I had to download it, then I had to upload and it was annoying.

So I created this for Scott as a thank you.

And so I sent it out to a group of people.

And if you wanna do one for Scott, I'd love it.

So this is the, what I presented to Scott at the end.

So it has Jane and then it's got all her LinkedIn and social profile.

So if you click on any of these, it takes 'em through.

It also has the video testimonial converted into text.

I, I'm not, I haven't double checked if the spelling and everything's correct, but I'm just saying this is the example of how it can be worked.

And when you click play on here, it'll, Hey Scott, I just wanted to thank you so much for all your help that you've given me recently.

So that's, um, Jane, that's on there.

And then we'll also, um, Tom did one, and again, all the links to all his pages.

Why is this important?

It's like, um, not all video testimonials are created equal.

Like here we have Tom, and not only is it Tom giving his reputation to provide reputation support to Scott, anyone who wants to check if Tom, what Tom does, we've got all, everything here.

So it's not just a, a review or even a video, a testimonial, it's a video testimonial with the tone as well.

We've also got, Gilbert did one, Luke and you, and I've just created in this format just to say you could create it in any way you like.

I just built this for Scott as a, again, as a thank you.

And then what I also created was a P D F of it.

Again, just as an added, 'cause I love P D F, this is a, I can't remember the name of it.

It's a flip look.

So this is something that, it's a very small, it's just a link so you could to add it and it's a ver and then that person can click on it and it takes 'em to the same things.

I haven't, oh yeah, actually I did connect all of the links on there as well.

So it, it has all of the links built in.

So it was just something a bit, again, as a thank you to Scott and I appreciate the people who sent that through.

So that's what I'm gonna show you how we can create that pretty quickly.

So why video testimonials?

If a picture's worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million, says Troy Olsson.

As I said, the bigger challenge when I was trying to help people do video testimonials was one, I felt like I knew what I wanted to say, but how do you say it?

And then the process of doing it all.

Then there's all these other benefits.

So there's the referral, the retention, the reputation, and the reengagement.

We've been calling clients recently for another client and it's to get feedback on what they're thinking.

The amazing thing about it is the moment we start asking about it, they become top of mind again.

They start getting excited.

We then say, Hey, could you do a review as well?

They go, yes.

Oh, by the way, could you do a video testimonial?

And they're like, yeah.

And a referral.

Now we don't do it all at the same time, but they feed into this beautiful, it's like, you've already got this amazing database of people who love you.

Let's be specific with requesting them to in to grow our, um, reputation, but also to build it.

So these are the questions I'm probably worth asking yourself.

Where do you feel most of your clients come from?

The majority of people I'm talking to say their word of mouth or referrals.

Where do you get your best clients come from?

Do they, do they come from advertising, marketing or your reputation?

And if you could increase any clients from any one of those categories, which would it be?

The majority of people I've spoken in the last couple weeks, all of 'em say I'd love more, um, referrals because it's less selling.

They're normally sold and all, it isn't really a step through process.

So on a scale of one to 10, how valuable is your reputation in regards to the success of your business?

Most people say it's high as it as it would be.

Now, I know this is all stuff we all already know, but I'm just reinforcing it into the value of we're getting video testimonials, but there's a lot of brain science going on here.

When someone endorses you and they say it out loud and they're putting their reputation on the line to actually endorse you, they also, you become top of mind again.

And you, you're in conversations not long after that.

So the re reputation optimization is you might survey them, they're using their language, you're top of mind, you can request a review.

It improves retention.

So you not, might not have churn rate depending on the industry, you can request a referral.

Referrals are more valuable.

Obviously they require less selling.

And then you're protecting your reputation.

So there's a, a good process there.

The other thing is you're getting a long-term return.

A video's worth a lot of value here because you're getting high quality people to do it in an effortless fast approach.

And then you're getting a better return on in investment from, from your investment here.

And they go pretty quick to get to show you how it all works.

