The podcast discusses the launch of David Jenyn's new book. He provided updates on marketing strategies used like sending out preview copies to podcasts and influencers. Through these efforts, the book cracked the top 100 on Amazon Australia within 24 hours. Tips were shared like using marketing loans and grants to fund Amazon ads. Breakout groups were to brainstorm more promotion ideas. Getting friends and existing connections to promote seems easier than cold outreach. The speaker planned to present detailed sales data from the launch at a future meeting.
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I loved that presentation.
That was so good.
I've written down a bunch of notes and thanks for the shout out too as well at the end there, Johan.
Yeah, that's awesome.
'cause what, what I thought we'd do is, what I wanna do is make these events very practical and also executable.
So David's launching a book at the moment, so I thought if he can talk for, um, a few minutes just about what he's doing and then we can go into the breakout rooms and brainstorm and make it quite a practical example.
So I'll let you, I'll let you, yeah, I'll hand the reins over to you, Dave.
Thank you for the little intro there and segue.
Let me just jump right back to the start here.
I love this group.
I really do.
I miss getting everybody together and doing it in person.
I think Johan just gave me an amazing idea around super simple, giving away a, a free copy of the Systemology book, find my joint venture partner, find out when someone purchases a product or service and then say, great.
I'll send them a free copy of the book.
I think that right there.
I tend to get really good ideas from the group.
The last good idea I got was actually when Alan Dibb did his presentation, 'cause he did a little presentation on his book last time and he used this sort of graphic.
You can see there he photoshopped a, a bunch of high profile people checking out his books.
I thought I'd do the same.
I think, uh, in person it's easier to get a laugh but I know you're all laughing in on the inside.
Um, I want to give you um, just a real short update on exactly where we're at 'cause a lot of you are already involved in the book launch, so I wanted to let you know I'm right in the middle of it.
I talked about last time with Scott doing a presentation.
I'll do that probably at the next mastermind showing you all the numbers and exactly how it's all come together.
But it is, yes, in the launch if you wanna see the actual strategy we went through, we actually recorded step-by-step the launch strategy.
I did a session with Scott that we shared inside the group.
That'll go through it.
Let's talk briefly about strategy, talk about some of the numbers and results and how it's all coming together.
This is the second book I firstly just needed to get my strategy right last time following some of Alan's advice.
I actually went down the Amazon k d P program where I can go exclusive to Amazon and you can give the book away free for seven days.
I against Alan's suggestion, I haven't done that this time.
And it was something that Nick Thal had said to me last time.
I thought if someone isn't gonna pay me $3 to buy, uh, Kindle version, maybe they're not the perfect client for me.
So I did decide to launch and see if we can move it up the paid charts as opposed to going up the free charts, which is a little bit different in Amazon remains to be seen which strategy is going to work better.
'cause I know Alan said, Hey, it's more about getting reach and getting maximum number of people to look at it.
And then you get them into your funnel and they follow down the process.
But the quick summary on where we're at the moment, so one of the biggest things came from Pete Williams had said, get the book into his hands of as many people, uh, as possible that either are connections, friends, anyone that you've got an existing relationship with.
That's why I reached out to a lot of people in the mastermind and also a bunch of people through LinkedIn as well.
So I've got 180 people who said they were happy to review the book.
So this is all in the lead up to the book.
I mailed out 103 copies and I booked a hundred, sorry, 42 podcasts.
So, uh, a lot of them are about to go live.
Some like hustle and flow dent.
I've got one with Gerber.
A a lot of them are just starting to drop at the moment.
And then just connecting with everybody that I sent the preview copies.
I'm getting tons of photos of people with the book coming back, which is good.
Sending me some video endorsements.
Johan did an absolute killer one, which I've, I've put on the site except for I've gotta retweak with some editing.
And last time, one of the biggest things that did really well, I don't think Adam's here today, but Adam Franklin, when I launched Authority content, mailed his database on it.
'cause I'm finding it's really easy to share an Amazon book.
Oftentimes people when it comes to joint ventures or promoting other people don't necessarily like driving traffic to an opt-in page where it feels like you're squeezing their name and email.
Whereas getting behind a book and pointing to Amazon is infinitely easier.
So I'm getting a lot of support that way.
Adam mailed for the last book and it did really well.
Early ranking characteristics.
If you do have a book on Amazon just to think about to uh, reach escape velocity, you need to get a good number of purchases early and, um, a a good number of reviews.
Then Amazon's algorithm kicks in, does the referral engine, they start mailing segments of their database where they'll actually go, oh, a new release has come out.
So they're basically monitoring those stats.
So when you go live, it's all about early purchases and early reviews.
So try to make it as easy for everybody as possible or put together a page, it's systemology.com/bookshare with swipe cut and paste things.
And then it, it's only just gone live so last 24 hours, but lots of people are posting it on social, doing videos.
I've got some great little quotes and things.
Karen and John and Greg and tons of people in the group have been helpful and sharing things out.
The short version is at the moment in about 24 hours, we did crack the top 100 across the Kindle store this morning.
We're 86 in Australia.
I'd say by later today we'll be in the top 50 next time.
I wanna give you all of the numbers.
We're about to turn on Facebook ads.
We've got some Google ads running through the display network and some YouTube ads and we're turning on the Amazon ads.
So last time Alan gave me a killer tip, which was around running of the Amazon ads.
And then I combined that with something that Pete Williams said.
So at the moment, the banks are giving really easy unsecured loans because of c Ovid 19 with very low interest rate and you don't have to repay for the first six months.
So how about this, for a hot tip, go get yourself a loan.
Oftentimes you can get it up to about 75,000 at least.
I'm doing that through Westpac with very little documentation.
Then take that money, spend it just on marketing overseas, and then apply for the export marketing grant at the end of the year.
So I got a big loan, I can spend it on Amazon ads and then I'll get half of that back.
And then obviously the, hopefully the number of sales should then end up, um, covering on truly the repayment.
So that right there is an absolute killer idea.
I, for saw a few nods, I think I saw Matt and Liz there.
I think Matt is uh, lead over and started writing something there.
But that's a really good one.
So your call to action, can't go past a call to action for go get a copy of the book.
You'll be really helpful to me whether it's the Kindle, the hardcover, whatever, post a review, that would be awesome.
Any sort of sharing or anything that you can do.
And then I'm trying to rack my brain everything that Johann's mentioned.
And I know when we go into the breakout session, we, some people might come up with some ideas.
I'm thinking of tying into B one G one.
I, I was wondering if that's a good way to get people to promote, but I obviously it's easier to get friends and colleagues to promote, but it's how do you do a joint venture with someone who you don't have a pre-existing relationship.
It has to be about a win for them as well.
And I know Johann's probably the master at this to, to make the suggestion, but I'm trying to just rack my brain on that.
And then next time I will do a full presentation where I'll break down the numbers, show you the sales, show you the sales funnel, show you how it all comes together.
But that was just my little, we are right in the thick of it.
It's, we're about 24 hours into the launch.
That's all I had to.