The podcast discusses how podcasting can be an effective marketing strategy, particularly for generating leads and building influence. It notes that in the past year, podcasts generated almost all of Cody's business. Some benefits highlighted include building JV relationships, creating backlinks for SEO, and getting free promotion equivalent to thousands of dollars in webinar costs.
Cody shares strategies for getting on top podcasts, including using matchmaker sites, targeting niche shows, and pitching as a value-added guest rather than just self-promotion. An interesting point made is that one dental industry podcast led to clients worth over $10 million each. Overall, the podcast provides practical tips for effectively leveraging others' podcasts for business growth.
Automatically-Generated Transcription:
So I'll just start talking.
So gimme one second here.
So, the reason I came across this was last year where I wasn't really looking to spend a lot of money on Facebook ads and stuff like that.
And I had a few Facebook accounts shut down, and it was really difficult to keep the ads running.
And my business pretty much, it's been a hundred percent Facebook based, well, it's been a hundred percent Facebook based, pretty much.
It's been a single point of failure for a long time.
And they finally dropped a hammer last year and was very sketchy about keeping ads running.
So I was looking for some other way to, as a route to market.
So I started experimenting with, with podcasts, and the results were pretty amazing, really.
It's almost all of my, all of my business last year pretty much came from podcasts and just discovered a bunch of like very pleasant side effects that I think it's worth sharing with because there's a lot of benefit, right?
So the first thing really is, let's talk about why you would even wanna do a podcast.
First thing is, you're not gonna get shut down by Facebook or Google or Twitter or something like that.
That's the first thing.
The second thing is like every day I, when I wake up, the question I really ask myself is, how, how can I increase my influence in, how can I increase my influence in, in, in the spirit that I'm moving?
That, that's a, the level of success that we ultimately have as a business owner, as a business is gonna come down to how much influence do we have?
If you have more influence as a copywriter, Scott, you're gonna get bigger clients.
If you have more influence in the lead gen world, you're gonna get bigger clients, right?
How, how can I increase my influence?
And podcasts was a really good way to do that.
It's influenced the marketing at its best, really.
So that was the first thing.
The second thing that I discovered when I started doing it, it's, it's an amazing way to build JV relationships.
So it's not just about creating that influence in terms of appearance, right?
Influencer marketing, and people are seeing you o on, on shows and stuff like that, and that there's the, the transfer of power from the show to you and the transfer of power from the show host to you, and you get to borrow their influence for a period of time.
But there's also that opportunity to do JB relationships.
So pretty much there's always a conversation before and after the recording of the show, and it's, that's where you really build that relationship.
And generally speaking, if you're going on the right shows, these people can help you and you can help them.
I found that I've been able to get on the phone with people and talk to people that, you know, through, through, through a podcast appearance that the ordinarily they would not return an email or they would not take a phone call, right?
So it's been a great way to do that as well.
The third thing I think is s e o value.
So how do you get great quality links back to your site?
How do you do that, that, that are non spammy?
So pretty much every show you go on, they're gonna give you a link back to your Amazon page or back to your website or back to your sales page.
So it's a great way to build that ss e o value.
And that was a side effect that, that I came across.
I didn't even think about that to start with really.
That was just a side effect, and I'm gonna go into how I get on these shows and stuff like that and give you the scripts and stuff like that and, and, and how to do all this stuff in just a second.
But the other thing is a, a podcast is like a webinar that you didn't have to create or promote.
So if you do a webinar, it's a ready made audience.
I I've got pretty much a a 30 to 45 minute presentation based on the length of the show, and I'll show you how I kind of work that out.
I control that a little bit.
Obviously the show host is gonna do whatever they want, but there are ways to control the direction that the show goes in and stuff like that.
So if it's a decent sized, if it's a decent sized podcast, it's like a 45 minute webinar that you didn't have to promote, you didn't have to come up with the audience.
So a lot of times, like go on a sort of a medium-sized podcast that gets 1500, 2000 downloads over the course of the month, how much would it cost you to get 1500 people to a webinar?
Are you looking at probably 30, $40 for a webinar show up, right?
So you're looking at literally thousands and thousands of dollars of free promotion, plus it's not cold traffic.
It's like you're getting that transference of authority from the show and the show host to you.
So that, that's another great reason to do it.
Uh, another thing that I found was, podcasts last a long time.
You run a Facebook ad and it's like a puff of smoke.
It's like you turn the ad off and it's gone and you get the impression, you pay for, the impression's gone, you never get it back again.
Whereas with a, with a podcast, you, you, it lasts a long time.
Like you go on a podcast, it goes on iTunes, it goes on Spotify, it goes on all distribution networks, it gets indexed, it gets searched.
So it's, it, it's a promotion that gets seen over and over again.
And I've seen a very steady in incline, in increase in, in, in sales of whatever it is that I'm selling, whether it's books, whether it's coaching programs, whether it's done for your clients, the these people are coming in consistently now.
And even, even when I stopped doing podcasts for a while, that that traffic still starts to come in, which is a very nice change to, to, to Facebook ads, right?
Facebook ads not great big, not great business partners by any stretch of the imagination.
And lastly, before I get into the actual mechanics of it, is it, it's the quality of leads that are coming in.