So you've got text, photo, and video.

So we've got someone doing a text for, which is, is a Google review.

And often people say, what's more valuable?

Google, uh, sorry, a tech a review or a video testimonial.

They're both valuable for different reasons.

A video testimonial isn't gonna help with your ss e o directly, but it will help if you use the text from the video testimonial in your SS e o.

But a review is different to that as well.

And while you're probably sitting here thinking, Hey, awesome, I'll grab the text from the video testimonial and put it in a review.

Don't do that.

'cause Google don't cross contamination.

They want exclusive context on your review and have a video testimonial is, sorry, a this, the text from this testimonial is separate.

Um, so most of you guys already understand the value of video testimonials and why.

So these are some of the things that's important that it triggers emotions.

A higher retention rate, people prefer video, it gets shared, they convert and social proof.

And the other thing is too is it's not just a video testimonial, it's how you say it and who you're directing it to.

So often people will talk about you and the third person, oh, working with Scott Bywater is amazing, blah, blah, blah.

But I asked everyone to do the review for Scott to Scott saying, Hey Scott, I just wanna thank you so much.

And then each person can make up what it means to them as opposed to us assuming we know what someone wants from it.

And it's, it's more powerful and it's more personal.

The other thing is when you're doing a video testimonial, I was talking to Tracy yesterday and we're talking about a particular client and in this particular client we were saying, how would it work?

And it's okay, we've got a successful, we've got a number of successful clients.

How do we go back and get a video testimonial from 'em?

And let's not get one from one of them.

Let's get one from the mom, the dad, the sister, and the the person why in this industry, this person has proven that they have done really well from the use of it.

And to have a mom talk to a video testimonial talking about the benefits their son has had from this, and then the dad and even the sister.

And then the cons, the the, the student themselves.

If they were to actually have all four of those, you're not getting, you're getting the family member who might be considering it.

You are also getting the person who's going to use it, watching it and seeing what the family respond with.

And there's, you can get like four or five from one.

Now that industry slightly different to others, but I'm sure you get what I'm saying here.

So then there's the how, so how do you ask so that it seems, and that's where I love language patterns is many.

And then, and speaking to the person directly when you're recording, what is it?

Um, you want 'em to say, now we all know if you ask for a referral, people will go, oh yeah, I can't think of anyone.

But if you go, do you know a plumber who's in your town that they'll go, oh yeah, I know a plumber.

And then you can get a referral that way.

Si similar to what you want 'em to say in, in this.

And you're probably saying, well, video testimonials, what's gonna be happening here?

It's done so quickly and by them on their own device streaming that it, it's, anyhow, I'll get to that.

So when do you ask as well, what's really been valuable is when we're calling up to find out what another client, what a client thinks about the client.

And I ask, is there anything you don't like about them?

Let's just say, and they'll go to bat for them and go look, based on your support of them, we'd love to see that in a video T manner.


Okay, so it's, there's a bit of framing in it as well.

Just keep that in mind.

It's really valuable.

So why also the tone of the user is being used.

So if, you know, when you're reading a a an A review, you're reading it in your tone and the mood that you're in that day.

But if we're listening to someone, we are hearing it in their tone and what they've got out of it, as opposed to us putting our own filters on it.

And when we can see the person giving a testimonial near the time we interpretate interpret how they feel about it, it's in a, it's just a, obviously a deeper connected way than in text.

So not all video testimonials, testimonials are created equal, like I was saying earlier.

So here's the part that was frustrating me, like I know a bit about tech, but it was still frustrating.

So what do I ask 'em to say?

How do I record it?

Where do they record it?

If they record it, how do they send it back to me?

Where do I share it?

How do I post it?

Do I have permission to post it?

How do I store it and where do I store it?

And so that's where this platform is called Video Ask.

And I'll quickly go to the, this link that I had created for Scott, and I'll go into the, the specifics of it, but I'll quickly show you how it works.

