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The podcast discussed Vidnami, a new video creation platform that uses AI to automatically generate videos from scripts and voice recordings. It allows users to quickly make professional-looking videos with talking head clips, b-roll footage, and images. The host demonstrated how to create an influencer-style video in just a few minutes. Participants discussed how tools like Vidnami can help businesses create engaging video content more easily and frequently to reach audiences on platforms like LinkedIn.

However, some commented that for personal brands, fully automated videos may come across as too cheap or impersonal. Overall, the group was excited about how Vidnami could help reinvent existing assets into new video formats.

Automatically-Generated Transcription:

What we've got next is we've got an Anthony Fernando, Anthony's a, he's actually a, a partner with Ben Stickland, who many of you would've met at the recent elite marketers, elite marketers event.

And, uh, Anthony, he's got a, a, a software, they, you know, you guys created Market Samurai and then Content Samurai, and now you've turned Content Samurai into ami.

But what Ami and I was talking to Marcus about this earlier in the week in a conversation allows you to do is sort of take any blog post and using ai, turn it into a video.

So he's gonna take us through a case study where a client has actually, yeah, done this and got how many views again, was it on YouTube?

Video views, 300 million.

So yeah, a lot of views.



So I have 300 million video views.

So, uh, with that being said, I'll, I'll make you a co-host, Anthony, and yeah, we'll, we'll hand the reins over to you All.

Thanks Scott.

Hopefully you can now see a screen with YouTube on it.

Yeah, it's, it's really great to be here guys.

And what I wanted to do today was not actually because you guys are actually all, you know, experienced marketers, I didn't want to put together a, a, a presentation as such.

I actually just wanted to jump straight to what we see working and what's been working for us, and give you some insights into how it's been working and also get a bit of feedback from, from you guys as well in terms of a, a couple of things.

So that's, that's what I'm going to try and do today.

So in terms of that case study that Scott mentioned, one thing that is working for a lot of our clients and a lot of our users is converting articles and blog posts into, into videos.

And we've got one customer who has created this website called Natural Cures on YouTube channel.

And so they've now had the channel views of 349 million.

And what they're finding now is that they are getting individual videos like this one's how to unclog a kitchen Sink Drain, which has had 4 million views.

This one is seven things you can do to lose weight Naturally, which has had 11 million views.

And this one, which is sort of natural benefits of garlic, has had over 29 million views.

And really what they've done, and I think this is actually something that any business can do, is they've, they've targeted specific keywords and drilled down, and let me see if I can find out what these, those playlists are.

Are you trying to, so if you look at the kind of playlists that they, they've zeroed in on, it's things like, for this particular niche, it's things like detox, it's essential oils, it's beauty tips, and they've, they've drilled down into each of those areas, identified the key keywords that people are looking for and created massive playlists of videos targeting those niches.

We've also got people like lawyers who are doing the same thing with personal injury insurance and they're looking at what keywords people are searching for.

They're creating a lot of videos and targeting those keywords.

And in, in the process of doing that, they're generating a lot of leads to their business.

So that's something that is working really well for a lot of people.

And what I thought I'd do today is kind of just show you what that process looks like a little bit.

So this, I should say up front, this is by no means a pitch or anything.

If anyone is interested in getting access, I've said to Scott, happy to, you know, give you guys a year's free access at the end of this if you're interested.

So this isn't a pitch by any means, I just wanted to show you what we're actually doing and what's working.

So this isna and so when we create a new video, the first step is to choose the template and we've got templates for content videos, what we call influencer videos, which is something else I'll show you soon.


There's pre-made ads, sales videos, course and training videos.

There's real estate, so there's a lot of different types of videos.

But for this example, I'll just jump in and do a content video example.

I'll use this blue template and I'll enter a title for my ad, and then I've just got a little script.

And this little script would probably take about five, 10 minutes to write and I'll just copy that script and drop it in and hit the create scenes button.

And now what Vietnam does is it utilizes artificial intelligence to break up the script into sentences, then analyzes each sentence and it generates a scene for each sentence.

