The podcast discusses how to generate business leads through guest appearances on other podcasts. Cody recommends clearly defining your ideal client and transitioning guests smoothly into an offer. He found success by targeting other business coaches and consultants on podcast directories, then inviting them on his show to gain credibility and make a business proposal. The process is outlined as identifying prospects, booking quick guest interviews, and offering value as a way to transition them into a potential sale or partnership opportunity. Done effectively through a systematized approach, this strategy can generate many qualified sales calls organically each month.
- Cody has developed a system for getting ideal prospects on his podcast and sharing his marketing process with them.
- He uses podcasts both as a guest to generate leads and promote his business, as well as having his own podcast for SEO value and content creation.
- Cody found that having his own podcast was more effective for generating business than just going on other people's podcasts.
- His system involves creating a booking page to attract successful guests from his target market like consultants, coaches and businesses.
- He transitions guests from coming on the podcast to benefit themselves into an offer to help grow their business.
- LinkedIn is effective for finding ideal prospects that are actively engaged in lead generation.
- It's important to clearly define the target audience for the podcast and focus on prospects within that niche.
- The interview process is systematized to be short (10-15 minutes) to efficiently filter prospects.
- Giving value to prospects through the podcast, even if they don't buy, in order to build authority and trust.
- Podcasting provides instant authority that can help access higher tier clients and CEOs.
Automatically-Generated Transcription:
We're gonna be starting with Cody.
He's gonna be talking about Cody spoke a few months ago and he, it was an excellent presentation, so if anyone wants to see that, let me know and I can send you through the recording on that.
But today he's developed his system and he's able to get in with like, really his ideal prospects and he is gonna be really sharing his system and his process today.
Before we get started, I just wanted to introduce John, who just arrived.
I think John's the only one here for the first time.
So John is Al also a, you and Alex might know each other actually, John's also a, a LinkedIn sort of specialist and that's his sort of area of expertise, if you like.
And he's also a, do you wanna talk about your, just for like 20 or 30 seconds, your whole like, security side of it, just what the other side that you do?
Hey everyone, great to connect with you all, Alex.
It's been ages, I think since we spoke, probably probably four or five years, I reckon.
That's probably, yeah, the ages.
Yeah, like leveraging LinkedIn, that's developed some opportunities.
And off the back of that, I've invested in a investment education company and most recently a cyber intelligence company.
So we're like a private intelligence organization that does like a double check for cybersecurity, but all operates on the dark web and yeah, look for some pretty scrupulous stuff that's out there, which is cool.
Yeah, yeah.
No, awesome.
No, that's great.
Thanks, John.
So without further ado, I'll hand the reins over to, to Cody to explain what he's doing with, with podcasting.
You wanna make me the host so I can share my screen, Scott?
Yeah, yeah, I'll, I'll do that now.
Let me just, lemme just find you here.
Sorry about the noise in the background.
I got three kids with a combined age of 10 back there.
Chances of this being quiet is slim.
I'll make you, uh, co-host.
You should be co-host now.
Let's go.
Yeah, so I talked to a few, three, four months back now on, on podcasting strategies I was using and, and then I was focused more on actually going on podcasts as a guest and, and presenting, presenting what I do and then having inbound leads come while at the same time I had a podcast as well where I was, I basically had that for ss e o value and content.
It was an easy way to create content for my website and hopefully get some ss e o value over the longer time.
So that really was why I was having my own podcast at the time.
And I was predominantly using other people's podcasts as a way to, to generate leads and that was okay, but obviously it's unpredictable and, uh, you don't really have much control over what, what happened.
So obviously going on a lot of podcasts, I was going on as many as I can, one or two a day most days.
And having conversations with the hosts at the end of it and just piecing together what they were doing.
So there was several podcasts I went on where the, the host was like, look, having your own podcast is where the money really is.
And I, I started to hear that and started just piecing it together really.
It didn't seem like I couldn't really see how people were using having a podcast to generate business necessarily, apart from the ss e o value, which I was already going after, which wasn't working particularly well.
At least it hasn't so far.
So just looking at all of these people that were actually saying the pod, having a podcast is the way to make money, the way to get sales, just looking at what they were doing and starting piecing it together little by little and refining the process.
