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Unveiling the secrets of skyrocketing website sales: Introducing Peter's revolutionary "modularization method"! Ever wondered how to turn a $3,000 sale into a whopping $5,000 one? Peter has cracked the code, and he's here to share it with you. Dive into his tried-and-tested process, where he gracefully upsells without a hint of pushiness. Beyond just sales, Peter discusses the intricacies of website design, collaborating with other professionals, and the importance of clear deliverables. Whether you're a seasoned web developer or just stepping into the digital sales realm, Peter's insights are pure gold. Don't miss out on this enlightening session; tune in and elevate your sales game!


Peter's amazing with systems and  he's got this method. He calls a modularization method that turns a 3, 000 sale into a 5, 000 sale almost every time when he's selling websites. And what he's going to take us through is that tested process today of exactly. How he does it.

So and, and how he bumps up every, every sale without being pushy. So without further ado, I'll hand it over to Mr. Mr. Butler. Cool. Thank you. So yeah, no, it's great to get an opportunity to present. I was just sharing it with Scott. We're on a call. We've got a, a couple of the same clients. Scott's doing the copy, I'm doing the website.

So I was just sharing with him how we show our what we do. Because one of the problems, if you know about websites, I'm sure you've all built them. Daniel, you do. The, defining the scope, what the actual deliverables are, is always the tricky part. It's got to be really clear. So without further ado, I can share my screen.

Yes, I can. So I'll just get straight into it. So this is the homepage. Of my website, with a big glaring munch shot of me, and on that is my modular system. So when people come to us, they either need more web traffic, a better website, or better marketing systems. If we're having a converse, and I, I intro with that, because I want to sow the seeds of the other variables.

So. The reason I'm explaining this is so that you can sort of take this and adapt this to your business, you know, because quite often people are coming in and they want, you want to have different service offerings. So this is quite a good methodology. And, you know, I've got a sales brochure and all of this is in there.

Mind you, we do web graphics better than we do Print graphics. So so this looks better. So I explain that to people from the get go, but you've got to remember, by this stage, I've already had a qualifying call for them. So I've asked the pain points why they're inquiring. They've filled out a qualifying form.

Initially, when we set up a qualifying form, we only had one version. And then, you know, some people don't fill in forms. They don't like giving information. So then we created a simple version and a detailed version, because some people want it. Give a lot of information. Others, very minimal. But one of the questions is, what's your budget?

And, you know, I've got price brackets, you know, under three, three to five, five to 10, 10 and up. And if it's under three, there's a conditional question. Okay, we're talking under three, how much under three? Because if it's 1, 000, well, you know, you're probably not an ideal fit. So then I walked them through.

Now, remember, I've got this qualifying form. And these are the three ways that we can deliver products on the website. Now, if they've already got quite a high level, decent website, well, we're not going to be talking start up series or turnkey industry websites. These are pre designed. And... When they ask the price of that, how much is a website?

I give them a metaphor that they can actually relate to and it's in your industry, Russ, how much is a house? Because people can understand that as a metaphor, you know, how many times have we all heard, you know, how much is a piece of street? Well, that doesn't give them anything to work with. How much is a house?

They can, they can understand that it's tangible. So then we walked them through this. Now the premium websites start at 7, 700. So I'm not evasive about the pricing. We've got turnkey industry websites, which are pre designed for certain industries we do a lot of. So if they're a startup, then I'll have a conversation about that.

And then we've got our startup series, which is where we build a stack. And this is where the added value gets in. So I click on that. And it presents the differences. So 1100, 2230, 300, they're the price points. What are the differences between the sections? How many sections there are on a website? You know, you've got your header panel, your menu, and then you've got your hero image.

So you've got one. Two, you know, doorway buttons, a row of three or whatever it is, three sections. And so it goes on. So, and also say, look, if your budget say three grand and to my referral partners, I say, if you budget a client, if you send me a client and the price point is three grand, I won't try and sell them a three grand website.

I'll actually recommend a two grand website. And then let's add modules that will then add value. This might be. embedded in the website and make it perform better, or it might sit alongside the website and add value to your online presence. Make sense? So I'm breaking down the components. So really what I'm doing is I'm setting the parameters for the project.