And what you'll see is it also figures out what are the primary keywords you're probably most important in each sentence.

And you'll see those suggestions come up over here.

It takes what it deems to be the most important keyword for that sentence and automatically goes to a library of 750,000 clips, which we, we integrate with story blocks and picks a clip for you and populates your scene.

So you can see with this first one it said, do you want something quick and easy for dinner?

It said, dinner is probably the word you're looking for.

It's gone out and found a clip and popped it in.

So rather than starting with a blank slate, you're coming in here and you really kind of doing a quick review and week rather than starting from scratch.

So you can, for this one, I might do something like that.

And you can see that's a, it's a good opening slide.

And then you don't wanna spend all week in the gym working off the calories.

So it said, Jim is a good word for that.

If you want other variations, you can just click on these suggestions and you can get to see a whole lot of other, other clips.

So we might be able to, we might say, dropping that as a a clip for our gym sentence.

And so you can see what you, what you do is just, so this is GI EPI's pizza, you can click pizza, the AI has found a pizza clip, you might click a different one as you're doing this and as all our users are doing this, the other thing is we are recording what people select in relation to the sentences that they're selecting from.

So the AI is actually getting smarter each time people create videos and we've got people making over 3000 videos a day.

And so the data we're gathering, the system is getting smarter and smarter.

So over time now we're about to introduce a brand new AI model, which will be significantly smarter than the one we we're using at the moment.

So the process really is to go through and, you know, kind of tweak these, have a look, tweak them.

That usually takes about five to 10 minutes to go through 17 scenes just to save time.

I've actually done that over here in this tab.

So it's the same script, the same thing.

I've just gone in and tweaked the, the 17 slides or the 14 slides here.

I combined a few just to, just to save us a bit of time.

So the next step is to go through to the voice section and you can have a voice track without or with no voice track and just have music in the background.

We do have auto voice with this, which is a synthesized voice.

And I'll play you just an example of this.

So this is ala Hi, my name is Ala and I would love to read the script for your video.

So sit back, relax and I'll do all the hard work for you.

Now, we don't actually recommend using synthesized voices for, you know, real business use cases.

What we've found is there's, they're great for making a rough draft and getting something out the door really quickly and just getting a feel for what your video's gonna be like.

They're also useful, we've had people use them for internal training where the quality of the voice isn't super important, but if you're trying to do something in a business context, we recommend two of these other options.

One, which is to record your own voice.

Yeah, sorry.

Okay, I think someone just didn't have their mute button on, so I'll keep going.

So yeah, you can record your own voice in the app and we've made this really super simple to, to do so that it's one a one click, one button press type action.

So what you do is just you hit record, do you want something quick and easy for dinner and stop, and then that button turns to a next button so you can quickly move through your script and it just takes a few minutes to record your script.

The other alternative is to upload a voice track.

And in this example, I've uploaded a voice track.

We just sent that little script off to Fiverr.

They sent back a script of, of MP three recording and we can upload that into Vietnam.

So that allows us then to just go to preview.

And what the system now does is that it stitches everything together.

So it combines the clips, the all the images and the soundtrack, and it gives you this preview.

You can then add a watermark.

So I'll come down here, did have a pizza watermark, so you can add watermarks, you can change the opacity and position of your watermarks and add some background music.

So we'll go with that as our background music.

And you then have a finished video so I can preview it in the app.

If I'm happy with it, I can then just go, looks good, continue.

And that'll render it out and it'll take about, you know, five minutes to render.

But the end result really is I've, I've got the end result of this here to just show you what the output is like.

So I'll just make that full screen.

Scott, could you hear the audio?

Can you hear my computer audio?

Your computer audio?

Yeah, no, I could hear it.


Okay, cool.

So this is, this is what you can expect to sort of create in the space of five to 10 minutes.

And I'll, I'll just play this so you can see what it's like.

Do you want something quick and easy for dinner, but don't wanna spend all week in the gym working off the calories?

Giuseppe's Pizza is now offering a brand new range of healthy choice menu items.