So now I've got it to the point where I've figured out how to use the podcast to actually generate as many leads as you want organically.
So it's, anytime I want leads sales calls in my calendar, it's, I just turn it on and literally, I, I could turn it on now and like by the end of the day, have five or six calls booked in literally organically without any outreach, anything like that.
So I'll go through the process with you, I'll show you what I've come up with here.
This is just my own sort of tinkering really, but it's working really well and I think it would, it works well with LinkedIn as well.
It fits in nicely with LinkedIn strategist.
So lemme share my screen and I'll, I'll run you through the funnel that I use.
So let's do this.
So you guys have my screen?
Yeah, we can see that.
All right.
So really it's just a, it's literally just, uh, a three stage funnel or three step funnel.
So I'll run you through the funnel and then, then explain the process.
So it's, it's a booking page.
So the first thing is I, I create a booking page and it's, we're looking for successful guests.
So this page is designed really to, is to call out who the target market is, because I don't want people just booking in.
So I've got it set up to where they book in organically without having to do any outreach.
So I want some qualification there.
I get to how we get to this page here in a little bit.
Basically it's like requirements for a booking, right?
So there's a little, there's a little bit of a video here that's telling me, telling people who we're looking for as a guest and who our audience with, obviously it's closed right now because it just gets booked up so quickly.
And then obviously the show is about what my ideal client is.
Again, like I call out here, really we're looking for successful, uh, consultants, coaches, agency B two B, big businesses with bigger ticket offerings.
And in here I tell people that the show is small business marketing made easy.
It's a podcast about growing your business.
So I want to see some success from you.
And then basically in the video I say, Hey, look, the requirement for coming on the show is that you, that you make at least a hundred thousand dollars a year.
'cause I don't want people that have no a, the reason they're coming on podcast is because they have no advertising budget and they can't pay.
So I'm saying, Hey, look, this is about successful marketing.
I like, I I'm targeting mostly business coaches at this point.
That's the sweet spot and agencies.
So it's, Hey, look, you gotta be successful, right?
And, and the way I know you're successful is by you making at least a hundred thousand a year.
And if that's you, then you're welcome to come on the show.
And then it's qualification process.
So if you qualify, we'll be promoting you to X, y, and Z.
So then I'm doing a bit of pre-selling here.
We'll be sending you some very important tips and videos to prepare so you get as much exposure as possible.
So it's like really selling them on the advant advantages of coming on.
And, and what this is gonna be is I'm saying I'm gonna send you some videos so you get as much exposure and you get as many sales as you possibly can out of your episode.
But what I'm really gonna be sending them here is that I'm gonna be sending them this, but what I'm really gonna be sending them is some indoctrination content where I position myself.
So I'm just making sure that they watch these videos by saying, Hey, this is gonna help you when actually it, it is gonna do that.
But the the purpose is really, it's gonna position me as an expert to make the sale on the core.
So again, you can see I'm pretty booked out here.
I'm not taking bookings at the moment.
And then again, just a little bit of pre-positioning here, right?
I'm gonna, the goal here is not to get them on the podcast, the goal here is to get them as a client.
So you wanna be thinking like social proof, credibility, expert position, all of that stuff.
So we want to do this straight away.
And then I just stick a few links in, Hey, make sure you sound good.
Here's a affiliate link to a microphone.
Here's an affiliate link to a selfie ring.
Stuff like that.
Why not have a chance to make a few bucks?
If you can, it'd be rude not to.
So that's the landing page.
And I, I, we'll talk about how I drive traffic to that here in a little bit.
The second page is a quick thank you message, right?
So it's, Hey again, thank you for signing up.
Make sure you check your email over the next few days.
This is gonna be in your interest to do this.
We've got a pretty decent sized audience.
We're excited to share your stories, your story with, and again, and now I'm starting to get some curiosity in case you're curious about what we do.
Let's promote your offer via joint venture.
So I'm trying to get them, I'm start, I'm starting to transition them.
I don't wanna bait and switch them, right?
'cause that's gonna p**s people off.
I wanna start to transition them into the offer gently instead of saying, Hey, um, here's a sales pitch right out of the gate.
