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The podcast discussed various strategies for generating leads and sales on LinkedIn. Specific filters for targeting prospects through LinkedIn Sales Navigator were outlined. Case studies showed how different companies used Sales Navigator in combination with direct messaging to connect with prospects, build their networks, and generate qualified sales leads. One successful example discussed promoting a company's presence at an event through targeted messaging on LinkedIn, which resulted in 8 qualified leads and 230 new followers. Overall the podcast provided advice and examples for leveraging LinkedIn's tools to improve lead generation and outreach.


  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator allows filtering leads by geography, existing connections, industry, job title, and company size to find qualified prospects.
  • It's important to have a clear target audience in mind and personalized outreach messages for initial connection requests and follow-ups.
  • Nurturing leads over time with periodic content and messages works better than one-time pitches.
  • Video ads on LinkedIn and Facebook can boost brand awareness and drive leads better than text or image ads.
  • Messaging prospects about upcoming events they may attend can generate sales-ready leads and new page followers.
  • Sponsored messaging through conversation ads is effective for generating qualified leads from a buyers guide offer.
  • Personalized video messages sent at scale through VAs gained high engagement rates.
  • Thorough prospect research upfront using cyber intelligence leads to more targeted and high-touch campaigns.
  • Measuring and optimizing campaigns based on metrics like open and response rates is important.
  • Different industries require tailored lead generation strategies to address their unique needs and sales cycles.

Automatically-Generated Transcription:

Welcome everyone to the October, 2021 Elite Marketers Edition.

And today we've got a couple of really exciting speakers.

So then following Johan will have John Bellamy, who will be sharing some D marketing, some of the latest lead generation B two B sort of strategies that are working right now.

And John's basically a B two B lead generation expert, and there's many ways to leverage LinkedIn from direct messages, ads, groups, posting, et cetera.

What John's gonna be sharing today is the strategies that are working right now to turn conversations into cash, and he's gonna give us three specific examples of the different types of campaigns he's used for himself and his clients to generate targeted connections and meaningful conversations.

So we've got up until probably about 12 40, 12 45.



All good, Mate.

Just, just Pull the hawk out, it'll be fine.


Um, awesome, awesome.

Alright, let me, I'll just pull up my screen here and do all of the, the fun stuff for us.

Yeah, so there was, don't need an intro from me.

What I wanted to share was really a couple of things.

So a lot of people I find get confused about Sales Navigator, what it is, how they can leverage it.

So I wanted to chat about that, share a couple of examples of the, um, messaging strategies.

So I know we had Alex on last month, I think it was, that was talking about some of the stuff there.

There's once again, there's a gazillion different approaches that you can use.

None of them are right.

It's what, what is right for you and what gets you the results.

And then finally, I wanted to just talk about some advertising strategies as well.

So let's jump into Sales Navigator really quick.

Now, what I want you to think about here, like for me, LinkedIn Sales Navigator really gives you that ability to search for leads, search for accounts.

We just saw some of the AI stuff before, but Sales Navigator, it's got over 25 filters that you can choose from.

And if you're just doing a basic search, right, there's five that you really wanna have a look at.

And I might actually bring up Sales Navigator at the end if we wanna go and have a look into it, if there's some questions specifically around that.

But the five filters that we will always, will almost always overlay as a base level search.

Number one is geography.


So what we look at from that, it might just be Sydney, Australia for example, or we might actually have a look at a postcode level and go as a crow fly, like a radio radius level behind that.

So we wanna have a look at that.

So one of the examples I'll share coming up is one of our clients, they targeted people within Wollongong.

So we did that area.

The second thing is relationships.

We wanna have a look at, are we looking to engage with our existing first level connection?

So people that we're already connected with, are we looking to expand beyond that and do a connection campaign to bring in to grow our database, if you like, our connection base.

And that's where we'd look at it second or third or group level connections from that aspect.

In the industry side of things, this is once again for B two B industry, the great thing about industries is that you're able to include and exclude industries.