Try our healthy pizzas with toppings, including spinach, roasted pumpkins, corn, sweet potato, sauteed onions, freshly sliced tomato, and lowfat feta cheese.

All pizzas are available on a low carb thin crust base or a gluten-free base.

If you're wanting something lighter, grab a zesty lemon canoa salad.

And for those of you with a sweet tooth, try one of our delicious low-fat desserts.

Home delivery is available on all orders over $20.

Call us now on eight eight eight seven six two nine zero zero and order a tasty guilt free dinner for you and your family tonight.

All righty.

So I'm not quite sure why the volume controls will stand up there.

Well that's just presenting that, but, so that kind of gives you an idea of how you can take an article or a blog post or in this case a simple little ad script and drop it in.

Just tweak your, tweak your clip suggestions, upload a voice track or record your own and very quickly come up with a video.

So for a small businesses, small medium businesses, it's a, it's an alternative to bringing a crew and setting up lights.

And what we've had a lot of people say is, look, I used to bring in a crew with cameras and it used to cost me $5,000 and take three weeks and I'd get a a short video.

And this gives me the ability to do that much faster.

And clients like the lawyers now able to do this at a much higher frequency and get videos out each day, or have a team or outsource it to VAs or an external team to produce videos on continuously and quickly and at a high frequency.

And with all the social platforms, frequency is super important.

So if you have the ability to produce high quality videos on a frequent basis, you've got a much higher probability of appearing in people's feeds and get, allowing people to get to know, like, and trust you.

So that's one aspect of things that has been really working for our clients.

And there's, you've, many of you have probably seen that approach or something similar to it before.

'cause that's, this is what is happening out in the marketplace today.

The other thing I kind of want to share with you is where we see things going, because this is, this is, this is great and it's for a lot of small businesses, this is really opens up the world of video.

But the next evolution of video, we, we think, and we believe is something that's really come to the fore in terms of c Ovid 19.

And the pandemic is, is just that human connection and people are really now craving human connection.

So what I'm gonna try and do next is show you another type of video and we'll see if the, the, the technology juggle here works.

But I'm gonna come back and do another example for you.

I'm gonna do it live, which is always risky, but again, you guys know what you're doing and it's not a, a sales presentation.

So I, I'm gonna give it a try and we'll see how we go.

So what I'm gonna do is going to, I'm gonna create a video live.

I'm gonna create an influencer video.

So this is a, this is what we see as kind of the next step forward.

And so I'll use this blue bars template and I'm gonna call it road micro review.

Alright, now what I've got, what I've got set up now I've gotta try and figure out how this is gonna work.

So I'm gonna move my webcam over to a laptop that's sitting over here so that you guys can see that and that should work.

What I've got over here.

You, you may have noticed I had a big light behind me, but what I've also got here is just a simple little ring light.

And this one I picked up from $19 from kmar.

I just wanted to see if it would work and it's actually not bad.

And I've got up here, I've just got my mobile phone, so I'm gonna take these off.

All right, I'm gonna turn this ring light on, Plug in in and turn That on.

Okay, so then that's now on, I've got my mobile phone connected up and on my mobile phone I've got an app that allows me, it's basically a teleprompter app.

So one thing I will do if I stop sharing my screen, Scott, are you able to change the view so the people's to speak of you so people get a bigger view of what's going on?

It's an individ individual setting, so I can't control that on a global basis.

We're just gonna chase.

All right, I'll keep going.

So what I'm gonna do is actually just hit record on my mobile phone and here we go.

Hi guys, it's Dr.

Anthony here.

I'm currently doing a live webinar with Scott Bywater and I thought I'd make a quick video.

I wanted to answer one of the most common questions we get asked, which is, what's the best microphone for creating videos with a smartphone?

The mic we use is called the Road Smart Lab plus.

And there's three reasons why we love this mic.

First, it delivers fantastic quality audio.

Second, it's super easy to use and plug straight into most smartphones.

And finally, it only costs around 60 US dollars, which is great value.

So if you're looking for a high quality, easy to use mark that doesn't break the bank, be sure to check out the road SmartLab Plus.

Okay, so I'll hit stop there and save.

