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Rhonda Swan is the founder and CEO of the Unstoppable Branding Agency, one of the top ten public relations and branding firms for entrepreneurs, rated by Forbes Magazine in 2021. She turns “best kept secrets” into world renowned brands, and will be revealing how to leverage the latest SEO and PR strategies (utilising tier 1 & tier 2 publications) to create an online footprint which positions you as “the expert of choice” when you’re searched for online. Check out a preview here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CnWRNyyp7mU/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


First up, we have Rhonda Swan all the way from Bali. And Rhonda is the founder and CEO of the Unstoppable Branding Agency, which is one of the top 10 public relations and branding firms for entrepreneurs.

And rated by Forbes magazine in 2021. What she does, she turns best kept secrets into world renowned brands, and she'll be revealing how to leverage the latest SEO and PR strategies, utilizing tier 1 and tier 2 publications to create an online footprint strategy. which positions you as the expert of choice when you search for online.

So and, and Rhonda also recently got me in for, in the Forbes magazine. So prior to this, so you'll be sharing how she does, how she does all this amazing stuff. So with that, with that being said, I will hand the reins over to to, to Rhonda. Yeah, thank you. So good to see everyone. Selamat pagi from Bali.

Really great to be here. I'm super excited to have you here to grant because it's, it's always so fun when to PR, you know, publicists or, you know, companies come together because It's interesting. I've been in PR and branding, you know, industry for about 18 years now. Launched about 2000 plus some brands.

Started building companies online, quit corporate in 2004 and started working with Perry Marshall. You know who Perry Marshall is. I know Scott, he's one of my mentors. And I was one of the first women to actually build a sales funnel. This is just funny information about me. I built a sales funnel before they were cool for Russell made them something and started to run Google ads to a website that, you know, there was no social media.

So we embedded this like crazy video. I don't know if you all have been around for a little while. I'm going to be 50 in a couple months. So it was Oh, poor, poor you Rhonda. They pour you, you're going to be 15 or me. I know. Yeah, but it's, it feels good though, to say it, you know, so, but who remembers, does anyone remember back in the day, audio acrobat, you know what audio acrobat was?

Okay. So. I, I was like, okay, how do I make websites alive? Because all the websites were super flat, right? So Audio Acrobat was like this little system that you could upload a video. It took like six hours. It was really wonky. It was like this big device that went on a website. So I started running Google Ads too.

A website of this video of me like, Hey, let me show you how to do this right. And I was sending them give this because I didn't know how to create links or get people to buy stuff or put them on an email list. I was sending them to an 800 number. So, this is back in 04, and we were crushing it. Literally people are going from website to 800 number.

I'm calling them making sales. And so, you know, the last, obviously, 15 years, a lot has changed. Obviously, social media came along. So I started really leveraging the obviously digital markets to build online brands. And in the last five years, I got we started to change things up a bit. So my, my value ladder was brand image.

So going up, I don't know if I'm backwards or it was brand image message strategy and PR, right? So it was like, if you start building a brand, we'll start creating products and a message, and then we'll get you into some good PR. And what happened five years ago is we started really leveraging earned media.

And I, I'm sure this is a, you know, conversation that Grant's going to talk about. Earned media and started pitching ourselves to get in some of these publications. So I was landing, you know, features and, and spots in Entrepreneur Magazine, Forbes, et cetera. And what happened though, is what turned me on to switch a bit of what I do now to go deeply back into the digital marketing space.

So let me explain what I mean. So I started, I got featured in entrepreneur magazine. We started running. I'm like, okay, wait, everyone is loving what this magazine they're clicking. And I was getting people that were clicking from the article. They were coming to my website. I'm like, whoa, we've got something here.

Right? So how can we take an article that we've been placed in and actually turn it into a value based ad that isn't selling anything, right? Totally third party, not selling anything. So we started running ads to our articles. We'd be published, we'd talk about the great stuff we did, or we'd be put in like an article, I'll show you that we did with Scott.

It was like, you know, top companies doing this. And we started running mad amount of traffic to it. And what happened? Well, first off, Forbes got really smart because I figured out how to pixel their link or to I guess, cover their link and grab all the data, right? So we were rocking it. We were grabbing audiences, retargeting then that audience that just saw me in Forbes and we're sending them our offers.

Okay, so we were getting clever and like, okay, this is amazing. People like, I just saw you in Forbes. And then all of a sudden, I find out you can help me get in Forbes too. Like, okay, this is, you know, this is something's working. So I share that story with you because what we did is we took our value letter and really flipped it on its back.

