How to Book Your Calendar Solid With Speed Emails Written by AI (Scott Bywater)
When programmed the right way, you’ll be shocked at just how rapidly content can be produced, even if you’re a slow typist, or don’t know what to write about. By using the step-by-step A.I templates Scott will walk you through, you’ll be able to generate high quality emails (and any content) quickly and easily.
In fact, the technology virtually does the writing for you, based on your “blueprint” and proven templates including the problem, agitate, solve template, the Q & A template, the Bust a Myth template, and even the Frank Kern interest story template. Here’s what else you’ll discover:
- What you must do first before asking the A.I to write anything for you
- The best A.I platform to use (Chat GPT, Jasper or something else)
- 5 “Jack in the Box'' openers designed to grab your reader's attention and draw them into your message.
- 5 “solution prompts” which get to the heart of what you are trying to say - and show the reader how you can solve their specific problems.
- 3 powerful “commands” to write compelling subject lines that boost your open rates.
- How to use A.I as your brainstorming buddy to create a 2023 content calendar
Well I guess I guess I better introduce myself, right. Which is which is a bit awkward. So I might just jump straight into my actual presentation rather than do a present rather than do an intro on myself. Oh, no, come on, come on. We don't know much about you yet. I'm just, I'm just going to be reading out what, what, what I've already sent you.
So but, but essentially what, what, what I've, what I've got, let me just bring up my, my screen here, so what, what I've been creating is essentially a for basically a formula for doing AI email copywriting. And I've really been, been sort of, you know, what, like working on this over the last 12 months with with John Hubbard and and, and what we've got, I think it's going to sort of.
Really open your eyes and blow your mind in terms of what's, what's possible. So, but let me just take you back and give you a bit of a quick, brief overview of where it started. It started with a math fury course, but probably 15 years ago, I started doing daily emails. I built my business on email marketing.
I know how effective it is. And I believe it's, it's the, it's probably the greatest low hanging fruit that's available to most businesses, which again, doesn't, you know, doesn't require investment and advertising or anything along those sort of lines. Why don't people do it? A couple of reasons, or yeah, several reasons.
I think it's too hard. Which, which it's definitely not even for your average business owner who can't write now, particularly with all the AI technology. I think they did a huge list, which, which as we know from James Ewell do you want to just share your, the sort of results you got with John Dwyer from your 33 people, James, just quickly?
Yeah, we made eight sales. Eight sales? From 33 people that you emailed. Yep. Yep. Incredible. So, so, so it's not, and, and I know people have probably emailed where John's done it, where he is emailed thousands and thousands of people and got no sales. So it's not about, it goes to show it's about the quality of the list, not necessarily about the size.
And the average business owner. Does have yeah, every business owner has, yeah, most business owners have at least, you know, 30 or 40 clients that they could email out to on a regular basis. So yeah, I had that years ago. I did a launch to 7, 500. It's about 7, 500 people. And I made 42 sales at 1, 000.
And then I went back and actually crunch where they sales came from. And. 80% of them came from a list of 200 who were paid subscribers at the time. So that sort of blew my mind because I'm like, Oh, they're all coming from the seven and a half thousand. It's like, no, they're actually coming from the, from the 200, which is, I don't know what that is, but I think it's about a 200 times better response from the small list than, than what I got from the large, large list.
So, yeah, people think that list is dead and nobody buys generally. The reason for that is, you know, we get. We get a bit of what we really get when we, when we do socials is we get, you know, we get the dopamine hits. Like if we, if we send something out on social, we get a dopamine hit and when we feel good, cause we get likes, we get comments, we get all of that sort of thing.
But it doesn't necessarily fill our bank account. And if you, if you see here, what we've got here is, is according to litmus. com, there's a 36 to one ROI for email. Versus social media at 6. 50, according to Convince and Convert. So, and the other reason we don't do it is because we're worried about being rejected, right?