Okay, so that's been saved to my phone, so come back now, I'll move you guys back over here.

There We go.

And I'll plug in so I can hear you.

All right, so now what I'm gonna try and do is I've got that recording on my phone.

I'm just going to here, I'm currently edit that and basically I have to edit off the end where I switch the microphone off, save that, I'm just gonna air drop that to my computer.

All right, so I've now got that on my MacBook.

So let me come back here and share my screen again.

All right, so I'll now select a file to upload.

Okay, We can only see the, the island at the moment, but Right is the share the right screen.


All right, so I'm going to, this is the video I just recorded.

So I'm gonna upload that and here is the little script.

And as I mentioned, I just had, the app that I was using is called What is It?

Teleprompter, which isn't very helpful.

Let me show you if I can, yeah, it's a basically a teleprompter app in the app store.

And that was what I used to record that on my phone.

So I'm just gonna copy this text and drop it in here.

And while we'll just let that upload.

But the, what we see the future being is, is videos where you are present, where you have that level of human connection, whether you're presenting, uh, a PowerPoint or you are doing what I just did, where you, you speak to camera with a simple little teleprompter app and you'll see what this allows you to do in just a moment.

What we're, what we're focusing on is giving you the ability to combine a talking head video with B-roll footage and images and doing that in the space of five to 10 minutes.

So that's just uploading at the moment.

It'll just upload and then it'll transcode into the appropriate format.

And what you'll see is if you watch a lot of videos that are just text and clips and audio, that's great, but after a while they all start to seem a little bit the same.

But as soon as you inject your own personality into a video, it's by default, it's, it's unique and it's, it's a unique representation of you and your business.

And we've had a lot of success with this.

The, what we've been doing with it is creating, we've changed our monthly promotional videos from being just static text and, and images and, and audio to being a talking head presentation.

So I did have an example of that.

This one?

Yes, this one here.

So this is an example of one of our promotional videos, and I'll just play a little bit of this.

Hi guys, it's Dr.

Anthony here and today I'm thrilled to let you know that we have now finished redesigning Content Samurai from the ground up to create an all new easy to use video creation platform that we now call ami.

And with the new name and new design comes a faster, brand new way to create professional videos for your business.

So that's a, a promotional sales video that we did, but again, it's, it's a very different experience when you are on screen and talking to the camera.

Alright, so it is just preparing the file format.

So it's now transcoding our video, transcoding our video.

It's done.

So we can now go to create scenes and in a similar way that we did when we were translating an article into a video, I can now look at the, the text of what I'm saying and find clips to reinforce and illustrate what I'm actually talking about.

So let me just change the title of this to What's this might use.

All right.

What I might do is combine that, the script actually, And Currently doing the live work.

Now we've got high water.

Thought I'd make a quick video.

Want to say ask questions.

What's the best mic?

Okay, so the Road Smart lav plus this is a good chance to drop in and an image over the top of my talking head.

And I think previously I have uploaded a picture of the Road Smart Lab.

So I've dropped that over me there.

Then I'll come back and say there's three reasons why we love this mic first is fantastic quality audio, and this is where I can find kind of B-roll footage, which is stock stock images and stock footage that we can drop over the top of my, my talking head.

So let's go for a woman with headphones, someone sitting down wearing headphones, okay, choose that one.

Smartphone, something that's a bit more businessy.

See, okay, there's always a bit of a lag when you, you're sharing this over zoom too, so That's why we're waiting for that.

Anthony, one question I was talking to Marcus about during the, oh yeah, during the, during the week was if you're doing a lot of Facebook ads and you're split testing them, I imagine you could do that where you just drop the script in mm-hmm.

And just the photos come up and everything and if you, if you want to be doing like 20, 30, 50 ads or it's easier than always going face all the time as a, as an example, is that sort of doable or do you have people doing that?


So we do have, we have instant ads that are already pre-made ads, but you can, it's yeah, trying different ads, different hooks, different call to actions.

It, it enables that.

Yeah, absolutely Scott.

So it's something that allows you to test and experiment really quickly.