So a, a podcast is a learning experience, it's an educational experience.
So firstly, it's like anybody that's showing up to listen to you on a podcast is there because they wanna learn something.
They're there because they want to get educated.
They're there because they want the result that the podcast promises.
So you go and stay paid or something like that.
It's, which is a sales training podcast.
These people are there because their salespeople and they want sales training or, or you go on, you go on a marketing podcast, a small business marketing podcast.
Those people are there because they're business owners and they need help with their marketing.
So the audience is really targeted and they're there because they want to learn.
Whereas with Facebook, not too often I find we get somebody on a webinar or a training session or something like that and, and it's almost clickbait to get them on, right?
It's, you have to give them clickbait to get them there.
You have to give them, especially now, you have to give them a, a super big, bold promise.
And it's like, quite often it's like they're there because they're curious or they're there because they've been somewhat clickbait and they're not necessarily a great prospect.
It's really expensive, not necessarily the best audience.
And and lastly is the accessibility, right?
So you, you can act, there's only so many people you can access via LinkedIn.
There's only so many people you can access via Facebook.
There are a lot of people that are not responding to ads and messages and stuff like that.
For example, I went on a podcast, I think it was called like Dental Nachos, which was a dental podcast specifically for the dental in industry.
And it get, gets an average of 1500 downloads an episode, and it's purely dental practice owners.
So now I get 45 minutes talking to 1500 dental practice owners exclusively.
And what would that cost on LinkedIn?
What would that cost on Facebook?
How would you even get that audience?
So the quality of people you're talking to is so much higher, and then you may not get a lot of leads out of it, but it's one or two leads from there is that's worth 50, 60, $70,000 to you over the course of the year.
And the quality of clients that I've seen coming in from podcasts is, it's not that there's a massive amount of them, it's that the quality is ridiculous.
Every client that I've taken on from a podcast has been probably a $10 million plus business versus Facebook, the vast majority of startups or people that that need help and stuff like that.
So those are the reasons that, that I think it works so well.
So let's get into how you actually do this.
So when I started out, I was very green, didn't know what I was doing, and I just went to like iTunes top 100 marketing podcasts and started reaching out, which is the worst thing you can do.
I literally, I literally had to reach out to a hundred podcasts to get booked onto one.
So my first advice is, if you're starting out with podcasts, don't start with the top 100 in your niche.
They don't want you on there.
They're not interested.
So start a little bit lower and, and, and work your way up, because in the end it's like, now it, generally speaking, it's, I have to reach out.
I I have my team reach out.
I don't do it myself, but I, I have my VAs reach out to, generally it's only two or three.
They only need to reach out to two to three podcasts to get booked in.
And they're great quality podcasts as well.
I'm talking like top 1%, top half percent.
So lemme show you how I do that.
So I share my screen and I'll give you the scripts and everything and the strategies, and hopefully that'll help someone.
So you got, you got my screen?
So the first thing is, this is really important right here.
You want a one pager, right?
A media pack.
So what you wanna think about is you're asking somebody to do you a favor, right?
You're asking to come on their show, you're asking to come on their show basically, and promote you, is what you're doing.
So think about how can you make their life easier?
How can you make this super, super easy for them?
Because at the end of the day, they want guests on their show.
They just want good guests that are not gonna make them do a lot of work.
And you wanna control the narrative as well.
So the first thing is come up with your bio, right?
Give 'em a picture so they can just drag and drop this off.
And they're always gonna ask for a picture.
So give 'em a nice picture, give 'em some show social proof and write your bio here.
Second thing is like, I want to get, why am I gonna be different to everybody else?
I I know that most people that go on a podcast are just gonna pitch their product, right?
They just want to get on there to pitch their product.
That's it.
I came up with this code is an experienced podcast guest who'll bring positivity, motivation, and actionable parenting advice to your listeners.
So I'm, I'm, I'm dealing with the parenting market for this particular product, right?
So I, I'm basically saying, I'm not gonna just come on here and pitch a product.
I'm gonna be a good guest and I'm not just gonna pitch a product.
I'm gonna give positivity, motivation, and I'm gonna give you some value.
So then I'm promoting this particular book here, really.
So this is just really some social proof.
So I've got a book called No Nonsense Guide to Happiness, A little bit of social proof here, some reviews, stuff like that so people can see that you, you're actually doing something and you're actually making a difference in the world.
And then this part made a huge difference, right?
Difference right here.
Questions you can ask me, control the narrative.
Remember I said it's like a webinar where it's like pe people are inherently lazy and they're gonna do the least, they're, they're gonna follow the path of least resistance.
So if I want to, this Is good, actually, this is what we need to do.
We need to get Chung to create you.
What's that?
Give them the narrative, right?
So what questions you can ask me, what's the number one factor that will determine your child's successful failure?
Where can I, how can I get my child off of video games?
Where do I, how do I motivate my child more?
How can I help my child find their identity?
What's the most valuable skill a parent can learn?
It's like the, this is the narrative that I wanna push.
So if I was creating a webinar and promoting it myself, the, these are the bullet points that I would wanna be covering in the webinar, right?
What are some major mistakes to avoid?
What are two requirements to get teenager to do what you want?