So they're, they're sort of the, the reasons. The two biggest bottlenecks, we don't know what to write about. And we've got the blinking cursor syndrome. That's what stops most people. I mean, as marketers, I, I, I personally don't suffer from these these problems. But, and maybe you as a marketer don't, but you know, overall, most people suffer from that.
So I don't know what I'm going to write about. And then they sit down and write and they just, they just can't can't do it. And even John Hubbard was telling me, he's like, and it takes me two hours to write an email. And and John's a very experienced marketer and, you know, incredibly incredibly savvy.
So, so the AI really. It takes this out of the yeah, out of the, out of the, yeah, out of the, or it removes the bottlenecks basically. So it's a, my AI journey is I rejected initially, then I used it for, then I thought, you know, I'm going to just going to try it for research and I'll show you. This is one of the things I use all the, all the time now.
Introduced to me initially by John Hubbard, but it's the, you know, it's a quick copy reference guide. And I'll go through this with a lot of my clients. I take them through this. So, you know, work at the nightmare client, the ideal client in terms of the, the avatar. This, the samples there. Yeah, where we can't see it there, Scott.
What's that? Are you sharing you showing the quick copy reference guide? Yeah, but I can't hang on. What, what let me just let me just share the whole screen. Can you see that now? Should say my ideal client. Yep. Yeah, that's yeah. So the third, the first stage is really just the, you know, the, you know, traditional avatars type stuff.
Yeah. So I won't get too much into that, because I'm sure we've all seen that before. This here is like, to me, this, whenever I'm writing copy, and I did this without it with 25, for 25 years, right? Without listing the fierce pains, desires, beliefs in priority order, and the problems, benefits, objections, and public enemy number one.
So I did this for years without ever having this. And then when, when John actually showed me this, I'm like, Oh, my God, where has this been all my life, right? Like so, so because when you when you're writing copy, even if it's for yourself, and you've written 100 times before, you're always going back to what's the fear again?
What's the number one pains? What's the number one desires? Am I hitting on it? And it's a really good checklist AI is. To drive this out, and it's almost like a brainstorming buddy, which is, I think, one of the most powerful impacts of the powerful benefits of the AI. So here's an example of one actually filled out.
I think this is a LinkedIn lead generation training example. So You know, my fear, I don't want to come across the sales that you're scamming. I'm worried about cash flow and finding the best way to scale a business. You know, pains, inconsistent sales and cash flow into the business. So it goes into all of that.
And then we've got these Jasper prompts, right? So if we pull across Jasper. Into here and what, what I've got in the, what I've got in the left hand side which I'll show you how I create this in a second as well, but, but this is like targeted at someone like weight loss, right? Targeting, yeah, a weight loss sort of target.
So, but what we can do and I might actually use a different one. Let me just for the purpose of this, because that will come in later. This is, and I'll show you the difference between. Jasper and g g chat, g p t in a, in in a moment as well, cuz I know chat g p t is like incredibly sexy, but I think you'll find that Jasper is far more nuanced than you know, than chat G p T.
So but if we put in here right, my ideal client.
So we put this in here. My ideal client. This is my ideal client. Okay. Innovative Ivan, tech startups, income of 500, 000 per annum, et cetera, et cetera. And then I pull down here and I go describes our client's deepest desires. So we put this in here. So we're putting it underneath it because what, what the AI does is it reads everything above it.
So We'll hit control shift enter or command if you're on a Mac, it's command shift, enter, and it'll basically just brainstorm it, brainstorming out.
I said, so for me to think about this, like conceptually and my cognitive brain, it's going to be a lot of hard work to think through, you know, to think through all of this. Now, some of it may be relevant and some of it may not be relevant. So then, so then you can go through and you go, oh yeah, it's definitely to build a.
Successful and lucrative business. He wants to create something that's not, not only has a chance to make his industry. Wants to drive high value leads, calling this as part of the brainstorming, you know, as part of the brainstorming process. Now, the other thing you can do is you can put, you can literally put any command under here, right?