So let's say a smartphone and let's go bank clip.


And that's it.

So in the space of, you know, probably five, 10 minutes we have just created a video with a talking head clip.

We've used just our mobile phone, a $19 light from Kmart and you can now then combine that talking head with B roll footage, music, have a watermark and render out your video, which we will do.

Um, so it's just rendering, creating the timing.

Any questions while we're writing, just while we're waiting for it to render?

What are you expecting the subscription price for this to be?

Or where is For that subscription price?

The retail price is $47 a month.

Us or I think it's 300 something during our weekly monthly promos.

We drop that price to $9 a month us and that's, we, we also have a lot of affiliates who, who promote the, the, the software.

And so that's why we, we offer that special promotion.

So we have affiliates come on board for those promotions as well.


Anthony, I noticed that when you were recording you, you really paused on your sentence.

Is that deliberately done so that your ware can then pick up the new frames?

Not really.

I, I, it is probably a function of the speed set to the teleprompter.


So yeah, that's, that's probably, and you can adjust that.

So I think the system does analyze the audio.

So what it does do is that it listens for each sentence and it does, then it can use that with the ai.

But it's not something I did purposefully in terms of keeping in mind the software.

It was just something I was doing to try and speak clearly and, uh, just follow the teleprompter.

So yeah, it was, it's, it's probably primarily due to the speed set on the teleprompter app on my phone.


How, how long can the script be antonette?

Technically there's not, we have now implemented a limit because people were putting in hour long.

'cause the other thing I didn't mention is you can, if you've got a video view just ad-libbing, you can upload the video and hit the transcribe button and it will automatically transcribe and give you a first cut of that script.

You may have to tidy it up a little bit, but if you don't have a, if you aren't working with a script, you can start just with a video, upload it, transcribe it, and get to that same process.

So we had people uploading hour long lectures and things and that just ties the system down.

So I think we've now limited it to I think perhaps 5,000 word type script and I think It's 7,000 words Anth and 35 minutes straight video footage if you're using an influencer template.


One thing I failed to do, and I apologize, Wayne, Wayne is one of our support team and our video primary videographer as well, and he's, he's here to help me out with questions exactly like that.

So Thanks Wayne.

So yeah, around what we recommend is that ideally it's ideal for videos that are say between two and 10 minutes.

I think that's probably the best.

And we've also found that's the, that's the prime duration where you'll find most engagement with, with people as well.


Look, look, looks awesome.

We do a lot of talking head videos.

We, we produce a, well, we release a new one every month.

We, we shoot every six months on mass and we were looking to kind of liven them up a bit by putting some motion video, but it's so expensive Yes.

To actually do that and farming it out.

So this looks like a, a good solution.

Is there a, like a, a quicker way of like dealing with like a, a seven or eight minute talking head video mm-hmm.

To be able to like, like you showed in the first example where it kind of automated a lot of the process.

Is there a way to kind of automate that so you can then like kick and choose rather than add in?

It will, Yeah.

Not at the moment, Russ.

You can, you can still choose the suggestions, it will analyze the text and give you AI suggestions for what would be the best clip for each particular scene that it breaks down.

I'm gonna kick off the rendering.

Uh, I haven't checked the alignment, but usually works pretty well, so I'll just hit go and we will go.

But that, that sink in of the text is all automatic.

Yes, it's Correct.

Place the text and it will match it up.


So it actually listens to, it analyzes your audio track and then tries to pick key sentences in the beginning of sentences and matches it to the text so that the whole synchronization and stitching together happens automatically.

You do have fine level control if it's, if it's slightly out and you can, you can tweak it if you need to.

Uh, I've just taken a punt and gone with it and generated it out without checking that, but we'll, we'll see how it does.

It usually does a pretty good job.

I think you said there was about 750,000 examples.

Is that all motion video or is that Yes.


Yeah, I think it's, it's probably over 800,000 clips now.

We are, we're integrated with story blocks.com, which used to be called video blocks.com, so we've got their full library in, in the app.

So yeah, it's what it'd be interested to see in terms of your creating those videos.