It's, let's promote your offer via joint venture.
So make it sound like it's in their interest again, which it is.
Your language has gotta be, you gotta be very careful with your language here because you just p**s people off.
They'll feel like they've been debating switch situation.
So that goes to the next page, which we'll look at in a second, but again, a little bit about me, right?
So again, I, I really want to position myself as the expert.
Here's my appearance on business leaders on Fox News.
Here's some podcasts I've been on.
I've got a bestselling book.
Here's some reviews.
I, I want, I I want to move them very quickly from, I dunno who this guy is, and I've just signed up for it to go on his podcast as a guest because it serves me and it's my interest.
And now I'm starting to transition them into, I can help you grow your business, and I'm gonna prove that to you.
So the second page is about really the transition from you've, you've signed up to come on the podcast and benefit yourself to, actually, I'm gonna make you an offer and this is gonna be your interest.
So that's the second page.
And then the third page in the funnel, which they get to if they click on this, right?
So if you click on this, it, it just brings you over to the best B two B sales system in the world.
Every week I book 15 to 20 sales calls with the highest quality prospects, a hundred percent organically, zero ad spend and no spamming LinkedIn messaging or Facebook dms.
If you're an agency coach, consultant, or business owner, this is the most powerful marketing system in the world.
And now walk them through a funnel demo.
This is literally the best business development strategy available anywhere today.
I don't care what industry you're in, you're gonna turn it, it's gonna turn it into a blue ocean for you.
There's no easier, cheaper, or more predictable way to land clients with ease.
We'll even set it all up for you.
We'll fill your calendar with pros, with v i p prospects every week without fail, prospects will be lined up.
Speak to you, then some benefits.
Access topic, top CEOs, hundred percent organic, immediate results, zero ad spend, no spammy messaging prospects will actually be reaching out to you.
No cold email, no webinars, no lead magnets, no follow up.
Speak with as many prospects as you can handle each week.
A hundred percent predictable, a hundred percent inbound.
No accounts to get shut down or restricted.
Entire process is systemized.
No selling involved, no being spammy, phone or manipulative.
No sales funnels, no bots, no white papers.
So pretty much every objection that you're gonna come across, right?
As many objections as I can come up with this is none of these things.
So hopefully people are getting into some curiosity.
And now, in a nutshell, here's what we'll do for you.
We'll set up the system, we'll let you run it.
Sorry, we'll set up the system for you and let you run it yourself.
Or we'll schedule as many ideal clients on your calendar each month as you want.
Preschooling qua, qualified and nurtured.
And then here, Scott, here.
So yes, I want you to do, yes, I wanna talk to you about doing this in my business.
And this is where this takes them to a second booking calendar, right?
So this is, this now takes them to my private calendar and this, now they're off, now they're out of the, the podcast process.
Now they're out of the podcast universe.
So it's no longer a bait and switch situations.
It's a consensual marketing situation at this point.
It's not, Hey, I signed up because you, you said you want to guess on your podcast, and now you're trying to sell me something.
It's, I've given them, I've given them the opportunity, right?
Is they have to click on a link to even see the offer, and then they have to, uh, then they, then they have to sign up.
So it's, it is a completely consensual situation.
So that's basically the funnel.
And then on, on this call here, it's just a case of it doesn't matter what it is for me, obviously it's, I'm outlining what I'm gonna do for you here.
This is what we're gonna build for you.
This is how it works.
So I'm giving the video here, the close rates are pretty high because I'm telling them exactly what it is.
And basically in the video, go, Hey, you, you, you can see this works because you're here and you're watching this video and you're thinking about booking a call with me.
So if you're wondering if this produces good prospects, my question to you is, are you a good prospect?
Did you come here organically?
And are you now interested in potentially working with me that the, this should be self-evident, that this is a system that works, right?
So that, that's the basic, that's the basic system.
That's how it works.
In terms of the actual podcast itself, I've got that to start with.
That was a bit of a problem for me.
I had it, it was taking like an hour for each interview to do three or four interviews a day was a real problem.
And actually, like Tom Poland gave me the idea actually to give credit where credit's due.
I went on his podcast and he's got a great system, man.