So for example, you might wanna be targeting finance and insurance sector.

So you might wanna look at financial insurance companies, but for whatever reason you want to exclude the banking sector, okay?

So we can have a look at that.

Seniority or job titles, this is usually where we'll look at.

So if you've got a specific job title in mind, like Johar was saying before, CEOs, for example, you can go target down to that granular level, or you might just wanna have a look at seniority.

So like the business owner, that whole C-suite, training level, whatever that might be.

And then finally, head count.

For me, head count's probably the one of the most underutilized searches that particularly small business owners look at when they're coming into LinkedIn.

So think of it this way, I know Johan spoke about it before, but if we understand that customer avatar and we understand what typically that headcount may be with LinkedIn, you're able to go like solopreneurs one to 10, 11 to 50, 51, 200, et cetera.

So we can start to reduce that wasted effort.

And for me, that's the biggest thing from Sales Navigator for a hundred, $130 a month investment on sales navigator.

It's, yes, it helps you really start to get refined and targeted, but for me the biggest impact is the, you are just eliminating wasted effort.

So you can make sure that you aren't connecting with the right people who are in your target audience and you're not wasting you or your team up wasting time in communicating or following up with people that just, just are never gonna buy from you because they're not your target audience.

So that's, I just wanted to touch on Sales navigator.

Like I said, we can jump in and do a couple of searches at the end if we've got some time there.

I wanted to then talk into more, more tactical type stuff and give you a few examples of some of the LinkedIn strategies and a couple of examples of how we've been doing this with some clients recently.

But to give you an idea, like you, you've gotta, you've gotta really think about your plan from that aspect.

And you've gotta look at going, okay, what's that reach out strategies?

And once again, every marketer is gonna have different ideas and thoughts behind this, okay?

What we've found over 13 years of doing LinkedIn marketing for ourselves and clients, right?

So this is, it's not, I haven't been doing it for a week.

What we've found is that you've really gotta come into a connection campaign.

You've gotta have a long-term nurture campaign, and then you've gotta integrate it with some type of database.


We're Keap certified partners, so we love leveraging Keap, but if you're Salesforce, HubSpot, go high level, doesn't really matter, right?

So all of this stuff's the same.

So when we're working with a client, typically what we'll have a look at is what's that initial outreach?

So once we've leveraged sales navigator gotten clear on what they look like, and we send them a personalized connection request, what's that initial outreach gonna look like?

And typically for most of our clients, it's somewhere between three to five follow up messages over the space of 45 to 60 days.

That's typically where most of them fall into that.

And all we're looking to do, oh, sorry, all, all we're looking to do with, with that outreach is to doing your lunch now, um, get, get some engagement, right?

Can someone reach on?


Uh, get some engagement just to kickstart a conversation.

We're not, we're not looking at those messages to go, here's my credit card, buy my s**t.


That's the worst thing you can ever do with LinkedIn.


So we're, we're looking to generate some engagement post that 45 to 60 day initial outreach.

We wanna put them into, uh, more of that longer term nurture cycle.


So this might be once every 21 days, once every month, whatever it might be, sharing a video, a bit of content, whatever you decide.

But we wanna make sure that we keep in contact.

Now, the reason I say all of these things on that top level is because most people are pretty good at sending or accepting a connection request, right?

Some people are okay with following up post that saying Thanks for connecting, or whatever it is.

And probably 95% of people are absolutely useless at any other form of follow up on LinkedIn, okay?

Let alone getting into a C R M site.

That's just the reality.

I'm not saying you guys on the call, but traditionally business owners, they're useless.

It's one of the biggest.

John, we sent a connection request, we sent a follow up to say, Hey, buy my stuff and no one bought LinkedIn's crap.

That's the usual thing that you get.

It's crap, it's rubbish, it doesn't work.

I'm going back to Facebook and you're like, okay, see you later mate, you're an idiot.

That's the reality behind it.