Russ, when you're looking at combining talking head with clips and things, I, I imagine that getting people out to do that is quite a costly exercise, both from a mandatory perspective and a time perspective.

Is that, is that true?

Yeah, we, we, we kind of gave up on the first round of doing it because of the time.


But Yeah, I mean we, uh, yeah, downloading those clips is expensive, so this looks incredible value Yeah.

To access video clips.

The other thing you can do also is upload your own clips.

So if you were doing something at a site where you're taking your own clips, I think what a lot of people don't realize is how good the cameras on their mobile phone in their pockets actually are.

They're all these days capable of, of doing high definition video and you can get some really nice footage with that.

If you're doing something, say, around a building site, you can grab some clips, you can then upload them and also have still images, upload them in, drop them in over that talking head and kind, this is the direction that we are going.

And what you suggested, Russ, is something that we are looking at.

There might be when we analyze each sentence, we, we come up with a confidence level for the suggestions and there might be an appropriate level where we think, okay, this would clearly be a good clip to have over the talking head at this point based on the confidence level we have for that sentence.

So that is something that we are looking at and that might give you that extra level of automation that you mentioned, but that's probably a little bit further down the track.

Do you have any data at all?

Have you split tested the straight talking head versus a clip that used your software to add in the extra videos?

We Haven't gone head to head with just talking head and talking head combined with B-roll.

No, we, we've seen a big bump in our conversions going from just static text and music to having the talking head for our own internal promotions, but we haven't done that side to side comparison.

So, so what, what we might, that, that's something we, we should test Marcus Facebook ads.


So I think that that could work well, but what we might do is just go into breakout rooms and then come back once a video's all rendered Anthony and watch Yeah, sure.


At the end.

So, and, and really in the breakout rooms it's, we'll give Anthony a hand of applause first.

So that was very, very good.

And, uh, in the breakout rooms, yeah, just looking at how, you know, you could use video better, better in your business and what your, what your key takeaways were.

Has that now downloaded Anthony?

Yes, it has.

So I can play it.

Let's watch it now then.

Yeah, It's just downloading to my computer.

All right.

We go put it onto the right screen and this is the video that we, we just made from scratch.

So here we go Here.

I'm currently doing a live webinar with Scott Bywater and I thought I'd make a quick video.

I wanted to answer one of the most common questions we get asked, which is, what's the best microphone for creating videos with a smartphone?

The mic we use is called the Road SmartLab Plus, and there's three reasons why we love this mic.

First, it delivers fantastic quality audio.

Second, it's super easy to use and plug straight into most smartphones.

And finally, it only costs around 60 US dollars, which is great value.

So if you're looking for a high quality, easy to use mic that doesn't break the bank, be sure to check out the road Smart lav plus.

So there we go.

That's the, the finished video.

Yeah, no, that's, that's excellent.


Tha that Thanks Anthony.

That's, uh, yeah, good to see it.

Good to see it live and in action.

So, we'll, we'll, we'll, uh, yeah, we'll drop into breakout rooms now and yeah, just talk, uh, I guess your ta your takeaways, uh, yeah, how you can integrate, you know, video better in your, in your business.

So just, Just before we do Scott, um, Anthony, you mentioned the alignment.

Was that the kind of just slight disconnect you seeing with your, your voice and voice?

Yeah, so there's one point in there where it was a little bit off, Tim.

So what I would do in that case, if I go back to the preview and as I said I took a punt and just hit, hit generate.

But what you would really do is watch the preview and if there was something that was, I think there was one slide that was a little bit out, you're just going to manual timing and that gives you the ability to see your, your audio track and I think it was still this one.

And you can then just tweak you grab these handles and just tweak appropriately to make it align, align properly.


The other thing you can do is just hit record timing.

It shows you the first screen over here and the next scene and you can just hit next scene, next scene, next scene, next scene.

And you can time it manually in case.

So it gives you an option if the AI doesn't do a great job, but it's usually pretty good.

It's usually a matter of coming in and tweaking a couple of these handles a little bit here and there.

Okay, Great.

Okay, perfect.