He's got an awesome system where each interview is systemized and it's just a set of questions, and you are in and out like that.
And I'm like, yeah, this is the way to do it.
Because the real bottleneck for me at that point was like, it was an hour long, it was an hour long interview each time.
Whereas Tom's got it dialed into where it's 15 minutes and he's off the phone, man.
So the people that don't buy, which is gonna be a percentage of people, a lot of people are gonna be there simply to be on the podcast.
It's like those people are in and out in 15 minutes.
So the podcast actually serves the purpose, uh, as a triage call.
It's just the standard 15 minute triage call anybody would do.
That's, that's how I look at the actual podcast itself now.
And it's seven or 10 questions.
I can't remember.
I emailed 'em the questions.
They're very generic questions.
Like, they're very generic questions and, and they have, uh, a limited amount of time.
It's like the interview goes for 10 minutes.
At the end of it, we cut it off, which is what I got from Tom, and thank you for Thank you, Tom, for that information.
If, if you're listening to this, it's like, just cut it off at 10 minutes, right?
The interview's 10 minutes, you're, don't add it, and it's okay, we're done.
If they're not interested, you're off the phone.
Super, super quick.
So that's it.
So how do you get people, how do you get people to this first page, right?
So there are lots and lots of podcast sites like Pod Match and Match fm, some like sites that match up podcasts, hosts and guests shows and guests.
I was using those sites predominantly to get booked onto shows as a guest.
But now I, I set up my profile on those sites so people can search me and, and I basically set it up to, to, to target my ideal target market, right?
So it says, Hey, the big, the the, the podcast is small business marketing made easy.
We are looking to interview business coaches, um, coaches that deal with B two B services such as training, any c e O services, any kind of service that you're a coach, that you work with businesses on a B two B basis, or marketing agencies.
If you're one of those three and you're successful, we'd love to have you on the podcast.
Here's a, and then I send them to this link.
Here's a link to this page here.
So this, I don't know, loads of those websites, man, that, that are either free or very inexpensive, like 30 bucks a month, maybe 20 bucks a month, a hundred dollars a year, something like that.
A lot of them are free, a lot of them are very inexpensive.
So you just set up a profile saying, Hey, I want, I'm looking for business, whatever your target market is, and send a link to this page and it pre-qualifies and they book in and boom.
So it's a hundred percent organic.
Once you set up that profile in, in, in the podcast booking sites, then you become searchable.
And if you're a business coach, a bi, a business coach is searching, putting business, podcasts, marketing PO podcasts, that, that kind of stuff, and you, you, you get ranked instantaneously.
It's like you're instantaneously ranked, right?
It's not like Google or something like that.
It's like these, these sites.
It's like using Amazon as a search engine or using something like that.
When, when those platforms first came out, it was really easy to get some ss e a value.
Well, the same is true with the podcasting, um, book insights.
It's, it's effectively a search engine to where you can organically be found.
And I have to turn this off, man.
I'm like, as, as soon as I turn this on, it's boom, I guarantee I I could turn this on and we'd have bookings by the end of this two hour call it, it's crazy how well it works.
So, and that's it.
That's the whole process.
So the keys to this working if you want to do it, is a make sure that you're calling out your audience very specifically, or you're gonna do, you're gonna do a whole bunch of podcasts with people that are never gonna buy with you.
Uh, understand.
Secondly, understand the process of transitioning people from not knowing you to actually being interested.
You've got, obviously, you've gotta know what, you've obviously gotta know what your target market is looking for.
So you want to show that you are a leading expert in that area very quickly.
Thirdly, focus on making sure that you don't present a bait and switch.
'cause you're just gonna get a bunch of crappy emails from people saying, I see what you're doing and I don't like it.
Or, you're gonna get, you're gonna p**s off the podcasting platforms.
And thirdly, or or large, that third or fourth, I don't know, make sure that you've got a systematic process with the podcast itself to where the interview is simply, it's set up as a triage call.
You don't wanna get on there and have a 45 minute interview every single time.
'cause you'll just be spending a bunch of time.
It's boom, it's a 10 minute interview, or it's however long, a 15 minute interview, five minute interview, however you want to do it.