Hi, if you're Watching this, it's because we buy water.

And over the last two years he's created an amazing group in the elite markets group now.

So that's the introduction at the moment.

This is a generic version, but if you're only interested in the app at the end product and someone just has to record it, there's a few steps you can avoid.

You can bypass.

If you wanna do your own video, I can show you you how I've got all the instructions on that and what to be mindful of if you wanna set up your own account or if you just wanna take advantage of one I've set up and just do.

At the end of the day, what you want is a video testimony from someone that's of high value as, and we, and I'll show you how to do that.

So if I said, if I click here, I'll create a video testimony for Scott.

It takes me through to this.


Now a couple of tips.

One is when you record it, if You, so I'm just giving some instructions on how to do it.

And then I come over here to the record button.

Also down here, if you wanna write yourself some notes, you click on this little button and you can go, I will remember to talk whatever, whatever you want put.

And then you click hit record.


I'm just wanting to say thanks Scott for the great group that you've created.

It's made a great deal to me and really appreciate all the hard work.

Now I'll click stop.

It'll, it's now streaming it right now.

It'll just decide whether it wants to and then it'll play it back.


I'm just wanting to say thanks Scott, for the great group that you've created.

It's made a great deal to me and Really appreciate all the hard work.

Now I'll click stop So it stops it.

Now what I can do is if I'm not happy with it, click rerecord, say, thanks Scott, for now I'm happy with it.

So it's now sending that foot footage to me.

So the next question, the harder other part is wanting how do we get, thanks so Much for that.

I know Scott's gonna be wanting to share them on social media platforms, marketing.

So I'm now explaining this was done late at night, as you can see, not dressed, but this was, it was a a love job.


So I, I'm okay with you sharing it or no, please don't share it.

So I'm gonna click, okay, so then now we put in here our name and email.

We tick this box, I'll tick the box and it's now we are giving him a thank you and whatever else it is that you want to do.

Thank you So much for doing that.

The value of all of that is then I'll come back to the, the screen here is, it comes back and it, we, we then have the ability to share the request on each of these platforms.

And as I was saying before, this is the scripting and everything that I, I can show you how all that works, but let me go to the approval, which is a few slides down.

So in here it provides you with a a C S B file and it, I've taken the people's names outta here, but it shows you the, the time if they've left any of those details.

And it says, I'll create a video testimony for Scott Bywater.

And then it goes through here.

It provides you all of the, the text instantly so it's voiced to text.

You will have to make some modifications to approve it, to make it sound a bit better.

And then it's got, I'm okay with you sharing it.

So you've got, all of that is done in the blink of an eye.

So if I go back up to here, they receive that and it's really easy on, you can do it on desktop or mobile.

And I'll go through, through some of the benefits of it.

As I said, you can share that on your platforms.

Here's some of the interesting parts for the basic one that for each of us, it won't be branded.

If you want to, we can, but it's, what I'm saying is the, the one that we can, everyone can do, it'll be a generic one, but you can have your own branded one.

So you can have your logo down the corner here.

You can change the colors, you can have your own privacy, you can upload your logos.

So if you have a look here in this example, you can see it's got my little logo up on the top here and it's also got a link which I call V my B reviews.

We can change, you can personalize that link as well.

So you can have it your brand.

So I was doing one for Ray White, and then it has there, and then it's just got a, the follow up.

And then you can pick the colors that you choose.

This is an example of some of the colors.

So there's the different ways that you can do it.

And the, um, funny faces there, they're bonus.

And then the other part too is getting the embed code.

So it's okay, we've got the link, we've got the response.

And in that document here, it also provides all of the links to all the responses and the embed codes.

So you get the link to share instantly, and then you get the embed code, which, and then I would highly recommend when you get it, is to download it and save it just so you've got your own in case something was to happen.

But then you've got your own copy of it.

And then to quickly wrap it up, oops.

So if you think here you've got your, if it's a mobile phone, what, where are the benefits of it?