Open up the rooms now.

Yeah, so that's, that's good.

So what we might do is just go around the room and just yeah, quick 30 seconds from everyone on what your main takeaway was from the, from the discussion.

Do you want Alan's group to start with anyone from Alan's group?

So, yeah.


We'll do Alan from Alan's group, have we?

Yeah, Alan was, Yeah, we, we we, we talked about some of the di different tools where there were some of the similarities and some of the differences.

Clip scribe and Lumen five ca came up and sort of, we were, we, we were looking at what, what some of the, the differences.

We really talked tools a lot.

So I talked webinar tools, we talked video tools and uh, I finally hired my funnel hacker, which was another topic of discussion, so, which was good.

So, but overall, really, really great presentation.

Enjoyed it a lot.

Just shows how much more is gonna be done by ai.

You know, some of the things that we get, you know, team to do manually is now gonna be more and more AI driven.

And so I think our role as marketers is gonna be elevated a lot to the, the marketing and the messaging and really connecting emotionally with our audiences.

So that, that was a takeaway for me.

Yeah, no, excellent.


Thanks Alan and Ari's group.

We just, We, we thought it was great too.

We just wanted to, we just sort of discussed the, the branding part of it.

Be careful, it doesn't in any way degrade our, our what we do.

Like it's great for pizza place, I was found perfect for that retail, but we just felt like for all thought leaders and gurus and that kind of thing, personal positioning, you gotta be careful not to put stuff together that might feel to, uh, I it's kitchy you, you kind of cheap, you know, that's all.

Make sure work for the brand.



So, so factoring that in.

Yeah, know, that's, that's, uh, that's great.

Well, one, one idea idea I, I did have though was we're doing a podcast soon, so when we do video a podcast, we could pull some clips from that into a long video and make it more of a movie, which might be helpful too.

So it depends how you use it.

Yeah, yeah.

No, absolutely.

No, that's, that's great.

And Linda's group, Hi.

Yes, we, we talked, well actually talked a lot about Nick's software and how that could be integrated.

So perhaps Nick was best to, uh, to speak about that.

I did actually have a question for Anthony.

You mentioned that synthesized the, you, you don't recommend the synthesized voice because it sounds a bit robotic.


Can you upload your own synthesized voice?

'cause there's a lot of services these days that have, particularly for audiobook, the explosion of the audiobook market.

They, you can hire a voice double essentially, where they've got three minutes of the voice actor or the talent, the voice talent's voice, and you can hire that voice and record the audio book.


Like a complete 10 hour audio book from that three minutes can you upload your own synthesized voices.

So perhaps you record your own voice double and that would might even answer that Ari's branding sort of challenge.

Can you upload your own synthesized voice and have that as part of your, your videos Right at the moment, uh, Lindy you can upload a voice.

So if you, the system doesn't do the analysis of your voice and then convert it and create your an uh, a unique synthesized voice.

So the system currently doesn't do that.

You can upload a voice track that you've generated somewhere or using that system that you just mentioned.


And do the same thing.

That the reason we've got it in there at the moment is because that, that technology in that area is, is evolving very, very quickly.

And we think that in, you know, 12 to 18 months, it's actually gonna become hard to differentiate between a real voice and a synthesized voice.

We, we use the Google voice a p i, so we've got those models and their, their models are getting better very, very quickly.

So that's why we we're experimenting with it.

The Google, the voices that come out of the Google voice a p i are okay and they're getting better, but they're not quite at that level.

I'd be, yeah, interested to hear those synthesized voices that are generated from a small sample and see, see what the quality of those are like.

That'd be really Amazing.



Yes, we, yeah, well that's, yeah, that was just my question, but yeah, we talked about a lot of, you know, the amazing, all the applications for this software is amazing.

Yeah, yeah.

I think there was some brain brain cells firing, firing off there.

Marcus's group.

I'll go if you like.

So, so we were in Anthony's group so we kind of picked his brains a lot and, and one thing to have see a talking head and then images when we watch the news, 'cause that's the format and they change very quickly from, you know, the talking head to an image every three seconds or so.