What's the key to a hundred percent success rate with a teenager?
The, the, these are the bullet points that I would want to cover if I was creating the webinar and giving them a slide deck.
So I I, I'm accessing the human being's inherent laziness to follow the path of least resistance.
So people are gonna look at this and it's, they don't have to come up with a bio and introduction.
I'm, they've already got a picture.
I'm telling them that I'm gonna give them some actionable advice versus a pitch.
A little bit of social proof.
It's, we've got something to talk about here.
We can talk about the book, we can talk about the reviews.
Here's the narrative, here's the questions that we're gonna, that, that they can just ask me.
And then again, topics.
So it's like what?
Give them some topics.
Creating unshakeable confidence in your teenager.
How to empower your teenager to make better decisions.
How to, uh, why goal setting is critical.
So I don't want to really, I wanna make sure that I'm getting as wide an audience as possible.
So I don't wanna get, I don't wanna give them something.
They might look at this and go, child success and failure.
That's not really what our podcast is about.
So I want to give them something that, you know, I wanna be able to speak on a wide range of topics so they can spell a mistake there.
And you change that on, on confidence.
So this is really important.
So I'm making it really easy for them.
And then I'm showing them that I'm not gonna s**t the bed I've set up here.
I'm a I'm an experienced podcast guest.
I want to give them some proof.
These are some, this is a, a, a top 10 podcast.
Some of these are top 10 podcasts.
I'm showing them that, uh, I'm giving them some idea of what kind of guest I'm gonna be.
So they don't need to guess if I'm gonna be a good guest.
So it's like super easy.
Okay, we've got a, we've got a topic we can talk on.
We've got something unique and you've got a, you've got a book.
Let's talk about the book.
Here are some questions I can ask you.
Cody, here's some topics.
Yeah, you're gonna be a good guest.
And then finally, the PSS two resistance.
And this is, you don't have to do much here, but this is where a little bit goes a long way because nobody's doing it right.
Like the, the, the thing with podcasts is, especially the bigger ones, they're getting reached out to 10, 15, 20 times a week, maybe more.
And it's, it's give or or take.
Gimme some promotion.
Gimme some exposure, gimme this, gimme that, gimme a spot on your show, gimme and start with giving.
So I just say we'll promote the episode to our in-house list of 10 K subscribers as well as cross social media.
I've got my own podcast called Team Success.
And we offer a pod swap for anybody interested in that.
And we'll also provide a five star review for any anybody on, on iTunes for any podcast that I appear on.
So it is just saying, Hey, look, we're gonna benefit you, we're gonna benefit you, we're gonna benefit you.
And, and if it's a bigger show that I'm getting on or, or want to get on, then I'll even go a step further and have the VA say, Hey, look, we'll guarantee 15,000 views of the episode.
We'll run Facebook.
It, it's only $15 per thousand views for video views, right?
Video view ads on Facebook.
So if I can get 10,000 views, 15,000 views for $200, it's, would I pay $200 to get on a top top 1% podcast that's gonna get thousands of downloads?
Of course, I would.
You go, you think about these little things like that and go, Hey, look, I I wanna make this a win.
Yes, I'm asking for promotion, but I'm gonna do everything I can do to make this work for you.
And I'm gonna g I'm gonna guarantee you 15,000 views.
I'm gonna guarantee you exposure, so on, so forth.
And then just super, super easy call to action.
So just email support, which goes to my va and this will save you a s**t ton of work, right?
Because a lot of times when you go to get booked on, they're gonna ask you these questions anyway.
What questions can we ask?
What topics can we talk on?
That kind of stuff.
So I just say, refer to my one page or refer to my media pack.
So this made a massive difference right here.
Once I started doing this, made an absolutely massive difference.
So next thing is, uh, actually getting booked on how do you do it?
So there's a lot of platforms like the two, the two or three that I use.
My favorites are, this is Matchmaker fm, find podcast guests.
So this is for podcasts actually looking for guests.
Pretty good place to start, right?
People looking for guests.
And this works.
I've got a couple of podcasts too.
So this works for finding guests or finding a show if you're a guest.
And pod match is the same as well.
So this is a, the name says it, all right?
Pod match is for people who have podcasts looking for guests and guests looking for podcasts and stuff like that.
This is super, super easy.
So find a show if you wanna, if you wanna be a guest, then I just, you just come over here, choose a category.
Let's say entrepreneurship.
Let's say we're promoting a marketing product or whatever.
Not gonna apply too many filters here.
And then you just go through, it's pretty straightforward.
Let's say you wanna go on this podcast.
The great thing about this is look, you've got, you've got their contact details here, so you, you can message 'em.
You don't have to spend a lot of time.
So if you just want, if you just go to iTunes and pick the top 100 podcast, you're gonna have to find their email address and all kind of stuff like that.
So that's it.
So what I do then is I go to check out the podcast.
This is really critical as well.
Don't just spam people.
Don't just send them a message saying, please let me be on your podcast and sell my s**t.
Don't do that.
So I like to go through and look at the, I like change.
I I look at the titles.
You don't actually have to listen to these.
You can get an idea of what the, the, the, the flavor of the podcast is just by going through the titles.