So bringing all of those things into there, bringing them into like platforms like Keep or HubSpot, whatever you wanna do, this is where you're really looking at in interacting some type of automation segmentation and really looking to drive more of those sales conversations.

So for example, you might send a message to somebody on LinkedIn, you've got a lead magnet.

And what we've found in our experience is instead of going, Hey, I've got this free report, whatever, here's the U R L, go check it out and opt in.

What we've found is you get a better uptake, better response rate if you just say to them, listen, I've put this thing together, it's a video report, whatever it might be.

Listen, I'd love to share it with you.

If it's something that you'd like to see if it is, just hit reply and let me know the best email address to send it to.


What we've found is we get at least a two times better response, okay?

Off the back of just asking them, is it manual then to go and trigger something, an automation and keep or whatever it's, yes it is, but if we've doubled the amount of positive responses, you do it every single day and then leveraging platforms like keep whatever, putting 'em into some type of automated sequence, segmenting them out, having a phone call and all that, I cannot stress the importance of picking up the phone.


If you want to double sales, pick up the phone, simple as that or jump on Zoom.

So just to give you a bit of that understanding of the framework, I wanted to just share a couple of case studies with you.

So this first one's from one of our manufacturing clients.

So these guys here, the problem that they had was that they lost touch with a handful of key companies over that last sort of five to 10 years.

And it was typically either due to those companies being acquired and then naturally they changed their supplier orientations or they simply just had a, the supplier shifting to a competitor.

So these guys, their typical price point for these guys is that they would have a product that might sell between particular widget between a hundred and sort of $500, uh, $500 mark, but the, or the, their clients are ordering hundreds if not thousands of these over lifetime.

So even though it's a small ticket item, the long-term client value is in typically in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

So it warranted an investment in looking at platforms like LinkedIn.

So the goal for these guys was simply to go and reconnect with those decision makers across various site locations.

So we're looking at a quite a targeted account-based marketing approach from a company and then, and looking at the key decision makers across the spread of that company and the different sites and developed conversations with them that ultimately led to sales appointments.


So from an outcome perspective, what we did was we got some data from the client around the company and key job titles and we identified 474 prospects via their LinkedIn sales navigator account.

From there, we started going through the messaging process, connecting with them and all of that.

We had a 22% acceptance rate, that is what it is.

Good bad's 22%.

So 104 people had accepted that connection request, which resulted in 27 conversations.

So 25% of the 104 conversations were started.


So these are people that they've lost touch with.

So the client was really excited because they're just sitting down, this is fantastic, they're not massive numbers, but 27 conversations is, we had zero last month, so this is better, this is fantastic.

Which then in turn resulted in six sales qualified leads.


So they, these, this is a live example right now, so they're going through these appointments and everything like that, but on our Tuesday, on our inner circle call on Tuesday, they're quite confident out of some of these sales calls, but, and you know, these are gonna be minimum high five to six figure transactions coming off the back of that.

So they're like, investment in sales navigators helped us do that, which has been great doing some messaging.

Just so you know, their messaging sequence for this campaign was three messages.

That was it.


So it was great.

So we're getting a great response from there.

Another case study here, and I've, I've tried to give you a cross section of industry so you can have a look at for any of your clients or yourselves, but a migration agent we're working with currently as well.

Their problem was that lead sources are dried up over covid.

Obviously borders have been closed and particularly by Facebook, even though they had a really strong Facebook community, they needed to build that database and start to build that pipeline of potential clients as the borders start to reopen so they can actually start generating some more cash.

So their goal with these guys was to build that database potential clients around two, two specific Visa classes, the business investment and the global talent visas and what they're looking at a long-term approach with LinkedIn.

So they wanted to a connect with these people because as we understand migration, just, people just don't decide today, but majority of people might not even be on the radar.

So I wanted to build a, a really quality database that they can nurture, develop conversations with interested parties over time.

So to give you an idea of the outcome for these guys, similar type of numbers.