So, and just like you and I, Scott talked about, you know, a great way to reinvent some of the assets I've got already, just using this software, taking things that are already working and, and bringing some new life into it.

So, uh, yeah, excited.


Yeah, even emails that have worked before, like yeah, as a Facebook ad but as a video format, stuff like that I think could be done really, really well.

So yeah, that's Julie's group.

So we, we had a, a great discussion.

Jane's already using a similar type software, which is fantastic and, and for me, I'm super excited.

Anthony, I think I'm gonna have to sign up as an affiliate because I've been trying to find a solution for my clients LinkedIn, 86% of LinkedIn members watch video without the sound on and they need the captions.

So that's gonna be brilliant.

Thank you so much.

And I have to ask Anthony, did you do the Samurai sales videos back in 2011?

Because is that part of you guys was a noble samurai from back in the day?

We had Market Samurai, that was the main product we had.

And I don't if it was Samurai sales letters specifically, I don't think that was us.

It's probably someone trying to leverage the Samurai brand.

Other than that, you know, I think all of us agreed it was pretty, pretty brilliant.

Ken's gonna be using it, I think a little bit more for get that movement that he's testing Facebook ads with videos for getting that movement to capture the eyes.

So yeah.


Thank you.

Great presentation.

Thank you.

And Julie, I think LinkedIn is a really massive opportunity from a business perspective, creating those talk kind of influencer videos.

I think we see that as a, a really massive opportunity for all This.

Well, we'll have to have a chat.


Happy to.



Thanks Billy and Sean's group.

Yeah, so I came in, missed the, uh, most of Anthony's presentation Skyworks with Russ, I believe now what I sort of established is I, I've been using Bitnami since it came out.

I mean, I jumped straight onto it, no brainer.

I, I've known the guys at at Market Samurai since about 2010.

I was straight onto it without even knowing what it did.

And it, it's absolutely amazing.

I've been using it heaps and I thought it will be buggy it, I thought stuff like this has to be buggy and it's not, it's really good, but I'm amazed at how fantastic this is.

And I'm like, paying 29 bucks a month and I was saying to Sky that you are going to slash your expenses on making videos by at least 90% in your company.

Uh, Russ is probably going, you know, because it, it is just amazing.

I, I can't speak highly enough of it.

It, and I, I, I, I just think that everyone here should just jump straight onto it.

It's a total no brainer.

Anthony, I think you need to get Sean as a testimonial for your Absolutely.

I was wondering where your, your name is familiar from Sean, so yeah, thanks for that.

I, I do recognize the name.

So that is great feedback.

I did want to just say, Scott, if, if anyone does want to get access, we're super happy.

What we'd love to do is we, we appreciate the sort of level of the people in this group and where you are at, and we'd actually love to get your feedback and input.

It's just great being talking to, talking to real business owners.

And so if anyone does want to have access and have a play, all you have to do is send an email to support@ami.com and in the subject line, just put elite marketers one year free or something like that.

And we'll, we'll set you up with a free account for a year.

And so you can really give it a try.

And we'd love, what we'd love to do with that is just get you feedback on how we could improve, improve the product, and really make it, you know, super useful for actual real business owners and businesses.

So yeah, just support@bitnami.com and just put elite marketers in the subject line and Wayne, or, or the, the guys will, will tee that up for you and we'll, we'll probably just keep that open for, um, US this afternoon or something.

So that's sort of a people that actually jumped on the call and, and came today.

That's something that we can try and give you guys.

So hope that helps too.

Yeah, excellent.

I'm just gonna add to that.

I, as, as Julie said, I just started using a different product that doesn't have the influence and stuff at all.


And because I have hundreds of eBooks and I just took the first summary paragraph and I put a link in chat there just to one I put up on LinkedIn this morning, but similar kind of software, but I was just amazed by how easy it was to get your, your current, you know, blogs and things, but the eBooks that you have that you can convert, it just amazes me.

So I look forward to using this product so I can use the influencer stuff.

But yeah, for someone who's not, you know, all over it, it was just so easy.