So then what I do is, I'll give you an example here.
You can see how many, so this is a great examples.
I had a look.
This is a top, this is a top half a percent pod podcast.
This is a really, the, the Biz for Good Show is a really big podcast.
That, that it's really, it's a good one.
It gets a lot of downloads.
So I just wrote, Hey, Bobby and Ryan, I got their name.
I've had a listen to a few of your podcasts and I think I could add some value keeping in the theme of what you've got going with your other episodes.
Maybe a, a show along the lines of Make more.
So you can give more a show about not just marketing strategy, but the reasons behind why you would want to do well with marketing.
What do you think?
Here's my media pack for more details I'd love to be on.
Then obviously I send them my media pack and then they come back.
Sounds great.
We're a high energy show that doesn't take ourselves too seriously, but we take the idea of doing good and being good in business very seriously.
So you can see I, I've, I've totally connected with them there.
It's like they, they, they, obviously, they've looked at this, the idea for the show is make more so you can give more.
They've connected that.
We take the idea of doing good and being good very seriously.
Check out the show, you'd like to be a guest.
Here's our link.
It's like I'm on the show and I've used this.
I've, I've got myself booked onto Cowin Rays podcast, UN Unstoppable or whatever it is, some really big podcasts.
But by doing it this way, and it's, yes, this takes a little bit of work.
Like you've gotta actually look at the show and have an idea.
But this is what's setting you apart, right?
If you want to be the best, if, if you wanna get paid the best, you gotta be the best.
If you want to be better than the rest, you've gotta be better than the rest.
It's as simple as that.
And it's like all, all of these guys are just getting the s**t spammed out of them every single day.
So it's a show that you're serious, show that you actually have looked at the, the, the show that you can add some value to what they're doing and that, that you are gonna enhance what they're doing.
You're not just going on the show to say, let me sell my ship.
So you can see all of these.
I, I'm in two niches.
I'm obviously in marketing, but I'm in the parenting niche as well.
That, that, there's lots of different shows here that I, I'm getting on and I've probably got on, I don't know, maybe 200, 200 shows now in the last six months doing this.
And, and, and once that show goes out, that's it.
So the other one is, this is the one Matchmaker fm and the other one it is pod thing here.
So you could, this is very similar, pod match.com, very similar.
It's currently viewing guests.
So I wanna view shows, hopefully I'll change here.
Currently viewing guests.
So again, you can create, here we go, host.
That's it.
So you create a profile on, on these, you create a profile on these, and basically people can look at you, which the pro the profile really is just, for me, it's just a reflection of this.
It's just a mirror image of this really.
But again, you can see we're looking just search through marketing and sales empowered worth loads and loads of podcasts.
And these people are actively seeking guess, right?
The purpose of money.
So what, whatever niche you're in, you can go through here and, and, and you can do this.
So that's pretty much how I'm getting on it.
That that's how I'm getting on the shows.
And like I say, I've gone from literally having to send out a hundred emails to get on one show, to send out two or three emails.
I'm pretty confident I could get, I could probably get on any show I wanted to right now as, as long as it was, as long as it was relevant.
And the other platform that I use that is, is listen notes.
If I'm looking, if I'm looking for podcasts to go on.
So this is gonna be, this is gonna be mainstream, right?
So the thing you wanna look at here is niche as well.
It's not about the size of the audience, and it's not about the number of downloads, it's about the quality.
It's about the quality of the people listening.
So I went on one show, it was like Tommy Melo show, I think it was called.
It was like the Home service Expert, which is plumbers, electricians, stuff like that.
Home service providers.
He's got one of the biggest podcasts on that.
And it doesn't, it does get a lot of downloads, but it's like, not a huge amount of downloads, but if you look at the quality of the people listening to that, it, it's like they, they're serious home service businesses.
And they ended up getting that one show ended up getting, I think, three clients from it.
And all three of them were $50 million plus businesses.
It, it was super, it, it was great.
And they just, they were just, they just roll over and die in the sales process because they've spent 45 minutes with you.
They're like, and, and they're leading the conversation.
They'll, they'll reach out to you and say, Hey, I saw you on Tommy Mel's podcast.
Any chance you could help us with our direct mail strategy or any help chance you could help us with our whatever strategy?
And then you get on the phone with 'em and they're like, and they're like, I really like what you said about this, or, I really like what you said about that.
It's like they're leading the conversation in the direction you want it to go in.
So it's about, I don't worry.
When I started out, I I, I was just like, I just wanna go on big podcasts.
I just want volume.
But afterwards I realized, no, it's not about going on big podcasts, it's about getting very niche and going on podcasts that have very specific audiences that are looking for your solution.
So what, what I'll do there, so let, let's say you're a podcaster, Scott, and you're a copywriter and you're promoting your business through podcast.
And what I do here is I want to piggyback your success.
So listen notes is good.
It's a search engine for podcasts, and they've got a, they've got a premium service as well, which is really good.
But I'm actually so overwhelmed right now with stuff I've, I've pretty much turned everything off for a little bit.
Just I need to get caught up with everything.
But you just put in, so it's, let, let's say I want to piggyback, you want to piggyback my success, you can just search out all the podcasts that I've been in.