And then if you don't wanna talk to that person anymore, it's, Hey, thanks a lot.
We'll send you an email when the podcast comes out.
And if it's a good prospect, you can, as soon as the interview is over, you just start talking to them and say, Hey, would you be interested in, in, in how in, in having us generate unlimited numbers of leads for you?
Tell us how many you want.
You want 20 a week, you want 50 a week, you want a hundred a week?
How many do you want?
So that, that's how I'm doing it.
What, in terms of integrating it with a LinkedIn strategy.
If you want c you can get four, you can get Fortune 5,000 CEOs on this, no problem at all.
So if you're in a, if you're a a, a relationship marketer, you want to, you're looking for relationships to where you can find joint venture partners.
Super easy, man.
You just go to, you go to LinkedIn and then you invite people onto the podcast.
You can, if you're looking to speak with CEOs of Fortune 5,000 companies, you can get them on the podcast very easily, pretty much anybody that you want to talk to, if you want, if you wanna work with cyber security experts, if you want, then just set up a podcast that deals with cyber security and then reach out to, you can reach out to a hundred cyber security experts and say, Hey, I'm the host of the cybersecurity podcast.
We're looking to interview experts on cybersecurity.
Would you c can you come on and give our listeners some success to promote your services and we'll celebrate your success?
It's like literally a hundred times out of a hundred people say yes to that.
They're like, they're, they're thrilled to do that.
And then you get 'em on the show and it's okay, John, so how are you generating new clients for your business?
I've worked, we, we talk to a lot of cybersecurity experts and they really struggle with the getting new clients.
How are you doing it?
What if we could generate, you tell us who your ideal client is and we, we will generate you 5, 6, 10 calls a week with those ideal clients.
Would that be of interest to you?
And boom, it's very easy to transition, transition them into that sales call.
And you're not doing this spammy crap, man.
There's nothing spammy about it at all.
You just reach out to someone on LinkedIn and go, I host a podcast on X.
You seem to be an authority on that.
Would you like to come in, come onto the podcast and share your expertise.
We'd love to have you and our audience.
We'd love to hear from you.
By the way, we're gonna celebrate your success.
We're gonna give you some collateral to make yourself look like a hero.
And we're gonna promote you a little bit as well.
No, I haven't got one nasty message back from somebody.
Not one the worst.
If people go through this, like, the show is about growing and scaling and we're, we'll be talking about how you scale.
So it's important that you walk the talk and are at least at six figures of revenue.
So a few people will message back and go, actually, I don't think I qualify for your show right now.
That's about the nastiest message that I've got.
Or actually, I appreciate you reaching out, but actually I don't do interviews.
It's like, that's as bad as it gets, man.
That's as nasty as it gets.
So that's it.
So that's the strategy.
It's easy.
It doesn't cost a lot.
It's brutally effective.
It's, it's a blue ocean man.
It's a blue ocean.
You can go into any market you want business coaching, massively oversubscribed, massively oversubscribed can go in there and book 20 calls a week with business coaches, no problem.
The agency working with marketing agencies, red ocean, blood everywhere, sharks everywhere, right?
Sharks everywhere.
No issue at all.
Booking calls with as many marketing agencies as you want, and it's free.
It's free, it takes your time.
If you set it up with the podcast insights, it's a hundred percent what it's like maybe a hundred bucks a month for your subscriptions, no ad spend, you don't have to worry about Facebook shutting you down, so on and so forth.
So that's it, that's what I've got.
Questions, guys.
I was curious what the platforms, what are the podcast platforms you go through?
Lemme see.
I can find a couple of 'em quickly.
Sorry, I'm stop sharing my screen, didn't I?
Yep, I think so Let me share it again.
So pod, pod match is one that, that I use.
So if can look through here.
So I find, I just see if I can find, so, so basically you've got two, two platforms within here.
I've got 21 messages of people messaging me wanting to, wanting to get on the show.
So let's have a look.
So you, you can do a couple of things.
You can go through and you can search like business coach, Whatever, whatever your target market is.
So if you're in an easy niche, like where people, they know that podcasting is a strategy.
So the thing about all of these, like all of these people I know that they're all looking, they're, they're all sold on the idea of podcasting.