I'm avoiding project creep because in our industry and Daniel can relate to this. It's a major nightmare. People's expectations. You know, you can buy a 1, 000 you can buy a 100k website. So I'm defining exactly what's in that website by using this methodology. So it's not just a matter of up Upgrading the sale, but that happens as a result, but it's better defined.

So where I start is talking about our discovery strategy and wireframe session. You know, anybody can create an absolutely graphically gorgeous website. But it doesn't get you any leads. So that's about, you know, the user experience, who's coming to your website, what strategy you're actually going to do to you know, convert them into a known prospect so you can continue to market to them.

And I've got two price points in there. And then you've got the Google business tools. We all know the power of a Google My Business listing, SEO.

You know, search engine optimization and I'll break it down into two methodologies, static and dynamic. Static is, you know, where you do your keyword research and metadata creation. You put your keywords on the homepage, job done, complete, thumbs up. And we've got three different levels in that, like a homepage.

homepage plus four services and then homepage plus a whole heap more. And I go through the various price points on those. And you know, what I'm sort of embedding into this is that what I'm doing is I'm going to make a list of all the things that we both agree would add value to your business. Cause that's what this exercise is about adding value to your business and finding out what's going to make a difference.

Now, if that doesn't meet your budget. No problems. Let's map out a stage one and a stage two approach approach. So straight away, sort of their, their guard is down. They know I'm not trying to sell to them. I'm educating them. I'm informing them. And I reckon we've probably all got that same customer journey.

We've just got to educate people about what is going to help them grow their business without that salesy tactic. And this, this disarms that. Would you agree? Does it make sense? So. I go through content creation you know, copywriting, whether they need that and a price point on that. Local online hero, which is backlists.

And I'll zip through this lead generation. This is big. And it depends on the client as to the different methodology. But the thing with presenting it in this way has everybody heard of a guy called Simon Bowen? The models method guy, quite well known in Australia. He's got a very high price point.

And you know, his whole model, his whole premise is based on the fact that if you can show somebody visually, then they're going to retain it a lot better. And then when you refer back to it and reiterate, you know, what you've walked them through then it'll, their recall will be higher as well. So it's really quite a powerful way to present what you do.

And then we've got online compliance, which is your Facebook pixel cookie compliance, social media optimization, social integration, which is, you know, integrating your Facebook with your Instagram, with your website, take one photo. It's all about leverage, make yada, yada. And then I finish with the websites, go back, because there's things in a website, you can have a plain page of text and images, and that's just a part of a website build.

But you can also have custom page styles where you have lists and columns and all sorts of FAQ drop downs and all sorts of other things which cost money. So, I actually walk them through a couple of websites as an example. Do that now. But that's what I do. So again, it's tangible. They can see it.

So at the end of the session, they're really clear. And we literally have just bring it across a very simple notepad. So as I'm going, I'm actually just putting this in a notepad. You know what? What the price point is of the website, what the price point is of this, this, and so on. There's a summary. And then with that summary, if they, they've specified their budget is three grand and it comes up to five, you know, I can say, okay, well look, these elements here, let's move those over to a stage two and just get the critical essentials done, get you online for now.

Now the price point might be 12k or whatever that is. And then I can list down the stage two here. And then I've got other things where I talk about hosting and managed support and so on. So when I send them through a proposal, it's really simple. It's, it's just in an email. It's very simple to follow.

The order, by the way, is exactly as I've gone through here. I provide a link to this web page so they can refer back to it. So all of the information that we've discussed on that session is within that framework, and it's in that proposal. Talk about hosting managed support, the detail of that, because that's important.

We, we actually run a separate hosting company. We host about 500 sites. These here are sort of add ons, but to be honest, they're actually more as a reminder for me, because sometimes, you know, the primary site we, we don't want to touch it and we'll build it on development domain. So we've just had a small fee, 275.

To transfer it across once it's live and signed off content transfer. Sometimes that's a reminder again for me. So this is like a, it's a sales tool for the clients, but it's also you know, my reminders cause quite often, if we've got a big site, that's got massive amounts of content and we can't clone and replicate it.

Sometimes we need to do it manually. Then I've made allowance for that and had that conversation again. I'm setting the framework for what the deliverables are. We've got a few extra business building components, and then I don't even drill into this because by then they'll be slipping into a coma as you guys probably are by now.