And now we're focusing mainly with. Clients that are working online and we really heavily focus on the PR side of it, but we wrap in PR SEO and ads. So what our, our our vision and what we do the best is we utilize. Tier one and tier two publications. We use mainly all digital articles and publications to not only help our clients gain credibility, right?

Because that's what you're going to get. If you're in these type of of publications to increase their visibility, but more importantly, we Google index their name, we help them increase their, or I'm sorry, decrease their ad spend and increase their revenue. All right, so I'm not a big slides kind of gal, but what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you a few things.

I know we have a kind of a finite amount of time, but I want to show you how we do that and how you can not only make either help your brand or your clients brands, because we work in 2 ways. And I'm sure that you do the same grant as we work in paid media and earned media. Now, I'm on the. Conversation we're going to have today.

I'm going to talk about the paid media side and how we can just layer and index your name so that when people are searching for you, then you become not only the source, but you also become that credible source and that choice for them to choose for whether they're deciding to work with you on a service or they find you because you are solving a problem that they have.

Right. We know kind of that's what we do as marketers. We solve problems. And so we like to use PR articles to do that. So 1st question I have, and then I'm going to kind of open some things up and just show you pure, you know, examples and exactly how it works. What would be 1st off? 1 question is.

Is everyone here either running ads for yourself and your company or your clients ads paid ads? No paid ads. Yes. Paid ads. Some. Okay. All right. Cool. Some. Yes. No. All right. How how about this question? When you let's just talk about ourselves when we are deciding to work with someone or buy from them.

What's the 1st thing that we're doing? And I know it sounds rhetorical, but let's just, you know, throw it out there a value. I think. Yeah. What are the, what's the 1st thing that you'll do? Let's say online when you are like, okay, I'm going to work with this guy or that's a good product. Or I want to look at that service.

What would be 1 of the 1st things? 1st, things that we do online and get taken the LinkedIn. Okay, right. All right, cool. So we Google them, right? That's an easy answer. And so what I do, and what I like to look at is what is our. Clients online health. What are we looking like when we are being searched? And this is one of the biggest things that especially now has become even more important than us.

Let's say, you know, getting on TV. Like, I host a TV show in CBS. I host a show at Nasdaq in New York City and, you know, these are amazing ways to get visibility. However, if they're not indexed or what we're doing Is not being indexed by Google or being recognized by Google, then it's literally falling flat.

And so what we started to see is we were running a ton of money for ads, right? And we were, we were just rocking with ads, making a lot of sales. But when a client or let's say ourselves, we decide, let's slow down our ads. What happens? And again, it's another rhetorical question, but what happens when we stop our ads?

Traffic tends to go down, right? Okay. So I'm not trying to, you know, make a sound like we don't know what we're talking about, but this is real questions that we can ask ourselves and go. Okay. So then how do we rock it with ads? How do we then support ourselves with searching for problems? And we show up as the problem.

Answer to their problems without actually needing to continue to run as much of ads or as expensive as our ads might cost. And then how do we continue then to be and show up for our clients? So this is what I want to show you guys today. I'm going to open up my screen. Forgive me if I get fumbly because you know, whenever you do just pure screen share stuff I'm going to try to move my screen around.

So it's really visible. Okay. Can you guys see this? Slide. All right. Can you please let me know when, let me make sure my daughter just walked in. Okay, good. I got a full battery. Can you please let me know when I start switching screens? Can you let me know if they don't switch? I'm going to say I'm switching a screen because I think you guys all know zoom, you switch screens and all of a sudden you're talking about something and no one has a clue what you're talking about.

So, because the screen didn't change. Okay, so this is what we look at. We look at using the the triad of them. Paid ads. So we get that instant gratification. If you will, we're getting that clicks. We're getting that, that activity, the lead generation, but then what we do is we then layer in PR, not only for credibility, brand positioning, right?

Organic traffic, but then we also create then an SEO plan for our clients. And we do this for a few reasons. First off one is, is. When you have a, a brand that is actually being recognized and being seen by Google, Google gives you a lot more energy to it, right? So if let's say you're getting published in an article and then you've got SEO ranking links where people are searching and you're answering questions, the more people are clicking on you and your links or your websites or your ads, Google likes to give us a lot more rewards for that.