We identified 402 prospects and specifically we'll looking within South Africa for this client.

And there was a number of different subsets between there.

We had a 43% acceptance rate.

So it was 172 people thus far have accepted from these prospects.

The conversation starting rate was huge.


So we had a hundred, one of those 172 people had responded and engaged in the messaging conversation, okay?

And off the back of that, what they've found right now is that seven of those people are already, Hey, we're looking, what are we gotta do?

We need help with the visas, where are we at?

So it's been a great result for these guys.

That campaign was, has been running for the space in about three months.

So it's live data from that aspect and they're stoked with that because typically these guys, the consultancy fee off the back of these visas, particularly these ones are gonna range anywhere between 20 and around about that 50,000 bucks.

So it's a good return on time and investment.

And what they're most excited about is they've now got 172 connections that are prime in their target market, which is fantastic.

Alright, this last one that I wanted to give you an understanding on the messaging side, this is a vendor, in fact, this guy sells ice cream.

So think of Mr.

Whippy van.

This is the guy, you wouldn't think of these guys on LinkedIn, right?

So what the problem here was similar was Covid, right?

They lost a stack of community events like school fates and all of those as well as private events off the back of Covid.

So weddings, birthday parties, things like that.

And whilst they were still able to drive the local streets and be a vendor, a major source of their income had essentially evaporated overnight.

So what, similar to the migration agent, the goal here was to build a database of local business owners, um, within a specific region.

So this was, they're based in Wollongong and they're, they're Scotty.

This is actually one of our I a W members, so you probably know how I'm talking about.

So we wanted to go and connect and develop some conversations around boosting that team morale, um, once lock lockdown is over.

So they wanted to have a bit more of a social impact behind it as well as drive corporate and community event sales.

And obviously what they, what we were suggesting to them was these people are locals as well that, that most of these people have probably bought ice cream from your truck at some point.

They've been in the area for over 30 years, right?

So they probably already know who these people are.

And that's what the results came out, which was fantastic.

So the outcome for these guys so far is we identified 561 prospects using sales navigator.

We had 34% acceptance rates.

So 190 people thus far, 72 of those have engaged in a conversation.

And the conversations have been great because one of the messages, Ken's the client's name and one of the messages when they accept Ken Res res and says, Hey, I'm not sure we might've even served you or your family, chances are we've been in the area that long.

Chances are that we've probably served you guys, your family, blah, blah, blah.

And the responses that come back going, oh yeah, actually you have Ken, you've actually, and this from CEOs of decent companies.

You've actually come and, um, served the ice creams to my daughters, her and her friends at a b at a birthday two years ago, blah, blah, blah.

Oh yeah, actually we bought ice cream from you three weeks ago on the street.

So it's engaging that community and it's quite a close-knit community down there.

And off the back of that, now he's already generated nine sales opportunities and he's got a couple of deals where they've got different fates and different community events popping up.

And for Ken, most of those community events are typically generating around anywhere some sort of 1500 to about $3,000 in transaction value to him selling ice cream.

And then the, the business events, what he's looking at doing there, it'll be u they're usually around three to $500 to get him to come out for an hour or whatever and serve some ice cream.

So it's a good little engagement tool for him and a different lead source.

Yeah, so that, that's just to give you a little bit of an example of the messaging side of things.

So wanted to give you that cross section, and this is just dumb and boring messaging, identifying a target marketing, getting on point with your messaging, adding value and asking a question.

We're generating conversations off the back of that.

Let's transition.

We've got about 15.

Cool, let's trans transition into the advertising strategies.


So there's a couple of different advertising strategies and frameworks that I just wanted to run through.

So they're similar in a way to the messaging strategy, but typically what we look at from, if we're looking at a brand awareness framework, usually our clients are spending minimum ad spend per day on LinkedIn's 25 bucks.

So they're usually spending a bare minimum of around 500 as a test case.

But most of the clients would spend around two grand and upwards a month on ad spend on LinkedIn.