So you go list 10 pains, list the 10 biggest pains. And I actually really like the listing. Like when you go list, it's very, very powerful. So you go list the 10 biggest pains of my target market.
And it'll just, it'll just go through and it'll list all of those. So difficult finding quality leads, high customer acquisition costs, retaining existing customers. So then what you've got, like, it's like a brainstorming buddy. So then what you can do is you can take this, like, let's say this is a Payne's.
And you go, okay, yeah, difficulty in finding high quality leads. That is definitely a pain. And you do this with your clients too, right? So you go, this, this is a pain. Difficulty in finding high quality leads. Okay, okay. Oh, that one doesn't really work. But returning existing customers, that's a big pain, right?
So we can drop, we can drop all of these in here. And then prioritize them afterwards. And we're getting the AI to do all our research for us, essentially. So that's, that's, that's where it's very, very powerful. The AI as an actual research, research tool, I won't go through them all, but you sort of get the idea of how you can just pull that across.
And it's just super fast to go through and to enter and to develop those. I was doing it for a guy in the pet food niche the other day, and he's just like blown away because he saw it. Oh, what are my customers pains? What are their fears? And we just like bring out like, you know, 10, 20, 30, 40 of them and then he just picked the best ones and he'd be like, yeah, that's that's right sort of thing.
So so it's an amazing brainstorming you know, brainstorming, brainstorming tool. So no, no, it's also really, really useful for headlines and subject lines. Very, very powerful for headlines and subject lines. Not that I usually necessarily use their headlines and subject lines but I get the ideas for them and then I pull them up and then I pull them across.
So I'll show you, I'll show you the headlines and subject lines in a minute after we've actually created an email. So stage one. With the with the email side of things is what we're doing is we've got the email blueprint. Yeah. So we've got a a blueprint that we created. John and I probably spent about 20 hours, right?
Actually creating. This email blueprint and it, I was like very tired by the end of we didn't do it 20 hours all in one slot. But by the time we, we finished it because we were testing it was seeing how it worked and all of that sort of thing. And this one's for the, for the weight loss example. Yes. So what, what I've done.
Is our pre populated that is how pre populated this Jasper document. And if you're using Jasper, this one is in a boss mode. So this is the boss mode, which basically means you can have a good, you know, it's like, it works like a Google doc. Yeah. So, so we've got this, we've gone through and we've had this email blueprints.
That's what you would do. Yeah, for yourself, for your clients, you, you fill out the email blueprint and it makes it like, yeah, that's all done. And that, that sort of tells Jasper basically. What, what should I say is basically what it's doing. So now, now we've got, we've got a number of templates, Problem Aggravation Set Solution Template, the Q& A Template, the Buster Myth Template, and I think we've got a yeah, Frank Kern Interest Story, Story Framework as well in there.
So, but let's, let's just do this and run it through the, the Problem Aggra, Problem Aggravation Solution Template. So, what we've got here, We're going to do, we've programmed Jasper on the left hand side to say how to buy the right foods keyword shopping list, target market, mums over 40, desire, lose weight, big promise, lose 10 kilos in 10, in 10 weeks without counting calories.
You can say this is the objection, the magic command, problems ramifications, benefits, and fears. Yeah. So, so now we're going to, now we're going to go, if you're like many T1, you're constantly trying to find ways to D1. So we hit control, shift, enter.
Mums over 40 are constantly in a battle with themselves to lose weight. So Jasper's just basically come up with that, right? And it's, and it's, and it's nuance, which is what I love about it. It's nuance specifically, when you can control the copy. You know, it's, it's new and specifically because we program on the left hand side, whether it's because of increasing age metal metabolism, slowing down, I just want to look their best.
Many mothers are struggling to find a way to reduce those extra kilos. It can be difficult for moms. So, so I might just leave it there. Right. So I'll cut it off because Jasper will always you know, jump ahead of it. So you need to sort of take control of it. So it can be difficult to know where to start.