And I'll say, look, we need to talk about traffic drivers, but let's do that as a follow up session, because. Primarily, we need to get you live with a website, a high performing website that's actually going to get your new clients and build your business.

Oh, stop. You're muted. I can see your lips moving. Good miming, Scott.

No, no, my lips weren't moving. I was just yeah, I was just nodding my head. So it's it's great. Okay. So look, that's basically it. That's a wrap. So if anybody's got any questions, shoot away.

You come in once you've got the budget. You come in at a lower base rate and then use that you know, that blue sky, really the gap to, to give them the options, kind of give them the like the perceived control. So I think builders could learn a bit from you in that respect in terms of when the client gives them a budget, you don't go in at that full budget.

Yeah. Come in low and then give them options. Options. Yeah. Yeah. And because then they're not, you know, feeling sold to you know, you're trying to maximize that. And, you know, and you'd well know, and I think all of us would know that here, that quite often people don't even want to nominate a budget. And sometimes they don't fill that in or they, you know, pick or make it required.

Now they'll pick a low number and I've got responses that I send people. I'll just open up my emails. You know, I've got pre designed templates that I write. Where are they? How can I do that? Reply. No, that's not going to work. Just one moment. Don't really want to show you my emails. If I do a reply, you can use templates in here that what have I got here?

You know, insight response, good budget, insight response, needs budget, and tight budget. So, you know, when they filled in the qualifying form. I'll respond to that, of course, and it'll be one of those three pre written messages, and then I'll tweak it to suit their situation, because sometimes it's unrealistic.

That's the nature of the beast, at least you're initiating that conversation.

Yeah, I think what I... Got from that Peter was that that that modeling and that thinking could be overlaid certainly across our business as we iterate to the next stage, but across, you know, many different businesses where the service that you're providing is not easy to. Not easy to explain in 30 seconds or less.

Absolutely. Yeah. No, you're absolutely right. And I mean, it really is about educating the client, isn't it? You know, that, that's our job. That's what we've got to do. And this is just the framework that I've developed. And it's graphical. It's easy to understand. And, but what you said, Greg, about the technical side, you know, cause I love your model.

You know, I, I'm a raving fan of your, your model. And the fact that you offer that to do that for clients. Because the baseline of your model is DIY. You, you know yourself, people don't but there's massive opportunities. So, and this frames it up, you know, it's basically the, you know, simplified version of a bronze silver gold, you know, where we package it and they've got options to, to do business with you.

It makes it a yes or a yes sale at the level they choose after they've been educated. How long is that called for, Peter? An hour. Yeah, by that, by that time, they, they, they can't go any longer. So it's a scoping session. That's what I call it. You know, so they do, I do a, from, from go to woe you know, short intro call and get them to do the project insight form if people don't fill in the insight form, I've got a sequence where I get a reminder, Hey, you know, we all get busy, we get caught up, you know, so but, you know, just a reminder that to be able to help you make the right decisions we need, yada, yada, whatever.

And and then on the third prompt, I, I suggest that would you like help to do that? We can actually walk through that with you. And it's at that point where people actually fill in the form. It's quite interesting if they haven't filled it in already. So I've just sort of added that little twist quite recently and it works a treat.

So and then we set up this scoping time. They can pre book it through, you know, the booking system. And yeah, an hour. And do you email them separately, you know, like anti follow up sort of stuff with regards to the different value modules or do you send them a brochure? After I get the sale or?

Oh no, before like. So I've done the scoping session, I've sent them the proposal. At that point. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, I have a proposal nurture sequence, which, which is all based around education because none of us want to be needy. You know, are you ready to move? You know, whatever. And it's based on Troy Dean's model.

You know, hey, I just thought I'd let you know that we use project You know, a project workspace so that you know, if you miss doing a reply or somebody doesn't miss out on vital information, yada, yada, whatever. So it's an education sequence. I can't remember. I think it's maybe day 8 or maybe day 10 and, you know, it's all automated.

I just tagged them with proposal Merchant. Off it goes. And, and you know what the, the thing is that if you use a good copywriter, I know a guy by the way. You know, it, it's from the heart and the amount of responses I get from email number four, it, it something about the magic, I can't remember, but it's good copy and the amount of responses I get from that particular email.