So we take that, we benefit it by utilizing tier one and tier two publications to really create that online footprint for our clients. So let me show you what I mean before I switch over to this this screen. Has anyone ever do you know what a Google knowledge panel is? That actually might be a good question.

Have you ever heard of a Google knowledge panel? I mean, we might, if we're in marketing, most of us may have had, yeah, a lot of us. Okay, cool. So we really focus on. The Google knowledge panel, and the reason why we do it is because we're finding from we just found out some there was some big research that was done by that was done in a study with Wikipedia that 23%.

Of those that are finding your brand online, and you have a Google knowledge panel, they're clicking over to your website. Okay. I want to show you this. Here's the report. I couldn't find it there. They're clicking over to your website. All right. So take a look at this. So here's our, here's our our linking traffic.

If you look at, Okay. Not even linking to a domain. If someone is searching for your name, or they're searching for your company or your service, and you have a, you're verified by Google is really what it's called. We call the G. K. P. the Google knowledge panel. It's called a lot of different things. So, 23% of traffic.

So that means a whole lot when we are running ads and they're going to search for us because we know 92% of them are going to search for us anyways. And so what we're going to do is we're going to look at, could you, are you seeing this slide right here that came back on? Okay, cool. Alright, so now I'm going to switch over to my, my Google search.

I wanted to show you a few things, because this is, this is where all the fun actually starts to happen. Okay, so I'm gonna, I'm gonna click over here. All right, so I'm just gonna use myself as a good example to start with. If somebody decides they want to work with me, or they see me in an article, or they see me or they, someone's talking about me like today, chances are you might end up searching for me today, right?

And I might have a lot of good things to say. But that's me standing on in the middle of Times Square going, Rhonda is so awesome. Look at me. But what happens when you search for me and you come to a page like this, let's see this run a swan. It's all of a sudden there's someone standing in Times Square right now, and it's Google and they're going.

Wow. Take a look at Rhonda Swan. Take a look at her. Now, let me give you some education behind because I want all of us. To Google our names today. Don't do it now because then you'll forget and not see what I'm doing, but I want you to Google your name because these are some markers that we want to take a look at and see where are we at right now.

And you can do this certainly for your clients so we go on we search your name Google. The all tab is all of your stuff, and a lot of us get super excited because we're like yeah I look awesome, you know, look at me I've got all these things I got Instagram LinkedIn. Remember, This is self generated links.

These are all your things. Your socials should be here, right? Everything should be here because it's all yours. Now, if you've got a lot of stuff like books and you've been on a lot of podcasts and things such as that, they might start flowing into your all tab. Okay. However, I'm going to give you another bit of an insight to how to really see credibility stamps.

And verification. Okay, this is where Google's going. Oh, my goodness. You need to know Rhonda Swan because everyone else is talking about her Yahoo Finance, you know, Forbes digital first magazine celebrity mix women love tech, right, all of these. Here, I own my real estate. So the news tab is actually Google telling everyone, of course, and we're telling Google that I am credible.

Okay, I'm not doing it myself. I'm using third party publications to Google index my name, Google index my company's name, and the keywords that I want to rank and search for. Is that making sense? Want to make sure that my screens are switching back and forth. You guys on the news tab here. Yeah. Okay.

Awesome. So. This is the value behind utilizing and leveraging PR to index you and your company. Now, I would suggest most of us, and it's not a problem because most of us, even if we're doing awesome stuff that we do with grant like earn media, chances are, unless we put energy and focus behind how you look online and your panel is been populated, you may not end up having a panel.

You probably don't if you don't have any chance, or you don't have a panel. If you have a book, you might start a panel. But what we do is we take all the energy come myself back. And I'm going to bring you back to some real live information is what what happens is when you have. SEO. Your links are all over.

Google, Google starts to get recognized. They start to populate. It's like you turn Google on and Google's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on? Why is that name? Why is that link? Why does that person keep showing up? We need to find out what's happening, right? So Google starts to grab information.

This is why we're so particular about making sure and take some notes that if you have LinkedIn socials websites. Bios have to be the same. They have to be accurate and they have to be connected and the websites have to be the same. Okay? Because you can confuse Google by going, I got this, this, I got this, I got this website.

I got, you know, this course, I got all this stuff and you're putting it all over your socials and your websites. If you don't have one place, that's the same all the time. That's why we say consistency is everything. Then you'll confuse Google because they won't know who you are. We see a lot of people, they change their name.