You can use it on ss e o on your website.

So you use it for ss e o extracting the text from the video testimonial.

So on your website you can, I'm not sure what I'm putting for that bit.

You can have it as a signature.

So you could have video testimonials in your signature, include them in your emails, you can be playing them on your site and you can create PDFs from it.

You've got the links, the embed codes and this bit here.

So keeping in mind, you could share them on, you can share them on Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, you, and if you've got enough, if you've got a longer response, you could split them up and just have little snippets that go for a few seconds and have a a split them up that way.

And oh yeah, let me, so it's like there's a multiple different ways that you could create it and, and, and have it and then share it.

One of the things that I was thinking of and with more recently is reputation's their most valuable asset.

And often people are spending money externally going out and it's like by calling up clients and asking for a video testimonial and then they're, they're in that real hot heat of they really love you.

It's then going, Hey, example, do you know a plumber in your town that would benefit from me?

But being very specific with that request language.

And so an example is if you're doing say normal ads, you're investing, there's the money's there and the long term return.

If it's AdWords, you pay, you click, you get that.

When you're doing your reputation and it's referral based, the investment's a little bit smaller, but the long-term value is you're getting protection on your reputation.

You're getting social proof building and you're building an asset with your reviews.

If you've got a Google My Business account or you are getting more people with higher reputations to endorse you to do the same thing.

And I think, yeah, so it was all to create a, a very simple powerful way to get high quality and to send it to tech.

Uh, we've been using it with Indi, uh, with real estate agents and they're not very technical savvy and they're giving it to the buyers on the time they sign the the thing and their emotional response is extraordinary.

So the timing for those guys is on the sale of the property.

And then we're also getting family members from the sale say, Hey, they looked after my mom.

They're amazing.

So it's unlimited to your industry.

But that's it, Scott, mate, quick question that comes to mind immediately.

Other than the, the myriad of applications for having video testimonial as part of just about anything, do you, are you finding them more effective when there's someone else?

Like in this case, it's you going out to a customer on behalf of someone and saying, Hey, reaching out on behalf of Scotty to see if you do one or rather than, Hey, it's Tim here.

Can you give a testimonial for me?

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

That's A real really good question.

And I'd originally thought everyone would wanna do their own, but there's, but people are nervous.

They again, no, I want you to be the one asking.

'cause it seemed, and it makes sense too 'cause when I'm calling a client, clients of a particular group, I'm asking questions and they'll tell me what they'll tell someone at a barbecue about someone, but they won't tell that person directly.

Yeah, That's what I was wondering.

'cause it's a, it feels awkward to say, Hey, can you tell me about myself?

I hadn't originally thought that was going to be as big a issue as not an issue.

As much as I hadn't realized the value of me doing it for them, a generic version was going to be of as much value as, as it has been.

Yeah, I love this use of video ask and, and it looks like the platform's come a long way in the last couple of years, but this giving the instructions and having the thing there to go, okay, now I can record is brilliant.


And there's a, there's other little widgets and I was saying that if you get a chance, look up what they do on some of their YouTube channels.

Like they had little snippets that go for maybe a minute and you watch 'em and you're like, oh, a minute it'll do.

And then you get so engrossed in it, you want to click the next option and you go from one minute to 15 minutes on this journey down this little, choose your own adventure.

And maybe it's just my personality, but the ability to not think you're gonna watch much and then just go down this, it's like watching TikTok but a sales letter in the one spot.

I'll quickly see if I can grab an example.

Like I've got a, a basic example on my website and I'll quickly show you, oops, how that looks because I was saying to Scotty, imagine having a sales letter.

Can you send out an email sales letter and it's an email and it's static and they've opened it.

But what if it was a video sales letter and the person actually could choose their own adventure as they were doing it?

Let me, um, my website's really ordinary, but I'll show you this example of here.

So you can have a popup on the bottom of your screen on your website.

Hi, this is Scott from my business reviews, what can I happen with today?