And when P1, it can feel very R1. So when problem, it can feel very ramifications. When someone is overweight, they often feel exhausted and drained all the time. This can be due to work, their body working harder than necessary to carry the extra weight around and constantly having to expand on energy tasks.
So then we that R2 and notches
to R2.
So we've got this can lead to feeling sluggish and having to give your weight gain often comes with a due set as people feel like they're judged on their appearance. Hard for mothers so we've got that. And then we're, now we're going to tell a story, right? So
for instance, recently I had a client who was feeling frustrated because,
it's kind of good. Yeah. So we did that.
And now what we're going to do is we're going to write an agitate story. It's going to like elaborate on that. So we're going to write an agitate story about how frustrated she felt about the problem above, starting with she was really upset because. So we hit control shift enter there.
Despite our efforts and what you can do right, you can then tailor it to your actual to your actual customer. So the idea isn't that you're going to use this word, you know, word for word, like if your customer, but you've, you've got the template there. So then you can just go in and, and adjust it based on the real story, or you can delete stuff.
You can, you can add stuff et cetera, et cetera. Now you see it tries to turn the corner there. So we'll just delete that. And then. We go into the yeah, we then, we then go into the close. I've seen hundreds of T1 nebulously suffer from this exact problem. By the amount of diets, but don't run their promises.
we go, there is a better way. The truth is that we make a big promise.
Truth is that you can lose 10 without making a lot of that. It's important to understand what kind of food will help you reach your goal as well as how to plan it as well. Yeah, so, so we might, we might keep that, we might not keep that. I probably won't. I'm probably going to just close there.
Certain foods. Thank you, Alexander. Buying the right foods is the key to losing weight easily and effectively. Eating the right foods can help reduce cravings. When it comes to healthy eating, there are certain staples that should be included in your diet. So I might leave that out. Then you might say, so then, then you go into a close, right?
How do you do this? Yeah and then, and then you, you can have in the course that I created, I've got like all these templated closes, but it might be just like, so how do you do this? I reveal the exact system I've used. Yeah. In my X, Y, Z program. Find out more about it here. Yeah. By clicking here, here might go.
Yeah. Including, including, yeah. A an exact food diary. Works for almost. Everyone to try to find out my cooking. Yeah, then. So you've got the you've got the template that they're right now. So then you can go through. I won't do this now, but you can then go through and just edit it and tweak it and make sure it actually works.
And as someone said on Jane's call that I was on the other day, it's much easier to. You can edit a document than it is to write it from scratch, right? So you've got it, you've got it basically all there and you can go in there and personalize it, right? So you could even go, you could even use it in conjunction with something like Otter and then speak it into Otter if you want to tell another story and then just copy and copy and paste it directly into this you know, into this document.
So then we, then it comes down to headlines. Yeah. So we go, okay, we want to We want to have a really, you know, we want to create, you know, some really good headlines. So let me just find you because we've, we've done a whole heap of yeah, headlines. So we can go and you can come at it from different angles.
So we can go right tank curiosity. Subject lines for the email above
and it'll just come out with them, right? So, so even as a, even as a professional copywriter, right? This is like incredibly useful to me because then, then, you know, I don't like that. I do like this. I don't like that, but that would normally take me a bit, a chunk of time to actually come up with 10 ideas, right?
So this, I can literally do it. In seconds. Now I might go, okay, let's come at this from a bit of a different angle, right? 10 angry subject lines for the, for the above email. So you want these highly, highly emotive words. You know, which sort of just, and you can see the difference in the actual, in the, in the headlines.
Do you know what I mean? Like, these are like shorter, sharper and these are like your, your longer ones. Now we can do, we can do, we've even got like tabloid style, right? So write tin tabloid style tense tabloid style headlines. And we put that in there and we got.
And it just, it just comes out, you know, they're like straight out of straight out of the Cosmo magazine. Yeah, they, they sort of, they sort of subject line. So, so, so you've got sets and you can see like to brainstorm 20 headlines that might take me 10, 15 minutes, right? Whereas I can literally do it in two minutes, and then just go through and go, yep, I like that one.