They change their brand name frequently. They change their bio name and their socials and it confuses Google, right? So what we do is make sure that everything's congruent and then Google gets turned on the light pop. Oh, wait, there it is again. There it is again. There it is again. And Google starts to populate a panel.

We don't create panels. We only turn Google on to create them. Okay. Does that make sense? So now I'm going to give you some real life action of really what this means so I can put, you know, some real proof to what I'm talking about. So I use and we use a database. We pull data from HREVs. You guys use HREVs and if you're in digital marketing, there's a lot of different systems you can use.

You guys ever heard of HREVs? Yeah. Okay, cool. Not everyone does. And we, we use Ahrefs because Ahrefs is a, is a really good indicator. It basically tells us what's the online health of your website. What's the ranking? What is your domain rating of your website? And the domain, it's a DR. So again, take notes of what a DR is, because this will be really important if you ever decide or someone pitches you or you're going after PR, especially digital PR, you want to know what the domain rating is.

Right. You want to know what the domain rating is because that ranks on a zero to 100, 100 being the highest and zero being the lowest. And it all comes down to the amount of traffic that's coming into that, that website. So that's how we look at what the health is of the domain rating. So anything above a 50 starting to get really, really strong, you've got a lot of backlinks.

There's a lot of strength to that. So if someone's going to publish you and put your link on their website, you want to make sure it's going to help you. Right. That it's actually going to do something. I see so many people, they're, they're putting a lot of time and energy and websites putting on blog posts or being on podcasts and things such as that, or articles that do no good for their brand really at all other than their time.

They're just giving education and their information to these other people's lists. And it doesn't help you because if they're not Google index, or they're looked upon as a news source. That Google says this publication is newsworthy. It's not going to actually help you. It's not going to give you any Google juice.

Okay. I'm going to show you how to check that things are newsworthy, but I'm showing you this right now because this is one of my clients. Okay. So one of our clients, we do PR SEO. And of course we run. Paid ads. So the sexy part about this, when you're looking at steel supplements, is they've got a domain rating about a 56.

They're doing pretty decent. We've been working with them for several years on their SEO and PR. And you can see where all of this, you know, started to really heavily ramp up, where they're referring domains just started to crank. Okay, so here's the referring domains. That means that we're putting them a lot of different PR and we're linking back to their site.

So that's giving their site Google juice and giving them ranking juice. Now, piece that I actually want to show you. What I want to show you is this. All right. Did that switch over to now showing a crazy graph of green, orange and blue. Cool. Okay. This is what I want to show you when you do a quality amount of PR, which is, you know, back linking your stories being told that and also SEO, because that means that you're now solving a problem and you're paid ads.

This is the results that you can look at now. They've got a lot of backlinks. So we've been doing a lot of work for many, many years, but this is where it gets fun. Okay, so this is back in 2022. So, we're looking at just, you know, just a, just about a year, right? Actually, exactly a year. So, I want to show you where that box starts to change.

The blue is the referring domains. That means that's the amount of people, articles, 3rd party validations talking about steel supplements right now. It's linking back to their website. The orange is actually their organic traffic. This is, as you know, what organic traffic is, right? It's who's coming forward and who's solving problems and clicking through to their website.

And, of course, the green is what they pay for on their traffic. All right. So, let's go for this next year. Let's just have a fun little journey with steel on all 3 of those. Take a look at what's taking place. So, the green is where they've been rocking them, you know, spending quite a bit each day on their paid ads.

Okay. And as we go through each and every day, Okay. Okay. We start to increase, we started to increase their, their organic traffic starts to increase because a lot of people are seeing their ads and they're starting to search because we're doing a lot of SEO. The SEO of course is answering a lot of problems.

They're not searching for the company. Now, if you take a look at what's happening in the blue, is these referring domains, the more PR we do, that's Google index that has their name, what they do, how they do it. The more referring domains, what's happening to the organic traffic. It's going way up and then what's happening to their paid traffic.

It's going way, way down. We went crazy. These last this last year on the end here, you notice this last 3 months on their PR, but look what happened costs and their paid traffic went way down. Now, if you notice, see that dip, they have that they hit a little dip here and started to go down a bit. Right. And boom, they picked up their paid traffic again, half of what they ever paid per day, but look what happened then.

Boom, their paid traffic went way down and their organic traffic picked way up. So what happens when we do this, if you can like kind of start to think about what would happen then if your clients or you were running paid ads. And we know now based on data that 23% of them are actually going from the ad directly to their Google knowledge panel and clicking over.