They're all looking to generate new business.
They're just not using podcasting effectively, right?
They're just not using it effectively.
So this is a pretty easy, this is a pretty easy, like this is low hanging fruit for me because let's look at Rochelle here, business transformation coach, awesome.
She wants to promote her services through podcasting, but she's doing what I did, right?
She's just going on shows hoping that it reaches the right audience and she gets some leads.
She doesn't understand yet that the way to grow your business through a PO through podcasting is not to be a guest on podcasts, it's to be a host.
So I just reach out to her and go, Hey Rochelle, I've got a business podcast called Small Business Marketing Made Easy.
I'd love to have you on to share your expertise.
Are you open to it?
The answer is yes.
I guarantee the answer is yes.
Then she comes on and then at the end of it is, hey, uh, you're obviously using podcasting to grow your business.
Let me just share with you the, the, the more effective way to do that.
Going on as a guest is okay, and it will get you some business, but it's not, you look at all of these other people, right?
This is a red ocean.
These are all business coaches that coaches that took a ten second search to this is a completely mindless search, right?
Or you, you, you're competing with all of these people here on all of the same shows.
They're all doing the same things.
It's a red ocean right now.
How many of these people are, are doing what I just explained, how, how many of these people are doing.
So instead of you, you being one of the, one of the fish in the red ocean that the sharks are trying to eat, how about you go up, move up the food chain and you become a shark and you start eating all these fish.
The red ocean is a nice place if you're a shark.
Sucks if you're a fish, right?
It's a nice feeding ground like a red ocean's not a bad thing.
If you're high on the food chain, it's only bad if you're low on the food chain.
So that's the first thing there.
That's one way to do it.
Let's look at my profile, if I can find it.
It's gonna be slow.
So view edit podcast page.
So This is my page as as a ho ideal guest criteria, business coach, business expert, marketing automation, c e o, coaching, executive coach, digital marketing guru, performance coach, lead generation expert, leadership coach.
This is my sweet spot, right?
So what you need to know about the podcast flow.
So it's, we're looking to interview business coaches, marketing agencies, executive coaches, successful business owners, yeah, even life coaches and performance coaches that work directly with businesses.
Basically any form of coach or consultant that helps a business, yada, yada yada.
What you can do here, like I've, I've changed this recently 'cause I had to stop because I, I was getting too many people, like, all you need to do here, if you wanna make this a hundred percent organic and just have, turn it off because it's too powerful because you're drowning, right?
Turn it off.
It's just edit your profile here and put the booking link at the top, right?
Just, just take this link here, put open, send them to this.
So just put it here so they don't even need to message you.
People are messaging me now because I've taken that, that link down.
When that link is in there, then, uh, they, they just book in by themselves and it's like that.
Now we're talking literally a hundred percent organic off the chart, as many bookings as you want every single day.
Another one is like, uh, match.
This is a nice one.
I like this one as well.
These are the only two I use really to be honest with you, because there's just so that there are so many fish in the ocean.
So, you know, find a guest, right?
So if you wanna search for a guest, again, it's the same thing.
Business coach, you can have your va, all, all of these people, what do we know about them?
We know they're looking for new business, right?
We know they're actively engaged in lead generation.
We know they're actively looking for new business and we know they're act, they're already sold on podcast and they just need their, they just need their focus.
Redirected a little bit and baa boom, but a bam, you're done, right?
So fine, let's have a look at, at my profile.
I don't know.
Oh, oh, sorry, my shows.
There it is.
My shows.
So again, you just set this up.
Ah, I don't even have one set up here.
I'm not even, I, I'm, I was using this predominantly to find, to find shows to go, and I haven't even set set up a show profile here.
So just haven't even bothered.
'cause I've got so many leads come in.
It's, again, you set this up and you're never gonna be messaging people on LinkedIn ever again or Facebook ever again, blindly.
You're never gonna be messaging them blindly going, okay, it's just a numbers game, right?
We're gonna, we're gonna have to send out a hundred messages to get five responses to get one person that's interested.
It's like, you don't need to do that.
It's like you send out 10 messages and you get 10 responses and eight of them book in.
That's it.