I like that one. No, let's delete the others and just sort of go through it like that. So that's where it's, it's very yeah, it's very, very powerful as well. So that you can see the speed that we're actually creating them. Now, if we look at chat GPT, yeah, just so you can see a comparison, like with chat GPT, because chat GPT is, it's obviously new.
It's sexy. It's, it's hot. It's all of that sort of thing. Now I can, I can put this in there. And then say, write me an email about how to buy the right foods based on the template below. And it'll actually write it, but it'll write it with less granularity and less control. Yeah. So if I hit enter there, you
know, I stopped. It must, it must be still thinking. But as you can see, what you're saying here, Is you've got, you know, you've got a really nice like it's got some, you know, it comes out, but I can't control it. I can't really go in there and go, Oh, I want to move this around, or I want to delete this part, or I want to do that.
It doesn't give me that granularity that Jasper gives me to actually be able to control it. But it's still like a mate, I mean, it's still amazing, impressive technology, but that's why I'm a bigger fan of Jasper than let's say chat GPT. For maybe not for other purposes, but for the purposes of creating content, creating copy, all of that sort of thing.
Jasper is like a really yeah, a very, very powerful tool. I think it's a superior tool in that, yeah, in that way. So. Yeah. So, so, so you've got, you know, like, like the, the formulas are really powerful. Like you saw the problem aggravation solution. It's also the buster myth Q and a Frank Kern interest story.
Like you can sort of program it. We've got, we've got several programs and you can even change. What's on the other side to talk about things that are very, very specific. But here's another quite a fancy thing, which is which is quite attractive to see, which is quite fascinating to see as well.
Where's my, where did that go? So the which is the, which is the sentence starters. So this across.
So, so what we can do is just with a few, and this is where the prompts and the sentence starters are really, really powerful. Let me just find the sentence starters. And I'll bring that across here
because with just two prompts, what I'm going to show you is within with just two prompts, you can literally write a whole email. Module four. Yeah. Let me just bring this across. So we've got,
No, that must be module five.
Yeah, so this, this is what I call the jack in the box emails. Yes. So they're very, very, very quickly to quick to write. So we got frustration, upper openers, belief, openers, mistake, openers, et cetera, et cetera. So if we pull this across and we go, okay, we want to do a mistake opener. Right. So, and we can put this, if we put it at the top, it won't read anything below it.
So that, that just all gets ignored and it's just reading this stuff over here. What are the single biggest, most common mistake? And then I just hit compose,
you know, buying the wrong food in the right foods. It's not easy being. Yeah. So, so you can just have it like that. Right. And then we do the, then we do the desire opener and you go. If you want, or do you, let's say, do you want as a desire opener? Do you want,
so it could be just like a really quick, you know, those quick emails and you go and click here and click here and I'll show you my number one secret. That Jenny used to actually drop the pounds in nine weeks, you know, and then that's it. And then you go right in angry headlines or subject lines,
you know so this is good. If you just like pushing people to a blog post or something, you've got that quick, that quick email, which just goes bang, bang and straight to the, straight to the blog posts. And. Yeah, and then you and then you pick one of them and throw it on to throw it onto the top from there.
So that's, that's, that's basically the process for it is you're creating that you're creating the email blueprint, which we saw in the, in the beginning, which is, you know, which you then you drop here, and then you've got the the templates and the prompts. Which actually go through here. Yeah, which, which actually write the email for you.
And of course, starting off with the, with the module one, where, or not module one with, with the you know, with the first stage where you're using Jasper to do all your research, you know, research for you. And what it can also do is it can basically create a whole content calendar. You know, using, you know, by, by programming it, it can tell you exactly what to write for the whole year and then write them like super quickly for you.
So you can literally get all your emails done for a year within a day or two. If you really, you know, if you really focused on it. So that is, that is pretty much the, the formula if you want a copy of like the, there's, there's some cheat sheets, which you can download at simple email ROI. com forward slash AI.