So they're looking to either drive it to an article or a video, whatever that might be, that might then go to a landing page.

But it's more brand awareness.

They're not typically generating leads off the back, although when they do generate leads, they're putting 'em into a traditional leveraging keep and platforms like that.

Traditional follow-up cycle, here's a lead magnet off the back of the, the blog.

And how do we get the, um, sales team engaged in that conversation.

Um, so the, the couple of different ad types in the brand awareness ones, what we've found is like this, one of our old clients tech, so the executive connection, they do c o mentoring.

What we found with them was video worked really well for them as, as far as getting their audience engaged and getting that brand visibility in front of their target market before they would follow up with like a, a direct message or a sponsor InMail campaign.

So what we've found with LinkedIn video, it's great at increasing that brand visibility if you just simply with the video ads, simply link it to a lead lead form.

Similar to what Facebook lead gen form, it's great and it's good from a a, a con a conversations perspective around brand engagement.

So we're just looking at brands, so we're looking at video views, how many watch times and then remarketing off the back of that.

The other one that works quite well here is the carousel ads.

Once again, it's that increasing that brand visibility linking out to a lead gem form.

And similar, I'm pretty sure, um, Facebook's got carousel ads as well.

I dunno, not really on there, but it's telling that brand story through imagery.

I'll give you a couple of examples of how we've done this for some other clients as well.

But with tech for example, we actually reduced their cost per acquisition or cost per lead acquisition from around $180 when we started with them down to about $190 on average.


So we, there was massive reduction when we're working with these guys just by implementing a couple of these strategies behind that.

So let's give you a case study.

This, these guys are an IT consultancy firm.

So to give you a bit of background before I jump into the problems and that, um, these guys have got a very long sales cycle, okay?

They could start speaking to you today and you might not buy for three to five years, okay?

It's quite long.

But when you do buy, you're typically gonna be spending seven fi at least seven figures with them.

And your long-term client value is typically between sort of eight to 15 million.


So it's a long time lead burn on the front end.

So the problem these guys had was that they're investing heavily into spon event sponsorship.

So they're dropping like six multiples of six figures on an event sponsorship.

One event plus they were doing some account-based marketing, however, they weren't getting enough engagement at the event.

So no one was coming to their booth, they didn't really have any follow up and they weren't getting really any leads off the back of it.

And they had little response off the E D M campaigns that they were running in conjunction with it.

So the goal, um, for these guys was increase engagement at events.

Um, they wanted to increase their company page following with these quite specific key accounts and develop a long-term relationship that they could turn into opportunities using messaging and ad campaigns.

So this can, this case study here was a hybrid of paid ads as well as leveraging sales navigator and direct messaging outreach, um, from their BDMs.

So the outcomes that we had from that was we identified this was from one conference, right?

We identified 320 prospects that would, that fit the likelihood that they would probably be attending this conference.

We had a 146 or 45% acceptance rate and this, and the messaging behind these guys was literally going, Hey, are you gonna be like, we're we're sponsoring this conference, we're curious, are you gonna be in attending the conference?

If so, it'd be great to connect.

So that was the simple connection message.

Once they accepted, they would follow that up and just say, Hey, just want it great to be connected with you.

I'm curious, are you actually gonna be attending that event?

It would be great to catch up with you at our booth.

Let me know and maybe we can organize a time to meet at the event or even have a networking draft.

So it was very like very personalized, very, let's connect, let's make the most outta the conference.

From that, they had 56 conversations started, they had eight sales qualified leads that came off the back of that, which was fantastic for these guys.

Like they were over the moon.

And what the, what the bonus was is that what they got was another 230 new company page followers from that perspective, from the ad spend for these guys, they were really short-term ads.

So we're running for two weeks pre and post-event from that perspective.

And these guys were spending typically the, we would scale it, upscale it down, but typically around a hundred to $150 a day on paid ads.