So from poop to gold with the Haron Brothers, you can see what's the top 1% online marketing strategist, top 1% consulting lifestyles beyond the practice room, the sales evangelists, so on and so forth.
So you can see stay paid podcast, these are all, these are all great podcasts, but you can see like, you can start to piggyback what I'm doing or I can start to piggyback what you are doing.
So it's okay if, like I said, if I wanna follow you, Scott, if I can see that you, you've got an effective podcasting strategy, then I can just reach out to, to all of the podcasts that you've been in and piggyback the work that you've done.
Because I know that they're having guests that are, that are interested in topics that, that you talk on.
And now instead of having to like get hit and miss with it and go, okay, I'm gonna go on this podcast, but it might not be relevant or whatever, it's like now I can build a list of like super relevant podcast.
And again, this is probably a premium feature, but they give you, yeah, you can do this.
You buy this two days at a time, you can buy it for a month, or you can buy it for two days at a time.
It's $8 a day.
If you do it a day at a time, probably the best thing to do is just spend a day and just go through and build everything out.
Just go through, do all your research, but it tells you, right?
So you can see we go back here like it tells you what the, how popular it is.
So poop to gold is a top 1% podcast.
Online marketing strategies is a top 1%.
So if you really just don't wanna waste your time, then you can just go through here and just deal with the top, the 80 20, the ones that you're gonna get the most traffic, and you get your con you get the contact details here as well, which makes it super easy.
So tho those are the things that I'm doing really, it's nothing complicated.
It's nothing difficult, it's just, it's figure figuring out how you can really, how you can help them promote their business and how they can benefit from you coming on the show.
Not just approaching it from the angle of, how can I take from this show?
Because that's what everybody's doing, right?
Like I said, if you want, if you do what everybody, everybody else is doing, you're gonna get the results everybody else is getting, which is not very good for the most part.
That's what I've got to say.
I'll take any questions.
Yeah, no.
I think we just got a, I think everyone's muted, but I'll just ask, go to unmute.
Yeah, no, I, one question I've got, Cody, just while we're waiting, is the, how many people are you reaching out to a week, a month?
Do you have a particular system that you are reaching out to a hundred people a month and you're getting so many podcasts?
And is this a breakdown?
Yeah, so look, you, you gotta figure out what you need, what you want.
So what do you want?
How many podcasts do you wanna be in?
So I, I made the mistake of, and you were a bit of a victim of that, Scott, I, I, I need to apologize for that, where like, I just, I, I got too successful.
I just couldn't handle it.
I said to my team, book me on as many podcasts as you can, thinking that one every other day or two or three a week.
And they were booking me on a four, four or five podcasts a day sometimes.
Oh wow.
It was, it was insane because it went, it, it, it's cheap, man.
I've got, I hired three people to do it just because it's so cheap.
Like a, a decent va.
Like you don't need a full-time one.
I've got three VAs at six hours a day each, and it was only costing me like 300 bucks a month each, so less than a thousand dollars, which if, if you used a podcast agency, a podcast, but that, that would be two podcasts, right?
You're easily gonna pay $500 to go on a top 1% podcast through a booking agency, which, which is what I did to start with when I first, I started out with it was taking me a hundred emails to get on one podcast.
So I went with a booking agency and they were charging me $500 a show, and I thought, oh, this is all right.
But then I was like, well, actually a thousand for a thousand dollars, I can get three pretty much full-time VAs and I can just show them how to do this.
So that's what I did.
And was ended up within a few, really three or four weeks, a month was getting booked onto 3, 4, 5 podcasts a day, man.
Which was insane.
It was insane.
So I'm, I'm booked way out into the future as well.
So up until March I'm like, oh my God, I'm just gonna lose my mind.
So I ended up having to cancel a lot of them.
So the question is, how many podcasts a day do you want to go on?
How many podcasts a week do you want to go on?
And then it's just work back from there.
So I know if I want to go on, You won't, I wanna go on three podcasts a week, then I'm gonna need to reach out, let's say to 10 to 15 max.
It's maybe a 20, 30% hit rate.
Once you get it dialed in.
And the other thing I didn't talk about too, which we probably should, it's like your story is so important.
Your your story is so important.
So, uh, obvi obviously my story is my story and the content of the story doesn't change, but the telling of the story does.
So if 10 people ask me, what's your story, Cody?
I might tell it 10 different ways, but it's the same story, same content, same outcomes, right?
It, it's truthful.
So I, I found, I went on one podcast and they say, tell us a little bit about who Cody Butler is and how you've arrived at where you are today.
And I told them my story and I got done.
And the guy goes, wow, that's usually, we just can't wait for people's stories to end, but I just can't wait to dig into yours.
And I was like, got it.
So I, I got that episode transcribed, and now I've memorized that, that interest.
So if you listen to Tony Robbins, or you listen to Jim Rohn, or you listen to any of the big speakers, when they tell their story, they tell it verbatim word for word every time.
They, they, they don't change their story up.
They're not ad-libbing, which is what I was doing to start with, and I varying levels of success with that.
But when they, and this was a big podcast too, it was a top 10 podcast.
They go, wow, that's, I just wanna dive into that story.
That is awesome.