And yeah, if you, if you want a personalized demo, I'm happy to take it for you and show you how it works for your business. Just go to the Calendly link or, or shoot me an email. So Oh, I can see there's a few in chat. I don't know if there's any questions there. Yeah, it's Alexi. Yeah, this is crazy.
Direct response on steroids. Yeah, no, that's that's great. Any, any questions from, from anyone?
I loved it, Scott. I think there's just so much opportunity here, and particularly The work that I do, you know, that we don't offer copywriting services. So, yeah, I definitely want to connect with you further. Cause I think a lot of our clients will, will benefit from this. I'm curious, Scott, in terms of AI tool writing tools out there.
Did you try any others or you, you just found Jasper, it worked. You were just going to run with that. Yeah, I use Jasper because it's also got it's also got access to a lot of like, really specific templates in there. Like I just showed you boss mode. So I haven't looked at like heaps of them. What we, what we will do is we'll have Jane come on in a couple of months because she's doing some amazing things where she's writing.
Books on, you know, using Jasper and all sorts of things. So there is other, other options out there. But yeah, I just need to show quickly some of that. I can, I've got it set up for that. It's probably going to be a bit tight on this one, but I think, yeah, just because we're. We're coming up to the, to the end, but but in a couple of months, I'd love to say like, I think everyone will love it.
So, yeah. But yeah, so, so what we've got with, with Jasper is like, you can look here and you can just do so many things in addition to the boss mode. So I think, which one do you use a lot, Jane, you use one in particular? I use the one shot blog post and I use the tweet storm. That I then upload as a CSV to Canva as a group upload and do 200 tweets at once in different tones and voices.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's, it's, it's, it's pretty impressive. So, you know, you put things in and you do content improver or. Well, this morning I just did come up with a name. Someone said, how, how, what would be the title that you'd put for yourself? So I just grabbed my website, tech data, put it in there and said, what would be the title of this person who runs this business and make something innovative.
Try again, try again, make it out of the box, came up with something interesting. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's, that's that's awesome. So I use this perfect headline a bit, one a bit. I've got a client I write just headlines for. So I never use, I never ended up using any of their headlines really, but it's an amazing brainstormer because it just, it gets the, yeah, it, it just lowers the cognitive load because we're all in the cognitive business.
And yeah, if, if you can get Jasper or something to do that and you don't have to. It's yeah, I think it just makes you more productive for the rest of the day. So, yeah, like, like in, in Peter Butler's case, you know, blog posts, meta descriptions. I haven't played with this, but you can see just how it can, you know, you could use it to incorporate it with your team and, and Yeah, it's got a lot of, a lot of different options, so I've found that it's been, been really good.
Yeah, Scott, thanks for the share. I mean, we've had a few calls and you've been telling me, you know, what you're up to, you know, doing the comparative, but officially, mind blown. Yeah, yeah, that's good. That's good. Good feedback. Yeah. Yeah, that's that's actually John North sent me a a action to buy our meeting this afternoon, have some logos done for a podcast.
And I put into the chat version here, the information said, pretend that you are a, you know, a designer. From a creative marketing account and you are setting the brief for this logo. And so I put all the stuff that I wanted in there and it put it down into everything and put it, laid it out. And then I put it into Fiverr and got someone to do it.
Oh, awesome. Awesome. Now that's, that's great. I also use, use Jasper Art a little bit, like with my LinkedIn posts and that sort of thing. So I might come up with a story on the LinkedIn, right. And I'll go. Like let's say it's let's say it's a, it's a metaphor about, or just to win a running race. I must've used that the other day.
So, and then we, then, then you can go in and you can sort of say. Yeah, you can go Andy Warhol, you can pick all of this stuff, you know, the style. So you might go pop art, right? And maybe we'll go playing tennis, just as something different. So you're telling a story about playing tennis, like it might be Oksana, she was playing tennis and then.