What these guys actually did, just to be really interesting to, to share this was at the event, the conferences and the events themselves, they would actually bring in a video crew who would come and interview like their, like the head of apac, the president for apac.

And he would, they would interview the president about what happened that day at the conference and potentially if they could get some feedback from some of the just like attendees of the conference.

And then they would carve, carve that up into sort of 92nd, 30 to 92nd little video ads.

And then they would essentially do a remarketing ad post the day and then post the conference targeting these same companies that they wanted to get in front of.

So this is why it was quite strategic in this campaign and it worked really well for 'em.

So the last one I wanted to share here was sponsored messaging.

Okay, from a paid ads perspective.

So in sponsored messaging you've got the old fashioned InMail and then you've got conversation ads, which is, think of it like a many chat funnel on Facebook.

You can actually click and get some automation coming back directly through the plat, directly through the Messenger platform.

Um, very similar in this regard.

Usually we're using this for a lead gen perspective, whether it's webinar, book, a phone call, download, a free resource, right, comes into that same framework off the back.

Let's do some follow up, put 'em into long-term nurture, pick up the phone.

So this, this example here, sponsored messaging campaigns.

What we have found, they're a great way to drive more engagement and leads.

If you are doing brand strategy, it's fantastic to then follow up with sponsored messaging to that same audience.

What I specifically love about it, it's a great way to speak to your target audience in a more leveraged way.


You get to support it with a little banner ad as well.

So you get a bit more branding in the messaging as well.

And what we've found is our average cost per lead for a call outcome is typically anywhere from 45 to $200.

That seems to be the spread depending on the client and who we're going after.


So for some of you and your clients, that might be worthwhile, might not be just depending on the, the your, your long-term client value.

So if I give you a case study, the, these guys are a business broker so we're running some paid ads for them.

Last year we did a test for them.

They're still a client now doing messaging and what their problem was that they had AdWords and Facebook campaigns had just started drying up.


They'd produced, they still leverage AdWords and Facebook, but they just like the cost per lead was starting to in increase and they just weren't getting enough.

So they had tried some LinkedIn messaging before but they were looking for a more leveraged way because they didn't wanna have to do the one-to-one responses.

So the goal for them was using a buyers and sellers guide, which was their lead market.

It was essentially a little lead book they wanted to aim just to generate, if we could just generate two to three additional leads per week for the team to go and work on and follow up, that would be fantastic from a test level perspective.

And with these guys their sales cycle, it's typically anywhere from around about five through to five months through to about two, three years.

Like it's a very similar to the, the IT guys is a very long lead time to get that conversion.

So they had a budget test budget of 27 50 that they threw at this and we, we were just rolling it out at $25 a day, like the minimum ad spend just to test it out.

So the outcome for these guys was we were using the sponsored messaging specifically the conversation ads.

And I've got an example of what that looks like shortly.

So we were able to send four and a half thousand sponsored messages.

So it cost us 60 cents percent.


Per message sent, they had 2,800 opens.

So it was under a dollar an open 61% open rate on LinkedIn.

So this specifically on LinkedIn, which was fantastic, I imagine doing that in email marketing, I know some of us can do that, but 61% open rate is bloody fantastic from that aspect.

And then what they had was the message click.

So when I show you it's the click through the messages actually people going through the process, through the messaging platform.

So they had 257 people essentially engaged by mis messaging clicks.

It's about 9%, a hundred and 107 of those actually then went to the lead form stage, okay?

That went and opened up the lead form to say, Hey, you know what, I'm interested in getting this resource.

And 66 of those actually completed the lead forms.

They got 66 leads off the back of 2 27 50 in ad spend.

So it cost them $41 and 14 cents for a cost of lead off the back of this targeted lead book.

So with the targeting on these guys specifically, we leveraged a geographical region as well as they had key company names.

So we had company names within a geographical region in Melbourne and then some job titles off the back of that.

And we just started targeting these individuals from that aspect.

So it was a pretty good result from there.

This is just to give you an idea of the broker.

So step one here, this was the message.