I just wanna dive into that and, and find out more about A, B, C, and D Got it transcribed, learnt that story, learn how to tell that story verbatim.
So now I've learned, this is how I tell my story for maximum effect.
This is the right length, this is the right amount of detail, this is the right approach.
So, uh, because that's your hook, right?
You wanna get people in there and you don't, I, I do podcasts from the other side as well, where I have guest audience, so I get to see, you wanna keep it punchy, you wanna keep it benefit orientated, you want to give, you wanna tell people what they're gonna get, so on, so forth.
So really work on your story.
That's gonna be a major factor as to I think how well you do on podcasts.
You know, whether people are gonna listen, whether they're gonna relate to you, whether they're gonna go tell me more or whether they're gonna go.
So what?
Yeah, no, that's, that's good.
So I'll that, I, I think what you've shared, Katie, has been awesome.
Like, I love the, the specifics and the, the websites and the results and all that sort of thing.
I'll throw it open to the group now and just see what other questions are, are out there.
Nathan has a question.
Go on, Nathan.
Hey mate, outta curiosity, how different, because I know one of the, one of the worst things about doing presentations and things around the place is it's great if you can just whip out the same old presentation that always kicks ass and do it.
But how, how do you, how does it overlay to doing podcasts if they're all on the same topic?
Like how much new stuff, like how much new stuff have you gotta always be coming up with?
Look, not much to be honest with you, because it's different audiences, right?
You, you, it's a different audience every time.
And, and to some extent it's, I don't have to worry about that because the, the host is gonna direct the interview.
It's like I can give them suggestions about, you know, you always have a conversation before the podcast and they go, is there anything you want to touch on?
Is there anything you want to go, anywhere you want to go with?
And look, usually I say, look, the best thing for me is it's happy hour at the bar with two guys that love marketing.
Let's talk marketing that, that's the best approach because it's authentic, it's real.
And the conversation, it it, if the host has an interest in what I'm talking about, then the audience do as well.
So you might say something like, how, how I got $200,000 worth of advertising for free through podcasts in, in, in the last six months of last year.
And the host will go, how did you get $200,000 worth of advertising for free?
And then you start talking about it, then it just opens up naturally.
Obviously, sometimes some shows are very rope, they want structure and they want you to give them the questions, but generally speaking, I, I just like the happy hour format, right?
Hey, here are some questions if you get stuck, so there's no awkward pauses, which happens sometimes you finish a question and they don't know where to go with it next.
So they've got those 10 questions in front of them.
So it's okay, what are some mistakes people are making with LinkedIn then Cody?
And it just keeps the conversation going again.
But generally speaking, the happy hour format is what works best because it's, it's authentic, it's real, and it's conversational.
Conversational is what people want.
Does that make sense?
Hey, Cody, Thanks.
Yes sir, it's Ari, how's it going?
I, I know exactly who it is, how could I not?
Oh, cool.
Of course, the accent of course gives it away 20 years to out the American accent here.
So when you trained your VAs to do all this for you, did you show them, did you create templates for them on emails?
What are they going in and identifying which ones to pick?
Are they smart enough to that for you now?
Or they actually discerning what to pick and yes.
How much guidance are you giving them?
So I give them like, I like to empower because I don't wanna be bogged down with it.
So the reason I've hired them is because I don't wanna be doing this, so I wanna empower them as much as possible.
So you can see, let's have a look here.
So if they're stuck, I I give them a standard, I give them a standard response rates.
Hi Howard, hope you're well.
This is Cody Butler, just released my, my second number one book, 90 day marketing plan, top the Amazon bestsellers list.
Just check in to see if you'd be interested having me as a podcast guest.
I do have an in-house email list of 10,000 gay subscribers, around 37,000 followers on Facebook.
The interview would be promoted by social and email.
So it's a win.
I can speak extensively on small business, marketing, business growth, entrepreneurship, et cetera.
Please refer to some podcast past experiences and a buyer, yada yada, me.
Thanks in advance.
So this is a template message that I've given my VAs that if they don't, if they can't come up with something, this is what they're going to use.
Is that, where is that working?
Yes, yes.
So again, it's it, look, it, it's, this is what they care about, right?
Why did they start a podcast?
There's only one reason they started a podcast for, for promotion, right?
To promote their business.
So you gotta understand like, why do people do what they do?
Why are they doing what they're doing?
And what outcome are they looking for?
And it's, if you demonstrate that you understand the outcome that they're looking for and you're gonna help them accomplish that, then you become a friend instantly.
So that's why I say I have an in-house, I haven't engaged, uh, email list of about 10,000 subscribers, 30,000 followers on Facebook, and we promote via social and email.
So it's like, that's what they want.
They want promotion.
So straight away, it's okay, this guy's gonna gimme some exposure.
So it's not as effective as the, Hey Ari, I saw your episode on how a, a father used sales skills that you taught him to mend his relationship with his son.
I thought that was really awesome.
How about we, I have an idea for an episode that also goes into why you don't want a welfare Christmas, why you want a master sales skills so you don't have to experience another welfare Christmas.
It's like that, that, that shows that I've paid, actually listened to some of your material and I've listened to what you're doing and I know what you're about and I've made a suggestion.