So it, which shows you they're not recognizing that it's automation. You know, they think you've actually just sat down and written that which which is good that that's that's the model working right to break it to breaking down the model, Peter, you said, so the first thing someone comes in, they fill it out, they, like they, they fill out either a short or a long questionnaire, then you have a, do you have a 15 minute call to qualify them before taking them through this? Or you just go straight into this? Well, well, no, generally, no, I'll go straight to this because I've already done a 10 minute warmup call, you know, see just to build the trust, the relationship because they'd been referred heard of me.

You know, whatever, they've filled in something. So I've got the contact details. So if it's a referral, you know, that's easier. Well, as we all know and yes, I know it's, we go straight into this. Well, when you say 10 minute warmup call, is that, do you call them after the lead comes through or do you? Yeah, I sent, I sent, Oh, sorry, specifically, I sent a introductory email with a link to my reviews, you know, what others say.

Yeah. So, hey, great to hear about your project. What is it? If I find it

sorry, I'll try and find the template because why would you?

There we go. So there's the, the email that I actually sent them. Thanks for getting in touch with your project. Now this is templated, and so I edit this, you know, on the fly, depending on where the leads come from. If it's a referral, I have a different email template. You know, so I'm better prepared.

There's the form to help with your due diligence. There's a link to my testimonials. I may or may not suggest a LinkedIn. Quite often I delete that because it's, you know, a little bit too much me me. And you know, reiterate. They're very keen to hear more about your project, but you can edit these.

And I've just got that set up in I'll just bring it across, set up in, cause this is what I do, right? I live for this stuff. Or systemizing. So, you know, using quick steps, I've got. You know, my proposal email, my project insights, email, digital connection. This is how I build my database. Every time I network, I get a card and I say, Hey, I'll send you an email.

So we're going to digital connection. And then I send them that email and they go into my database. Got a healthy database now. This is a referral game one, some referrals, again, customized for that scenario. Does that answer your question? Yeah, that's great. So you send that email and then you have a 10 minute call with them?

Yeah, yeah. So so you know, oh, actually not on that one. I, I say, I'll give you a quick call just to touch base. And so then just have that preliminary, preliminary call. And and so, you know, the relationship has then started. Yep. Yep. Nice. Nice. Can you also share your networking, what you were talking about there with the cards?

When you network, you talk to people and you send them an email and then you, yeah, you add them to your database. Is that sort of the process that you've used to build your database? Yeah. Yeah. One of the processes. Yeah, look, I've got quite a strong database and it's been built with, with networking. I mean, I've been doing this for 15 years, so.

You'd think I want to have a few systems, so I'm not sure if this is the updated one because I've just switched everything over to the CRM. So, you know, the key word there for networking is writing here what I said to them verbally. You know, I'll flick you an email so we've got a digital connection. I said I'd send an email so we have a digital connection because they're going to recall that.

The connection is made straight away psychologically. They're okay with getting this. So, my disclaimer is that. You know, I'm telling them I'm going to add them to my database. I have a regular newsletter I send out, keeping people up to date with all things work, work, work. If it's not useful or you don't, it's not appropriate, simply unsubscribe.

I used to have in there, I won't cry much, but now I just say I won't be offended, but yeah. So, and you know, I, I, I don't recall having an unsubscribe. Early in the relationship. So it works, you know, I've got a database now of five and a half thousand. I think it is five, six. That's just been built that way and obviously online.

But yeah, quite a healthy database and a responsive database. Yeah. That's awesome. Does that answer that question? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, no, 100%. I think that's great and then you just add them to your list from, from there. So, yeah, yeah, that's right. Yeah. And I mean, here again, you know here's what people say about us, you know, so that's not me bragging per se, but it is.

And it's, that's great. Any, any any, any other questions for Peter? It's Craig. How are you? Yeah, good, Craig. Just a question. Is your premium, the 7000 option, is that all the bells and whistles of the modules? Like you said, say you've got the premium option, you take them into the two to three thousand dollar deal and then you do add ons, is the 7, 700 the whole kit and caboodle?