It was like, Hey, first name such and such here from business name.

Quick question, have you ever thought about selling your business?

If so, I have a resource for you that you might find a value.

So if they can click yes or more info, so if they clicked more info bang, they would automatically get this message that would pop up in the thing which would be like, Hey, thanks for your interest, here's a little bit more about it.

Can I share it with you?

Can I share it with you?

So they'd either click yes or no, thanks.

So if they clicked yes, they would pop up with the lead form, just like you can see here this example.

And then when they submitted the form, they would get a nice little message that says, and then thanks, go download it.

And then they'll also have some follow up and keep off the back of that.

And also at the other aspect, if they clicked no thanks off that prompt, we thought let's have one more bite at the cherry and see if we can just get some connections.


So what we did with this client was like, Hey, no problems at all.

If we can be of any other, any help, no dramas in the meantime, why don't we just go and connect on LinkedIn?

And then this just literally linked directly to the um, person's LinkedIn profile.

So they were starting to get some connection requests just coming off organically because it wasn't pushy, it was respectful from that perspective.


That's what I just wanted to share with you.

I thought the easiest way today was to just go through and just sort of give you a couple of case studies on what we've been doing there.

'cause I know everyone's familiar in some degree of LinkedIn, we've had a bunch of people speaking about it.

Was that useful for you?

Or, I wanna make sure it was, That was, that was amazing.

I loved that and I loved your, sorry, I've got my daughter here.

You're alright.

I love the, the power of the messaging.

I don't think most people understand how powerful that is.

Sending the right message to the right people at the right time.

Old Dan Kennedy stuff.


And with, with the sponsored one, just a quick question.

You know, you have the higher open rate is that I do it because I just, I like zero inbox, so I just click open.

I know it's a sponsored thing, I just click click it and move on just to get rid of my little notification.

How many of those do you were it were in there?

It's on the LinkedIn platform, so it's not going to your inbox.

So it's on the actual LinkedIn platform itself.

So, uh, like as far as how many of them just opened it to read it and get rid of it, who knows?

It's still like the open rate was ridiculous.

Like obviously like in anything we see the open rate to the open rate to lead rate is obviously a massive difference.

But the cost of lead 41 bucks, that's like, for these guys it's fantastic.

They're like, we can build database for if we invest every time.

And I think that leads me to, this is the biggest thing with LinkedIn that I think a lot of people don't consider, okay.

They just don't think about is what is the cost of that connection and what is the long-term value of that?

Because you've gotta be, you've gotta really be thinking about that.

Like most people that we speak with, it's, and, and our clients specifically, it's usually like a cost of connections usually around about, say $2 50, it's about 2 83 or something up to about $18.

So that's, you are already investing that amount of money into acquiring a connection.

You wanna make sure you bloody follow up these people or you're gonna go broke.

So when they look at it in that way, and that's where you can start leveraging automation tools and just putting a bit more of a, an effort in you.

You've gotta, you've gotta look at it from that regard.

Other questions, Scotty?

Whether I haven't checked the chat, whether many that came through.

Um, yeah, No other questions.

I I've got one.

So in terms of the, once you connect with them, do you use mm-hmm.

Order because I know LinkedIn is very anti Automation.

I'm personally, so I understand Alex was on there and we, this is what I've met mentioned at the beginning.

There's so many different opinions and thoughts on it.

Leverage automation personally, okay, we leverage it for every single one of our clients, okay?

We've, we've actually got a automation tool that we use as, as a SaaS product.

I've got no issues with leveraging automation if you do it in a smart way, okay?

And this is the critical point you, LinkedIn has limited everyone now to only send a hundred connection requests away.

It doesn't matter if you're using sales navigator or not.

So this is why sales navigator, if you're doing a connection strategy is so important now because you wanna make sure you're not connecting with just s**t, right?

You've gotta make sure it's targeted and then lever and make, and making sure exactly what Johan was saying, making sure that the messaging itself, the language that you're using is critical.