So they pick which one they want.

I wanna know more about reviews.

Uh, and it takes 'em all the way they can to a book.

We have Busy business owners find lost review opportunities.

So Map out how it takes you on those adv.

And the good thing is if you have an account, you can have that in embed code, sit it on there or have it within email sequences or I'm really excited about the, like eventually building a sales letter where people can answer those things within it and see how quickly it turns a like a seven series sales letter from maybe a week turnaround to an hour or something.

Do you get much many leads or much engagement on that within your website?

I Don't, I haven't, I don't promote my site at all at the moment.

In fact, it's really just there as a, if someone says, have you got a site?

And so, no, but I do see when people are going on it, like I'm always being shown, oh, someone's gone on and interacted and they're having a bit of a play around with it, but not it, the the potential is there at the moment.

Um, I, I haven't set it up the exact way that it should be, but they also have, they also do it for recruiting too.

And I also with, with the real estate agent, they've originally got it for video testimonials, weirdly for tenants and stuff.

And I'm like, what about salespeople?

I hadn't even considered that.

But then there was the other element of when people are applying for, um, a property, it's do a video why you should have it and upload all your documents at the same time.

And they're like, oh, that'd be cool.

And I go, well, yeah, then you don't have to waste your time even having a chat with them if they don't match the criteria already.

And it, and job interviews and uh, storytelling and support.

There's a stack of different options within the site that's, it's just, it's an amazing song.

Yeah, Yeah.

No, that's, that's great.

So any questions for, for, for Scott?

We got Yeah, we we've defined that you are the tech simplifier Scott.

Oh really?

You've, you've missed all the exciting chat while you've been chatting, but Yeah.

And Pay no attention to that lasted bit.


How much, how much?

We may have got a bit distracted.

You guys got distracted.

Oh, I did See people laughing and I was like, oh, here we go.

I'm, yeah, Just, just come back.

I think the opportunity to have someone else, 'cause I, I just feel that whether it's someone on your team or a, a trusted sort of partner or someone who's reaching out on your behalf to say, Hey, can you talk about and talk about me?

I reckon you're getting it more genuine and more authentic feedback.

Because if someone says, Hey, tell me about how you feel about me, they're gonna go.

But if someone else is going out and say, Hey, hey John, can you tell us about how you feel about Scott?

He's gonna be more, a bit more open, a bit more transparent about it.

And then once you've captured it, I, I really love how in that one particularly you've actually given people instructions on what to do and what to say and how to do it.

Because that's the thing that people miss, as you say, if you just say, Hey, can you gimme testimonial?

They go, yeah, great.

And then they'll go, got busy.

See ya.


Just getting in that moment to say, Hey look, this is gonna take you, it'll take you about two minutes, you know, to come up with something.


Like your, like Scott Bywaters your survey thing, Scott, like people are really honest in their answers.


Because that's not a video thing, but it's like amazing what people say in their answers when you're trying to collate information about a client.




And particularly when it's done, surveys are a bit different 'cause it's very private and they know it's not gonna be filmed and go to the world.

But yeah, I think it's almost less intimidating in some way doing it in front of your computer screen.

Would you say that Scott?

Yeah, it's, it's interesting 'cause they do have a survey one where you can do video text or video voice or text.

And so you could run a survey and they could respond at different points.

It might require a verbal or a video response and if they knew it was gonna be private, like it might be just along how they articulate themselves.

But it's the something with the using their own product and the intimacy of it.

And when you see people, when they're doing the real estate ones, it's like they've lo they've forgotten where they are or what they're doing, but the beauty of it's you don't send it back for approval.

They're approving it there and then, so you're not having to edit it, go back, you then edit it if you need to, but they've already approved it anyway, which is sometimes people are producing them and then they can't get approval 'cause the person feels, um, conscious about it.

But you are hitting them all when it matters in that approval and everything.