Now we've got 23% that hasn't become a click through. It's reducing our ads spend. It's increasing, of course, our traffic. And then, of course, now, we're getting a better client because they, they, they go to Google and most of our clients may not be searching and understand, go to the news tab, but the news tab and the organic traffic on SEO is supporting the fact that you're the best.

Does that make sense? Okay. So I'm going to show you a couple more things. I think Scott, you want me to usually stop at 30 minutes. Yeah. Is that kind of where we are? All right. Are you guys following me right now? I want to make sure we're following because like this stuff gets me so excited because if I can save money and make my clients or myself look like the way bigger rock star than maybe I am, then that's a big win, right?

We get on a call with them and they're really excited to actually see you because they get it. Right. So, okay. Here's a couple more examples. Here. So, for instance, this is still they, this is some of their search terms that they are ranking for. It's just pull exercises, right? So here's 1 of their SEO rankings.

They have snippets and they're in, they're inside of a multitude of different articles. It's not about them. It's about the problems that they're solving. Right? So these are articles. We place them in so that even if a client is searching, not for them, but they're searching for what they do best. Yeah.

They show up all right now, let's look over here. In fact, there's this is actually a report of the amount of positions. They have a number 1 and look at the traffic value. Like, the volume is madness. And so this is why they're getting a consistent amount of not only SEO traffic, but how the PR side will start to really.

Protect that. All right. So did I switch now to my to Rhonda Swan's page? I want to make sure I switched over. Did it do that or no? Still on the keywords. Okay, cool. I'm gonna switch over. All right. So now, last thing I want to show you all is now I did my own, of course, myself, because if you Google me, I've got a really quality panel, right?

I'm an author. So I focus heavily with my panel. On what I'm doing is I also the founder of a very large book series that we're focusing on right now. So, when you come, you see Rhonda Swan is the author. This is my personal site. So, driving traffic here. I've got my books. It's got all my socials. And then, of course, more about me.

It just keeps getting bigger and bigger. So, if a client is like, wow, I'm going to work with you. This is what they should see. Right? They should see. You showing up as wow, like, this is the person I need to work for work with. Right? Which is all this is all my PR. Right? Because that's supporting my panel.

This PR right here is what builds this panel. So now, when a client is going to consider working with you now, they're like, okay. This is actually the credible source, right? This or this person is not just screaming their, you know, best accolades, but what it also is doing. It's allowing me not to have to pay so much for paid.

It helps our referrals increase our guesses. It helps everything increasing. Yes. Okay. So I want to kind of give you an example here as well and let me know if it didn't switch over to this article. So I wanted to do a test with Scott right because I know Scott I did as I him and I had this awesome conversation I was like, Scott, whoa.

Okay. You're not doing any PR. I can't even find much about you other than your all stuff. And, you know, I kind of was goofing on a bit because that's kind of what I can do because I'm a cheeky cheeky American, but I said, okay, why don't I at least do something for you? Let's put you in at least an article.

And this was you know, this was a Forbes division, a division of Forbes, but I want to just play with it and just put a article together that was. About what Scott does, right? Top 5 business strategists for scaling a company in 2023. Okay, we put it in the Forbes Brunei division. It's another just another division of Forbes in a different country, Southeast Asia, but I wanted just to see what happens.

It's not big forms. It's not big USA forms, right? But it's big. It's Forbes, obviously. And I just want to see what the test would happen. And here is what happened, right? Someone is searching 5 top business strategists or business strategists. There's a whole slew of keywords that you can search for. This is the article that's actually pulling up.

Now, when you see, obviously, if you can other ways that you can start leveraging this form of PR is you can use these articles in your emails. You can use them in your, your signatures. And this gives you instant credibility without you telling your client. Oh, awesome. You are. So if you scroll down, you'll start to see these are.

Take a look at all these, you know, awesome articles. We've published. This is now the article that Scott was in. So it's not only ranking on Google as top strategists for scaling companies in 2023, but it's also now we're starting to index in an index. Google index, his name and his company. So this is the fun stuff that I enjoy about PR because I'm a digital marketing nerd.

And I also am into PR, right? So we learn how to bring them all together and make our clients. Not only we, we, I would say we give them what they want, which is the sexy stuff and say, look where I was. And we put, you know, we work with so many different outlets, Forbes, Inc, magazine, Wikipedia, you know, all of them.