A and it it's just a better strategy.
So yeah, LinkedIn's awesome, man.
I, I'm an evangelist over here.
This is my me Alfred dashboard.
Clearly I'm working on LinkedIn stuff, right?
Prior to getting on, I, I I, I'm an advocate of LinkedIn, I'm an evangelist of LinkedIn, but use it effectively.
Don't just blindly go after people.
And it's like the gift to get right.
It's, it's, you're giving something before you ask for something.
Because at the end of the day, you're gonna give these people something regardless.
Like you're gonna give them some promotion, you're gonna give them some exposure, you are gonna help them, you are gonna help them in their business.
In the very worst case scenario is you're gonna give them a little piece of marketing collateral that they can use.
You, you can see wherever it is, like right here, uh, where is it?
These are really powerful man.
Going on podcasts is like really powerful because it's just, it's instant authority.
So a lot of these people that will come on the show, they don't have this.
And I'm like, Hey, we're gonna, you, you're gonna get a video, we're gonna give you the video.
You, you're gonna be able to use that as marketing collateral to position yourself as an expert and stuff like that.
And yeah, okay.
It's not, we're not gonna do a an hour and a half long interview, and I'm not like, full on gonna try and unpack everything you do to present it to the audience in such a way they're gonna buy something.
But at the end of the day, a hundred percent of the people that we engage with are gonna get some value, right?
They're gonna get some value out of what we're doing.
So e even if they're not in the least, least little bit interested, then we're still giving, we're still giving, we're still giving.
It's a hundred percent give.
And on the flip side of that, you're getting, whereas with the standard messaging for LinkedIn and stuff like that, there's no giving at all.
It's just taken, right?
It's just taken, you're just taking there.
You're just take it.
At the end of the day, you message people on Facebook and it's, I I get it all the time, man, it just irritates me now.
It's, it just irritates me.
Same with LinkedIn.
It just irritates me a bit unless somebody's coming at it from a unique angle.
And I, I feel like this is a unique angle.
And to be honest with you, a little caveat as well, you're better off using LinkedIn with this strategy because the problem with this is like, people on this call might not know about these sites, right?
Because podcasting is not your main route to market.
But all, all of these people that are using this site do know about it.
And a lot of people have VAs, a lot of people have VAs that they're using to book.
So they don't go through this process.
The VA doesn't see this, that, that's one thing that I'm starting to see.
The vass don't go through this and they don't pass it on and stuff like that.
And they use different email addresses and stuff like that.
So the prospect hasn't seen this, so they're not actually familiar with what you do prior to coming on the podcast.
Whereas when you actively reach out to somebody, you go, you find somebody that you wanna work with on LinkedIn and you reach out to them, then you, you're bypassing the va and then the person's actually going through the indoctrination process.
So I find that when you actually actively reach out to the person directly on LinkedIn, it's nine times outta 10 or more.
It's that person that's actually engaging with you.
And then they go through the indoctrination process and they go through the sales process to where, uh, they're a much better prospect, put it that way.
They're much more likely to convert, put it that way.
So if, if you just want to throw stuff up because you don't wanna mess with a V, this works good for that, but you're gonna, you're gonna get a higher conversion rate by using LinkedIn to identify your target market, reaching out to them and going, I'd love to have you on the show.
Does that make sense?
That's good, Cody.
So there's a couple of questions that have come through and then we might go to, to breakouts from, or maybe Steven, you've got it there in, in in chat, but I don't know if you wanted to elaborate on it.
Oh, Just quickly.
I've had podcasts and they've whittled away and died.
So right now I don't have one.
What if you haven't got one?
Like you've got no subscribers, so what do you, you can't say.
I can say, come onto my podcast and you can, it'll be distributed through my mailing list of the next thousand of people.
But that's about it.
Is that, Yeah, it doesn't matter.
That's just depends who you're going after.
If you're going after, if you want to get, I, I, I don't know some, somebody who already has a lot of distribution, somebody who already has, so I interviewed, oh, Sorry, I'm, I'm going, in my case, I'm going for people in huge, like call 'em Fortune 500 companies or a s X companies and they're like senior type people and they probably don't have a podcast or, but they've got a shitload of ego.