Which yeah, it's, I it's just very, it's very simple and easy to the back end of it takes a little bit of time to get your head around because it's quite, it can be a bit annoying, but once, once you've got it in it, do you have A proven formula for scripts?

This is what the situation was like, this is my hesitancy, this is what I found, these are my results and here's a call to action.

Do you do that sort of stuff or do you feel that's less authentic?

It's a another good question.

It's what, it depends on the person and what that person wants as the outcome.

And if you think of a real estate agent, they want their egos boosted.

So they want them to be always mentioning their name and how amazing they were and however the person's able to do it and you, when the real estate agent's getting it upset about them, it's like their heads on their shoulders just keep expanding.

Is that, and they just keep like, it's extraordinary for building their ego and they all want their back scratched enormously.

So with those guys, it's different to say like a, a locksmith that might be, we felt we could trust him.

Uh, we felt we could trust you Jason, where we've called others in the past or it's, there's subtle differences for each one and it's really, it's making sure, it is a really good question and I'm just, I don't think I, I thought there'd be a one size fits all, but like anything, there's just not, there's the main things are talk directly to the person.


So that, and there's that personal thing.

Have them try and evoke some emotion with them by saying, what was it that you got the most out of it?


And get them to make it about our biggest concern with getting say a locksmith was we weren't sure if they'd turn up on time or they would be safe, but we were so glad when you turned up Jason 'cause we felt comfortable 'cause seven of our friends had referred you.

And that's, oh hang on, here's a video testimonial about a, an endorsement from seven others that's here's the cream of the testimonial.

So if if all they said was, yeah, we'd been referred to you by seven other people, we knew you were worthwhile.

That could be all they have to say to go.




Thank you.

No, that's okay.

Compounding that value proposition.

Scott, I like the point you made at the be, uh, early in your presentation about the collecting the social media links from the client and adding them onto the, onto the review.

Is that, so, and I'm sorry if I missed this, but is that something your software does or is that a, a manual step at this stage In terms of the video testimonial response, putting it onto social?

No, in terms of getting the, the social media links from the person giving the testimonial, the LinkedIn page, that sort of stuff.

Oh no, I, I just built that mys, I went and just went to each one of those people's pages and built each one of them.

I was just doing that for Scott to, that actually took a, a little bit of time to build that.

But I was also thinking maybe it'd be like, I'm glad I really appreciate you saying something about it.

'cause I thought this would be good template to say, hey, if you like, what we could do is, or even provide the template and say, hey, pull the imagery just needs to have your link changed and then insert the text differently.

I was, I wanted to build it again for Scott, but also it's how could this be duplicatable, just like you said.

And the, the hardest part I'd say if I go back to that would be just extracting the text and changing the links and the photo.

So there would be some manual work.

I'm sure there's some software out there that probably automate most of it, but at this point in time I just made that out of my own Off off the off.


I just say to be a it, a nice feature to include if in the, even if you have to manually go and put the links in afterwards to have the, the embed code pull through the view that has social media buttons on it.

Even if um, we have to go get the client's links and add them in manually, uh, it'd be nice to just be able to drop in the uh Yeah.

Bed code you give and have it there.

And that's what I, and that's exactly what I would, I I know I only quickly built it on Canva 'cause my technical, I I'm, I know how to do some basic stuff on, but it was a quicker way of being able to do it and exist and show how it would, would works.

But my mind was always about duplication to do exactly that.

You Could probably build a form that, uh, then zaps the form fields into your system as they're doing their video testimonials.

Can you add a form at the end of it with their social links if they want them included?

Probably Zap that.

Yeah, there would def Well the beauty of it is that the C S V file comes in, you could, when you download that, you could have it so that the Zap then triggers each of those things and puts them all into those spots.

So yeah, actually you could automate a good portion of it.

I wouldn't know how to do it off the top of my head, but I know Tracy maybe had it Buddy.

We've got a whole team that could help us work that We do.

Yeah, we we we'll have to streamline it and systemize it.