And. But my, the biggest gain that we've ever gotten is when we can place a client and they show up strong online and we help them just get more yeses. So that's what I got. In a very quick, fast, American style way. I thought that was awesome, Rhonda, and I love the way that you, yeah, just bring it all together with like the, the SEO, the PR, the profiling, all of that sort of thing.

So yeah, I'd love to just open it up for, I'm sure there'll be some questions out there. So open it up for questions.


is it worth having your own? Name as a domain, like for example, Daniel do doherty au or.com au. And then pointing up your own content, some keywords related to what we do, all links to your socials. Make sure the bio's equal all over the place. But do you just leave the sit, let the site sit, or do you, do you gotta keep adding con relevant content to it?

Yeah, great question. Every single one of us should own our name.com. No matter what, because if they don't serve, if they're going to search, or they're going to use your name. Now, 1 thing to look at is, and I would own a, you and of course, dot com as well. And 1 thing to also note is that if you have competition, like, when you search for yourself, and you have competition, make sure that you what we have to do sometimes for clients, if they have a really general name, we use their middle name or their middle initial.

And you have to use it very, very consistency consistently. Okay. So, the moment you start indexing something, stay consistent with what that indexing is. If you're competing with a lot of other people, like, you go to your name. Like, I was a Rhonda Rhonda Renee Swan born on June 3rd, 1973 and I was also a black woman.

Exact birthday, exact same name. And her and I were competing forever. And I was like, how am I going to get away from this lady? I just got to do more. So we also do a lot of reputation management where we just, we got to push a lot of stuff down. And so to answer your question, when you're putting, of course, content on your website is amazing, right?

Cause that's SEO. You want to make sure that as keywords that you want to rank for, but unless you're driving energy to it, chances are your personal website. Isn't going to do as much unless you're moving energy to it, right? So especially when it comes to the SEO side, you can, if you're, if you know, SEO and you know what you're doing, then you can certainly get generate your own organic traffic.

What we tend to do is we'll also write high value based SEO articles that are not even like publications or PR articles. They're actually sitting on very heavy domain rated sites like ted. com. We put a lot of, of content on Ted. And we link it back. To your website. So what happens is you're creating that Google juice and the it's called a no follow or do follow depending on the type of publication.

Like, for instance, Forbes is a no follow. That means they don't follow you, but you get a lot of ranking because it's Forbes at a 94 domain rating. So, what I suggest you do, and what we did, and when we got really clever is if you're writing really quality articles, then you can run ads to them. Create value based.

So we did the 3 step and if you know, Kim Barrett, by the way. Hey, boss, Kim Barrett is one of my favorite humans on the planet. Hey, boss, and I got really clever back. Yeah, 5, 6 years ago. We're like, okay, we because Kim was working what's called the the mogul method, 3 step mogul method. I'm like, What if I did the mogul method with PR?

And so we were taking articles that were with Forbes and entrepreneur. Then we started taking my own articles. You have the Lord. There you go. Jay's the we started taking our own value based articles and running mad traffic to them. So another way to give value based to your clients, you're not just putting an ad up or a video.

You're literally giving them something that they actually want to read. That can help them and when you do that now, you're not only driving energy to your website, right? Which is creating paid traffic, but then it helps the SEO rankings too, because now you can start getting organic traffic as well.

Does that make sense? And then, of course, and you follow up, you grab those audiences, you follow them up with an ad. And they're like, this greatest article ever. And you taught me how to do all this. I just have to work with you. Right? So make sure you write something that's going to be based on the offer that's following with your offer or with your with your ad.

Makes sense. Yeah. Nice. The other other questions. Hey, Mark. Can I ask a question? Yeah. Yep. Hey, Rhonda. Really enjoying your presentation. Thanks for your time. Very exciting. Lots of great information. My head's a little bit overwhelmed, but you talked about the bio a little bit and being the same across multiple websites and I've got three or four different websites.

Not sure. I think I've got four. And so is there any secret or key or something special tips or advice on getting, for me, my own bio perfect? And obviously for a lot of everyone else who has clients they work with, getting their bios perfect. What's your tips, big tips or advice on the bio? Yeah, really great question or because it's, it is really important, right?

And, I can show you some examples. I can actually send it over to Scott because I I have a how to write a perfect bio. Because it is important, right? So you have to lead with your name, right? The first 2 lines have to have your name and your company and the key words of what you do. So how I like to.