I don't know. She sent her client a tennis racket or something like that. And she got a new sale, you know, cause she's in promotional products. So then you want an image. And the thing I do like about these images is they really, they really pop when they come out and they're a bit of a patent interrupt.
As they're not all good, right? Like some of them are a bit dodgy, but there's, there's some, some interesting ones there that are very different to like, to like stock photos. Yeah. So. That's where, that's where it can be quite useful as well. And you might go, I don't like pop art. I want to try anime, right?
And then it, it'll come up with different, you know, different stuff there as well. I think it's a, a separate subscription to the, to the art, but it's quite valuable for anyone who's in like, you know, like some of that, like they're unusual photos, which come up on your feed, right? Which can just be used in your ads or whatever to, to sort of stop the scroll.
Get a get a photo of a Merlin, Dan.
Already done it. I've got so many versions of myself. It's stupid. I've got, I've got teenage Mellon. I've got old Mellon with old gray hairs and, and, and lightning coming out of his fingers, creating a website. It's fricking awesome. Yeah. I did that. in mid journey. The discord server. Yeah, no. Nice. Nice.
Any last questions? Then we might go to a very quick breakout room. Not so much a question. I just noticed very recently that Canva I've actually got a text to art feature built into it as well which is very similar to this and it's free. Oh, nice. Nice. Yeah. Well, if it, if Canva does just as good a job, it, that I wouldn't use Jasper.
I'd use, I'd use Canva if it's free. I haven't compared the two directly, but it does produce some pretty good results. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, I think it's going to be more and more. And it's, you know, I think at least for now, it really stands out on the screen. Cause most, most people aren't yeah, it'd only be a small take up right.
I imagine at the moment, which will get greater and greater sort of thing. So, and that's, that's that's great. Well, let's go to a very quick breakout room. We'll come back here in about four or five minutes and yeah, just really, what was your biggest, Well, Takeaways, how can you use AI in your business, all of that sort of sort of thing.
So we'll go into four breakout rooms and we will be back shortly.
Excellent, guys. So we might just do a quick around the room and sort of see what your biggest takeaway was from today's session. Andrew? Good, good. I'll quickly jump off to a client call. The biggest thing, I think the biggest thing for me was obviously like the power of AI and stuff. We use AI for as much as we can now just to speed up the process and help us, you know, get creative block and whatnot.
Yeah. But going back to Josh's thing about not using a podcast for reaching your target audience, but using a podcast to have that conversation with your target audience and then use that to then start that relationship. Because I always thought of it like, you interview people to try and get in front of the people that you want to have as a customer, not.
Just invite your customer on to the podcast and have that conversation. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And I think that's where the power of it is. I don't know if you want to comment on that John. I mean, you, you've used that strategy a bit, yeah? Who's John? John North, sorry. Oh, sorry, I was just checking.
Yeah, I think, I think it's a mindset shift. You've got to remember that the person you're talking to on the podcast is your customer. Your prospect, not the, not the audience that's listening to you and realize that then your whole mindset about downloads and all that stuff goes away.
And then you actually just fully focus on that person. And it makes a massive difference in getting the right information out of them, but also understanding your market as well. Yeah, yeah, 100%. I think that that's the that's that's a really big thing. And if you look at most business owners, that's the biggest issue is getting in front of your target market.
How do I actually get in front of them? Yeah, I guess I'm on the podcast because you asked me on the podcast. I'll come along. Right. So you know, hardly ever said no, like we can easily fill 100 a week if we wanted to. Yeah. It's like you get all those filtered, all those contacts coming in freely, filling out information.
It's probably the best thing ever. Yeah. Yeah. No, a hundred percent, a hundred percent. And and lastly, Mr. Jones, what was your biggest takeaway takeaway today? Oh, Think you know, something I've been thinking about a lot is like, how to ask AI the right questions to get the, the result that you're looking for.
And so I love what you did with the templates there. Like, that was, that was next level. I like that .