So that people don't like, so what I would do there is I'd just get, I'd, I'd go to like pod I'd go to those sites where you can see there's literally like tho those sites have got I think Pod match.
I talked to the, I interviewed the owner of Pod Match, actually not yeah, pod Match.
I, I, I interviewed the him, the other, I wouldn't say he as a friend, but we're friendly, right?
We've talked a few times and he said they've got, uh, I think 16,000 people looking to be interviewed.
So it is not hard to get people on your show.
It's like you only you, I don't even know if you need it.
I just do it because it's like, it just makes it easier in my mind.
It makes it easier.
So if I'm going after like higher tier clients, it's easier to show that you've got some distribution or it's easier to show that you've got some credibility.
Like when I started out, I reached out to people like Dean Graziosi for example.
I contacted Dean Graziosi and he came back and he said, Hey look, I appreciate you reaching out, but you've only got nine episodes right now.
He's like, when you hit 30, reach out again.
I I I I I'm not uninterested, but wait till you got contact me again when you hit 30 episodes.
And that's Dean Graziosi, right?
Tony Robbins business partnering now.
So what I would do is I would just reach out.
I I I would just get a bunch of them under my belt.
I, I'd just reach out to people on those podcast insights and just, anybody can come on.
Anybody, anybody can come on.
Do you wanna come on?
Do you wanna come on?
Yes, done.
And get up to 20, 25, 30 episodes as quickly as you possibly can.
Because then when people check it out, they don't go, oh, you've only got you, you only got five episodes.
I, I don't think so.
So that's how I would start there.
People don't know how many downloads you're getting.
People don't, people can't see.
I, I think some hosting platforms, they'll show that.
But like, I use buzzsprout and that doesn't show how many downloads that the episode has got.
It doesn't show how many subscribers the podcast has, so nobody knows that anyway.
So you don't have to lie, just don't, just don't talk about it, don't bring it up if it's, if you have a weakness, don't, if you have a flaw in what you're doing, if you have a weakness, don't bring attention to it.
If you have a strength, bring attention to it.
So I'm, I'm bringing attention to the strengths that I have and there are obviously other weaknesses as well.
There, there are weaknesses that I have that if I pointed them out, people like the bigger people wouldn't want to come on the show, but I just don't point out my weaknesses.
Answer your question.
Yeah, don't overthink it.
Just do it.
Don't overthink it.
Thank you.
And, and Ben, Ben, you had a question about EAM or Zoom?
Yeah, I, No, it was just really about, just Zoom.
So what, so what I do basically is, yeah, I just zoom, I just do a Zoom call.
So pretty much I've got it down to one take now.
So when I, there, there's very little editing involved for me at this point.
So I pretty much like, I go, okay, I'm gonna count us in 3, 2, 1.
And then I say, and then I'm gonna, when I do this, we're out.
So it's like, pretty much I've got my keys and what I'll do is I'll just be silent for a few seconds.
So I'm like, so I can see it on the audio line where there's a silence, so I can just go straight to it and then at the end, obviously I, I stop it as well.
So very limited editing.
So yeah, all I do is just, I do that and then I'd send it straight to auto dot.
I think it's auto ai get a transcript.
Sorry, IM, can just gimme a second.
Yeah, I I'll get it in a second.
Okay, sweetie, sorry.
So I get the transcripts and now I've got 5,000 words probably of unique content that I could stick on the website if I want to for the s e o value.
So yeah, no, I've got, it's, it's very easy, man.
You systemize it down.
And to be honest with you, that that's what, like the people that I'm working with, it's, we'll just take all of that for you.
You just, you do, you do two interviews a week or you do three interviews a week or whatever.
It's just send me the file on my team, we'll top and tail it, upload it, create a, we'll upload it to the pod hosting platform.
We'll get the transcript, we'll create little social media kit for you so you can mail that to the client or not the client, to the, the podcast person.
'cause you got some of them, some people are gonna promote it as well.
So it is a good way to, to build your email list as well.
'cause a lot of people will promote it because they're not getting a lot of media exposure, so they will promote it.
So, does that make sense?
Yeah, a hundred percent.
That, that, that, that's great.
That's great.