No no definitely not because we, and then if the client's interested in the premium level or if that suits what, you know, from the get go, because if they've already got a fairly good website, then You know, the other ones are just out of the race, right? So the 7 7 is plus everything else, but the 7 7 website, because obviously I need to justify why that's different.

Well, it includes a lot of custom style pages, you know, an about page, a team page, a custom style contact page, a success page, a message for the contact page, because we all have that, right? Like when somebody fills in your contact page, they get redirected through to a page saying, Hey, we got your message because we should all have that.

And they should get a success email saying, Hey, we got your stuff. We guarantee a 24 hour response, yada, yada, whatever. So there's, there is lots of inclusions in a custom the premium website that the other standard websites don't have. And I run them through that. That cover off on that. Yeah, that's fine.

So would it have every one of those modules in there still though? No, no, no, no, absolutely not. So let's say you're, you're buying for a premium level website. And, and so I would still walk you through this. So that does not include a premium a discovery Strategy and wireframe session. And when, when I'm talking to say somebody about this, you know, I'll say to them like, if you actually have a business this thing, but I can guarantee that you haven't optimized all of those things.

And we'll actually do that for half price. It's simply logistics to us. If it's quicker and easier, we charge you less. And then I'll talk about SEO. So it doesn't include SEO. It doesn't include copywriting. No, it doesn't include any of those. They're all still add ons. Makes sense. And it shows people the value of what it does.

And that's what I'm explaining to them, obviously, through my explanation of each one of the modules is what the outcome is, what it's going to do for their business.

That's great. Any other questions for Peter?

Oh, something else I didn't point out, two things. These are links that go to specific pages, you know, and when you're sort of building something like this out, you know, it takes a lot of time because, you know, again, we're dealing with, you know, left brain thinkers, right brain thinkers, lots of no brain thinkers, and you know, we need to be able to show them all of the information about that.

Cause some people are just going to look at that, read that, that's good for them. Then there's the other detailed people who are going to click on this and they want to go into the details. So, you know, you can build up your assets. All of those have got links, you know, the SEO one has got, you know, a link to search engine optimization general, and then for dynamic SEO, cause this is where I do get a lot of questions and I can send individual links in the proposal, just show that and find it.

It's not in this model, but you'll see there's a little forward arrow there. So I'll just make that a little bit bigger. So I actually have links to the pages in this. So for those detailed people, they're going to click on every one of those links. We, we track it and they do. So it covers off on all of the types of people you're you're talking to.

And do you, do you generally finalize the sale on that call, Peter? Like, is it generally a one call sale? Yeah, I would say it's 50, 50, 50, that some people don't want to make a decision. I mean, in the qualifying process, you know, we, we all ask. So, and in my project insights. Form you know, who are the other interested parties and I'll cover off on that before I talk to them because I reckon there's nothing worse than, you know, them saying to you Oh, I'm going to go home and talk to my wife about it or my husband about it.

Well, we didn't do our job properly because we needed to have all the stakeholders on that call or in that session. You know, so that's a part of our job in qualifying them.

So, yeah, so I, you know, I have had to repeat every... Second one, make a decision right there and then, and, you know, I've got a paper written form at the back of this, which I, I write all this out on, on the display folder, if it's in person, otherwise it's all online. And you know, some people will go away and ponder on it and generally within five to eight days, they've gotten back to me and confirmed the deal.

Yeah. Yep. That's that's, that's great. That's great. Any other questions?

No, that's that's good. So what we might, what we might do now, let's give Peter a hand of applause. That was yeah, that was awesome. Cool. I think that was yeah, really, really good. And I just love the way that you've, you know, you've systemized and modularized that whole process. Cause I looked at it and I thought, You know, when I come up for air, I'm going to look at doing that while you're doing nothing.

Yeah, yeah, exactly. It's a beautiful, beautiful system. So so what we might do is go out into breakout rooms. Now we'll probably go out into three breakout rooms. And for this session, really the, the, the topic is how do we actually do, yeah, how do we actually create our own modularized system similar to what Peter's got, you know, for our business, or if you've already got one for your business or whatever, how could you integrate it and help clients with it?

That sort of thing. But I don't know many businesses who've got it as systemized as what you've got it, Peter.