Like for example, Scott, in that breakout session, we're talking about the other business I've invested in the cyber intelligence business.

Like we've done, we've got a list of now 900 odd small medium enterprises.

We've gone and done a check through our intelligence to see what their business credential exposure is on the dark web because more and more businesses are getting ransom and all of that.

Yeah, they've got security in place, but no one's doing intelligence, right?

They say they do, but they don't.

It's the, the reality is they don't do it.

So we're now recording a one, like we're going quite personalized a, a specific video for that business, right?

So we're investing around about 30 minutes on every single prospect upfront in physical time to do the research, record a video, and then put them into a connection campaign and an email campaign where, so it's going super highly personalized, high touch because we want to get the return, like we want to get the outcome and we want to get a long-term client value from it, whether it's right or wrong, but we're still like, it's hyper personalized, but we're still automating part of it.


Nice, nice.


Yeah, that that's great.

Any other questions?

Another, Another great strategy that we used, I haven't done LinkedIn probably in about five years.

We got our top salespeople to do a video, a two minute video on how they, again, it was targeted marketing, so they knew exactly who they were talking to and they identified all their pain points and said, would you like to jump on a call?

That video, we then had VAs sending it out to these, to our targeted people and we were getting an 80% engagement because it was a video.

They saw that the, the research was done and they knew exactly what and they just booked it.

Yeah, Yeah, it's great.

So one of the things you can do in sales navigator is search by, where are we here?

All filters search by first name.

So for example, I did this a couple of years ago, that is, I didn't even think of that.

Yeah, That's awesome.


So literally I would search for, what are the common names?

John, mark, Mary, whatever they were.

And so we would have all of our parameters, like second level geographical, radiuses industries, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

And then we'd go, all right, let's overlay Mark.

And our point was, as long as there was 20 or more of that first name, we will go and record a video.

And it was literally, it was like, Hey Mark, it's John Bellamy here.

Listen, I wanted to reach out to you.

Listen, I'm not sure what you're doing on LinkedIn, but I think that we might be able to help you out in some way, shape, or form.

We, we just had a script.

So we would record one video personalized to Mark and then send it to 20 of them, 80 of them, whatever it might be worked brilliantly.

The other thing that you can think about just in that messaging is when you are sending, like you send a connection request, somebody accepts however they get into your network, send them a thanks for connecting message and incorporate a video.

Now you might, like you were saying, Johan, get your VAs to just upload the video directly into the messaging or you might use ClickFunnels, keep whatever, and have a landing page, a particular page on your website.

And, but it's just dedicated to LinkedIn connections.

So it's like the headline could be great to connect with you on LinkedIn and then the video just pops in as, Hey, it's John here.

Listen, it's great to connect with you on LinkedIn so it's not personalized for them, but it brings in that relevancy and they're usually around 90 seconds.

You might even have a call to action.

So maybe it's, Hey, come and join my Facebook group.

I've got this free thing.

If you open having a chat, whatever it might be.

You're not like, the outcome isn't, I don't, I'm not expecting when we do that for clients that they're gonna get a thousand opt-ins or anything like that.

But it's that personalized message.

You've got a real connection.

I, I think that one name is brilliant that Yeah, that's brilliant.

You know, that's the Gary Halbert coat of arms.

That's beautiful.

The LinkedIn, yeah.

And this, so this is, I love the ai, but imagine doing that without ai and then you, if you did send it to a landing page and then you had the, Hey, great to connect with you, mark.


So if you didn't have the ai, this is the pre AI stuff, so you can do it, you can still do these things.

It just takes a bit of time.

Don't get me wrong.

I'd rather just do it with the AI and not have to worry about it.

Yeah, no, that's, that's brilliant.

Well, what we might do is we'll go into a, a quick five minute breakout and just brainstorm how we can use this strategy.

Let's see if I get the breakout rooms right this time.

And, and then we will, yeah.

And then we'll come back and close from there.