So that's gonna, that's gonna be so far ahead of what everybody else is doing.
You know, it's gonna be so far ahead of what everybody else is doing in terms of outreach, that at the very least you're gonna respond and say, Hey, I, I, I appreciate the fact that you actually listened to what I'm doing.
I get that all the time.
Hey, hey, I don't think this is a great match necessarily, but I, I appreciate the fact that you really did take the time to do some research.
And again, it's like, what do I ask myself every morning?
When I start work?
What do I wanna accomplish today?
And the answer to that question is influence.
It's influence.
I want to create influence in the world.
I want to create.
It doesn't matter how good my products are.
If I don't have influence, I can't influence them.
I can't influence people into them.
It doesn't matter how good my products are.
If I have no influence, I can't influence people into promoting them.
I can't influence people to take action.
So the the one thing every day I'm very clear and very focused on what am I trying to create today's influence.
So e even if I reach out to this person and they say, Hey, this might not be, this might not be a good match, which it might not be, it might generally not be a good match, right?
Like I, I'm still creating influence with somebody who is an influencer.
I, I've created a favor.
The first impression has been a favorable one.
So down the road.
So yeah, so that's a long answer to the question.
But basically I I, I give them this, so I give them, and the same with, there's probably some, let's have a look up here, parent parenting ones, stuff like that.
So again, looking for, I can speak extensively on parenting, teens, tweens, building children's confidence, self-esteem, just checking to see if you'd be interested.
Again, same thing except it's a different, I'd be interested in having you come on.
My podcast is very niche.
We talk about Briggs, Mars, stuff like that.
So it's not, I might be interested.
They, again, they're qualifying it.
They're saying, Hey, so this is where I, I probably would have my VA eight reach back to me at this point and say, Hey, the person's come back and they're specifically asking if you can talk on Myers Briggs and, and that kind of stuff.
Oh, they, it looks like they've given me a Calendly link here to book up a, a pre pre-show chat or something like that.
So I, I'm gonna get on this one.
But again, it's, it's pretty much the, it's pretty much the same format.
In fact, it's exactly the same format.
It's just, it's a different book to lead in with.
It's a different, it's different topics, but the rest is the same.
Everything's the same.
And again, win.
Let's make this win-win.
So I think Mickey had a question as well.
We might take that question and then we'll go into, into breakout.
Breakout rooms.
Actually, actually just answered it.
I was wondering about how you, how you email or what, what you actually say, but you gave us a couple examples here.
So Don't like general rule of thumb.
80, 80, 20 of outreach.
Don't be generic.
Don't be generic.
Specificity cells, generality, repels, never been true in outreach.
Specificity, cells, generality, repels.
Be specific.
Give them a reason to have you on, show that you've done some research.
Show that you actually understand what they're trying to accomplish.
Show that you can help them do that.
And boom, that's it.
You'll get on any show you want to.
Yeah, Eventually.
So one, one thing and then I'll finish.
Start out with those smaller shows.
Get a couple of episodes that you can use as social proof to show that you're not gonna s**t the bed.
Hey Cody, I just wanna say I loved this thing.
It was incredible.
All your, all the strategies that you've shared.
Once somebody has a product that's leverageable and you know, con that's completely just doing this is all you ever need to do.
And it's so much fun while you meet all these amazing people.
So well done on the strategy and thank you so much for sharing it.
Really appreciate it.
You, you hit the ham, you hit the nail on the head.
It's fun.
So another thing, it's like, just because you can outsource it doesn't mean you should outsource it.
So I asked myself like, what makes me come alive?
What brings out the best of me?
And it's, I love talking to people.
I love doing interviews and stuff like that.
So it's that, that that's what you really wanna focus on.
What whatever brings out the best of you in your business is what's gonna bring out the best results for the business.
And podcasting for me.
I love it.
I love talking to people and sharing, sharing my knowledge, talking about marketing, talking about kids, all that kind of stuff.
Thank you for the nice words.
I appreciate that.
Awesome, dad.
Thanks Cody.
That was, yeah, I, I took, got so many takeaways from that, so that was, yeah.
So what we might do now is go out into breakout groups and Tom, I'm not sure if you've, if you've worked out the breakout sort of process yet.
I'm on my I iPhone today because my internet cut off about half hour before this call.
But I'm thinking we probably have, ideally about, I think probably four groups if we can and just assign them randomly.
I wonder if you need to make me host, 'cause I can't see any breakout options on the, uh, Let, let me make you host and see if that helps.
I just love absolute power.
That would be great.
So you, it should be down like the bottom.
With the right, yeah, we got it here.
So how, how many do you want?
And for how long?
I I think you should be able to, what do we got?
2, 4, 6, 8, 10?
I think generally groups are about three, so I think four groups would be perfect.
And we'll just do a, a automatic assignment and then when do you want me to bring 'em back?
How many minutes?
Uh, I think, what are we now?
We're 1147.
I think about probably fi 1205.
So we have about five, six minutes each.
And I think the topic is just like, how can we implement podcasts into our, into our business or our client's business?
Eight 18 minutes?
Uh yep.
No, that sounds good.
I'll do the maths right.
Alright, we're off.
No, awesome.
Thanks sir.