To do things is, I always look at, when we're looking at taglines or the way that we wanna be seen, is we look at what is it I do and what is the desired outcome of my audience? So for me, like, let's say my tagline used to be I create sexy brands. That's what I do, and I turn 'em into profit making machines.

That's what they, that's what the, you know, the client, the, the desired outcome is we go my company, unstoppable Branding Agency, we create turn best kept secrets. Into world renown brands, right? So what I do is I take the best kept secret because that's a keyword that we're trying to own and then I turn them into world renown brands.

And I do that with PR and media, right? So you want to look at those 1st, 2 lines need to be you, your company and exactly what you do and make sure that they match. And then you want to layer certainly the things that you've done. If you have some really high credible things that you've done or been in publications are big because again, that links those names to your name and your company name.

Thank you. That's great advice, Ron. I appreciate that. So I've just taken the last two lines of my 200 word bio and thrown it into the top line. I'm doing that right now. Brilliant. That's exactly what you want to do. Because remember, you know, Google's searching, right? So when they have these, these, you know, the search bots, they're just looking for data.

And that's the data they pull first. And that's when people get that goofed up. And that's what we have found has worked really nicely. Hey, Mark, would you be open? To letting me use you as a really quick and cut me off when I should, Scott, should I, okay, let's do it. So if you don't mind, cause in, remember everyone needs to feel super good about this because typically we, if we don't do the energy behind it, the search results are not going to show how, you know, how sexy mine looks cause I put a lot of energy into it, right.

And you know that wherever the energy goes is where the, you know, the money flows or all of it flows. So would you mind sharing with me what your website is? Mark. Okay. The, I've got two main ones. Well, I've got Mark Stevens dot Comu. Who your personal Yeah, let's do your personal to Mark Stevens dotcom au That's the one we don't direct anyone to though.

Okay. Okay. Well then that would, that would be a good example to show of that, you know, probably doesn't have much. Lemme just do Mark. I never promote it. Yeah. Okay. So then you probably don't have any juice there. It's probably not saying, or, you know, it's gonna, oh, no, there might be a little bit. Okay.

Let's see. Chance. Steven's yoga. Mark. Steven solicitor, the solicitor that is a Sanja solicitor and Mark Stevens yoga, my doppelganger. Right. Okay. And Mark's locks. Who am I? I'm nobody. I'm depressed. This is what happens, right? This is a great example. So thanks for letting us use you as an example. If you add hypnosis, which I do promote Mark Stevens, hypnotherapist or hypnosis, then all of a sudden it's a different story.

Okay, rocket. There I am. Yeah, there you go, my man. Okay, great. Is this you on the right hand side? Yeah, that's me. The new book. Okay, this is great. So this is your book. So this is another really great example, right? So because Mark is a lot of competition, obviously, he's using hypnosis. And that's a key word that is Google is recognizing it because that is what you're consistent with.

You have a book, obviously, that really does help. So now what's happening is Google is starting to give you a panel without you doing anything. Okay, great. Okay, and it's because of these reasons you have been very consistent with the keywords and your book now is representing that means your bio, your websites, things are starting to connect the dots for Google and you're just turning Google on now, certainly could it be way better 100% and it doesn't take a whole lot to make it better, other than just, you know, changing and tweaking and having some people like our company to help populate it.

All right, because this is actually a books panel, not a personal panel, but it's still great. So now let's look at news tabs. This is where not just Google, but of course, those that are looking at whether you want to be a speaker, you want to be on you know, certain stages, or, you know, be part of certain events.

They're looking at this stuff. Now, this is, you know, anyone that's in PR, you know, or media, you know, Or is looking for credible sources or like who's talking about them, right? Look at the bottom one Rhonda, 9's hypnosis clip breaches rules TV watchdog. That was 15 years ago and all, all it was, was I did hypnosis down the barrel of TV because they asked me to.

One person complained and all of a sudden it was all over the news. I thought I'll never get on TV again. Channel 9 just paid hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fines. That story just keeps hanging around like a. You know, a turd on the bottom of your shoe. Well, it's great. It is great. If it's good.

Oh, no, it's no, sorry. It says you breached the rules. We need to push that down then. Is that a bad one? That's a bad one. That's real bad. This is reputation management, right? This is where we just go and just layer about six articles. We knock it out. We, we layer your, we Google index your name and then the, your panel, if you did about six Google index articles, then boom, your panel would probably.