Productize it.



No, it's, that's awesome.

Six an hour va go and look it up.



There's smarter people than us out there.

Let, let's go to breakout rooms.

So we'll, we'll jump in there for probably seven, eight minutes and then come back and do a, a quick recap.

Please don't put me in Tracy's room.

Oh my mind.


I'm sorry.

Don't worry if I do that loud.


Hey Scott.


Hey John.

How are you?

I think you are in, you just gotta click on the join there somewhere.

Did I think just join me automatically.

Can you hear me?

Yeah, you should be in room two.

Yeah, I am.

Yeah, it said I was in room two.

Yeah, you, but there should be something which says like, join One sec Because Yeah, it does join you automatically, but I think you have to just approve it.


It came up and then disappeared.

Oh, did it?

Maybe It kicked me out and put me back in.

I don't know.

Oh, breakout rooms.

Lemme just click on a button, see if that makes Room two.

Yeah, room two.


There's not, You keep interrupting all of our conversations doing that.


Mark, when everything's just about to climax.

Yeah, you, you're just about to say that amazing thing and yeah, it's, John was Telling me the most amazing and I'm like, Can't remember now we open loop.

See we're gonna be sharing that with the next event.

Another open move.

Just thinking about, I was just thinking about the use of a video testimonial for a family lawyer.

I really want to thank Scott Bakery, who's the most fantastic family lawyer group.

My wife was so well, I'm so pleased with you.

Thank you Scott.

We Wouldn't use the word screwed maybe.

No, I would say that I interpretation I hadn't considered it from that negative, that angle, but the reason, Yeah, the reason I had to engage him to screw my wife is because he'd screwed my wife before and that's why I wanted the divorce.

Or was it because I couldn't anything?

Hey Scott, I've used, uh, a competitor to the one that you use called Video Ask.

I'm not sure if you've come across them before.

Is that what I thought?

That's what I called, did I say video ask?

You did.

No, yours uses Review Igloo by the look of it.

Oh no.


It is actually you are Rob the guy that put me onto this.

I was on a call on one of these and I was trying to figure out which video testimonial platform and you said video Ask.


It is definitely video Ask review.

Igloo is just a, that's my review software, not my test a video stuff.

So you are the guy that started this revolution for me.

It's All, I'll take credit for that.

Thank you.

Sponsored by Rob Flu.

Actually One of the things that we were talking about in our group, Scott, was an interesting use of not just video ask from a testimonial perspective, but also potentially, I know, uh, a partner of mine actually uses it for, for lead capture like you are using on your side, but also there's a potential to use it as part of a client and or staff onboarding process.

Yes, absolutely.

So to say, Hey guys, here's a quick video.

I'm just gonna run through a quick couple of key concepts.

Lemme know how comfortable this go here.

Fine, this is what comes next.

This is what comes next.

And actually using that to actually create a more personalized onboarding experience for clients and staff as well.

What's amazing about that, Tim, is that what happens is people pick what's the most important thing they pick in the top three and they watch it, but they've gone, oh, hang on, I do wanna see that other two, but we are there in the next option.

So they do the full loop even though it's not the, because they get to choose their own adventure it seems.

And they're sure, it seems like they're more engaged because of the, the added thing.

And what another client recently said is they've been struggling to get, um, client, um, staff and then they had people come in and they went, what do you wanna work here?

And the first two people said, your reviews are that amazing.

You must look after your staff and we wanna be a part of that.

And he is, I had no idea I'd get better staff and it would in, so there was that onboarding to add to it.

Yeah, I think it's that choose your own adventure that I love.

Choose your own adventures and just those little snippets that we get from it, it's, yeah, I just love that.

Uh, It e Excellent.

We'll, we'll we've just hit one so we'll do the wrap up now.

The next event is on, so, so firstly just thank you to Scott and thank you to, to John.

Just amazing presentations.

I think we really hit it out of the park today, which is great.