I was a little nervous that I might have broken the system pushing buttons, but it seems to have worked.
You're right to be nervous, Tom, you being ha having absolute power.
I, I, my operations manager has banned me from Infusionsoft because I keep going and fixing things.
Um, Hey Cody, I had a quick question for you.
Listen notes has some sort of a p i that enhances it.
Did you use that at all?
Can't hear Matt.
That's weird.
'cause it doesn't say you're muted, but we can, can you hear me?
Oh, cool.
Yeah, no, I, I didn't do that.
I, I just used the premium.
Just the premium account.
Was all I used.
Thank you.
That, that's, that's awesome.
Well, what we might do is, is just quickly go around the, around the room and probably 30 seconds each, just talk about what our main takeaways were, were from the, from the discussions.
So I might start with, with our discussion was there was one concept which John brought up, which was, it was content, content testimonials.
Maybe you can just explain that quickly, John, the concept of that from Dean Jackson.
Yeah, it's Dean Jackson's idea of a, this is a podcast content creation where it's basically a hot seat.
So he calls it a content where he brings one person on board and, and just takes them, tell us about your business.
And then they work out a strategy by the end of the podcast.
So it's a self-generating content method.
'cause I was explaining to Scott how I tried to go down the road of starting a podcast years ago, and we got to about six episodes, but I would put 20 hours worth of preparation into every episode.
So that's not the ideal system or the ideal way to do it.
But so this is a self generating content method, but the way he does it, he's, he basically has this email of mine that's on platform because, and he does it twice a week.
Once he's up the phone, all of the backend stuff's taken care of by his team, and then they write three emails out of it.
One of it's the, the announcement of the podcast itself.
And the other two are just content, which are just little, little gems of wisdom that turn into content emails and that.
So he gets to repurpose the episode to be his content email strategy as well.
His nurture sequence.
That's, that's awesome.
So I thought that was a great strategy.
Who's, who's next?
Oh look, for me it was Cody's reference to listen notes.com.
I'm still trying to get my head around it, but it looks like a real game changer.
No, excellent.
No, that's, that's great.
Listen notes.
I'll have to go and check it out.
What, what was the fascinating thing about listen notes?
Uh, it's just that we, we, in, in searching, we, we would normally search podcast directories and it's, you've gotta search a lot of different locations, but with listen notes, it looks like we can get the key metrics we want so we can isolate that as Cody talked about the top 1% and provided our pitch now offer and approach is attractive to them.
It can just save my freelancer a whole lot of time in isolating, you know, the, the top 1%.
Yeah, yeah.
AB absolutely, yeah.
Big time saver and allow us to, to zone in.
So that, that's great.
Who's next?
Mi mi Mickey has a, A breakthrough that he, he needs to share with everybody.
Yeah, I launched a webinar that I spent some time on and I sent traffic to it through YouTube ads and got 4,000 people to go to the signup page.
Only 40 people signed up and only 20 people watched the webinar.
And I spent five grand on that.
And so I, I just said, I, I, I retooled the signup page.
I didn't really get it much greater, even using different templates and best practices.
So eventually I just said, what would happen if instead of my 10 minute ad or five minute ad to get them to go watch the webinar?
What if I just gave them the webinar?
YouTube has no length restrictions, so I uploaded a 56 minute webinar, and today's the second day that I've promoted it, and I've gotten over a thousand people to watch 100% of the webinar for under $2 each.
And on YouTube, the downside of it is I'm not getting them their email or a signup, but the good news is they're watching a 57 minute of me explain press release strategies.
I've created all this goodwill with them, and I'm certain that if they ever do a press release or someone talks about press releases, they're gonna say, oh, you should look at e releases.
Because I, I, I basically gave all my best information of regarding press release strategy in this webinar, and I'm just giving it away in the hopes that people will do better press releases than I'm getting and, and hopefully use us.
Can You send me that press release, Mickey, and we'll, and we'll upload it into the group.
And I don't know if you can email just a summary of what you just said.
'cause yeah, I'm sure that press release is something everyone would love to, you know, love to see who's in the group in any case.
But that's, that's awesome.
Yeah, no, it's interesting you take that out and then I guess you can retarget them as well.
You can pixel them and retarget them with other stuff.
Yeah, a Lot of 'em are still clicking through to the website when they're done.
I think I got, in today's group, 582 of them went to the website afterwards and, but yeah, 477 watched a 57 minute ad to completion.
No, that's awesome.
That's really good.
And I think we've got one more, one more group, and then we'll move on to Mr.
Mark Anthony In our group, we just did a recap for one person who didn't capture all of it, but the big breakthrough for me around it was I've had a bit of a block around JV partners and how to approach that around one of the offerings that we have.
And using a podcast strategy.
I've got my own podcast and get guests all the time, but the whole being out there and using podcast interviews as a introduction to JV conversations was made a lot of sense to me.
So thank you.
Uh, it, it's a little bit like a Trojan horse.
That's the way I look at it.
It's like, how do you get inside the empire, you know, of someone who's very influential, rather than calling them up and saying, buy from me, you invite 'em onto a podcast or you attend their podcast, that sort of thing.
So yeah, no, I, I thought that was a really good distinction from Cody.
So no e excellent.