Turn back on. And the rest are all positive stories about me, which is nice, which is great. That's really, really, really good. But yeah, this is this is good. This is good way to take a look at how this can happen. And then of course like you know with with, you know, with grant myself doing TV and media that also of course generates organic traffic because people then will search for you.

Right, so we want to show up properly. Okay, so that that's. That's a a really great example. Would you be open if I pulled up one of your websites on Go for in a makeover, I double N

E R makeover. com. au. Okay. Brilliant. All right. Say this again. Say it again. In a makeover. I double N E R actually just got mind free M I N D. F R E E double E app A double p.com, mind free app.com. That'll be easy app. There you go com. I love, I love the doubles that the Australians always do these double Ps and you have to like think about what you're typing

Okay. All right, so great example. All right, here we go. So Dr is a 31, not bad, right, not horrible, not bad, but, you know, could obviously rank better because if we're at a 50 or above, that means you're getting a lot more energy and you're getting a lot more traffic that's coming forward. You have a decent amount of backlinks but certainly that can always and should always continue to rise.

And what we're seeing here is your organic traffic did really really good last year. Was were you finding that you had a lot? Were you putting a lot out at that time? Because there's I was getting some media here and there. There you go. All right. See, okay, this matters. And we're seeing a lot of you're referring domains on a second run to my organic traffic of, like, 43.

Compared to that steel mob, like 43, 000 or whatever I'm going, well, hang on. There's a few zeros missing on the end. You definitely need to increase it. That's for sure. But what I'm showing though, is at least you had some activity and it proves when you were doing PR and media, organic traffic was coming.

That's what I'm trying to prove. Obviously, there's a lot of work that that needs to be done or can be done. And with a consistent amount of PR, like, this doesn't take a whole lot. Right? And then that will continue then to go up opposed to then, of course, it going down. So, our biggest objective is maintaining newsworthiness, 3rd party validation, talking about you all the time and make Google pushing your content out in front of others.

And do you not run much ads? Zero. Then that's a good, then that's right. But you know, again, does that, does that give you kind of a good indicator though? Like this is really important information to know about the way our brands show up and it just shows when we put energy to it, right. What can happen?

And it also, then, you know, we've got a lot of clients that don't, they only use referrals, but if we're not showing up when they're searching for us, then we're, we could either be just ignored and we don't know they're walking away from us or. They could, you know, be using someone else that shows up better in that same search term.

That makes sense. Thanks Rhonda. I feel like crap. No, I'm only kidding. Thank you very much. Just call me. Don't worry. I got a link for that. Oh, no, that's that's awesome. We probably probably have time for one last question and then one last quick question. Then we'll go into into breakouts from there.

I've got a quick one, please. Rhonda, when you're talking about advertising, we primarily talking about Google or was it Facebook as well on that area? Yeah, Facebook and Google ads. You know, that definitely will show up that way as well in our rankings, but, you know, to the Facebook ads. I mean, obviously we know the audiences were really good at it and it's, we know how to target.

So we tend to use more Facebook ads and Instagram ads. Thanks. Then we do on our Google ads. However, Google ads are, you know, what takes up those first three spots. Right. So I like to own that. We just recently stopped our Google ads and I searched, I have like three companies stealing my ensemble branding agency company.

Like they're using our keywords. I'm like okay. Can you come back into gear? Right. So a lot of that is just our own reputation management too, you know, is, is owning our keywords. I running a consistent amount of traffic. So we own Google. And then of course our. Facebook ads are ours, you know, no one usually can steal those.

Thank you have a question? Yeah, just a quick, hi Rhonda, just a quickie. Shock and awe articles, do they work better? Do they attract more attention than articles that are more information based? Yeah, good question. We only do value based shareable content. Just because it lasts longer, it's more valuable to the audience and Google prefers it as well.

Because now you're, you know, it's not promotional. It's very heavily value based. So when we're doing feature stories, you know, like, for instance, right now for Forbes, Forbes is really particular. Okay. So we can't be overly promotional, but if we weave in content, that makes also reader want to share it.

They want to learn about it. So I would definitely go for more value based content. And kind of that, you know, shock and awe kind of style. Some of that stuff works, but it usually loses its luster if it doesn't have, you know, it's not in a trend or it's not in a space where people will keep looking for it.

Now that's that's excellent. Let's give Rhonda a hand of applause. That was awesome. Yeah, really, really good.

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